0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

@nest-excalibur/common-api v0.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


@nest-excalibur/common-api is a set of functions and classes for Nest.js .


  1. Installation


  3. Decorators

    3.1 Guards

    3.2 Interceptors

    3.3 Headers

    3.4 SetMetadata

    3.5 CrudApi


npm i @nest-excalibur/common-api


One of the strongest features of this library is to implement an API-REST quickly. To do this, you must first consider implementing the following classes:

  • Entity
  • Service
  • DTO
  • Controller

Create entity class with extends from AbstractEntity

If you want the entity has an auntoincremental id column, createdAt, updatedAt columns.

import {AbstractEntity} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

export class ProductEntity extends AbstractEntity {

Create a service class which extends from AbstractService

import {AbstractService} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

export class ProductService extends AbstractService<ProductEntity> {
    private readonly _productRepository: Repository<ProductEntity>,
  ) {

Create a DTO class for update and create:

It is optional to extend from BaseDTO , This class allows to validate that the fields: id , createdAt and updatedAt should not be empty

import {BaseDTO} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

export class ProductCreateDto extends BaseDTO{
  name: string;
  description: string;
  price: number;

Puting it all together

import {CrudController, CrudOptions} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

const options: CrudOptions = {
    dtoConfig: {
        createDtoType: ProductCreateDto,
        updateDtoType: ProductUpdateDto,

export class ProductController extends CrudController<ProductEntity>(options) {
    constructor(private readonly _productService: ProductService) {


For a controllerPrefix given on the Controller decorator. The following set of routes will be generated.

HTTP METHODPATHController and Service method
POST<controllerPrefix> /create-manycreateMany

Find Query

SQL Data Bases

For SQL DB you can make a search criteria, that complies with the following scheme:

    "where": {
         // Entity attributes and relations
    "skip": 0, // Pagination
    "take": 10 // Pagination

For example: The product entity has a relation many to one with category entity , so lets make the following search: Products that have a price greater than or equal to 10 or less than 2 and that the name of the product category can be snacks , drinks or that the same name of the category includes "sna" .

Find-Query :

    "where": {
        "price": [
            "$gte": 10.00
            "$lt": 2.00 
        "category": {
          "$join": "inner",
          "name": [
               "$like": "%25sna%25"
                "$in": ["snacks", "drinks"]

On like operator with the wildcar % , you should use %25 instead of % cause some problems with browsers and http clients as Postman .


Browser or client side



    "nextQuery": null,
    "data": [
            "price": "18",
            "id": 22,
            "createdAt": "2020-07-23T23:51:56.898Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-07-23T23:51:56.898Z",
            "name": "chocobreak",
            "description": "Voluptate irure eu dolor sit et id nisi dolore ex aliquip.",
            "category": {
                "id": 8,
                "name": "candies"
            "price": "16",
            "id": 21,
            "createdAt": "2020-07-23T23:51:56.897Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-07-23T23:51:56.897Z",
            "name": "great chocolate",
            "description": "Commodo sit duis id consectetur minim nisi nostrud ex sit ad aute cillum eiusmod.",
            "category": {
                "id": 8,
                "name": "candies"
            "price": "2",
            "id": 17,
            "createdAt": "2020-07-23T23:51:56.891Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-07-23T23:51:56.891Z",
            "name": "happy chocolate",
            "description": "Duis magna exercitation aute pariatur voluptate velit magna ut.",
            "category": {
                "id": 8,
                "name": "candies"
    "total": 3

If you are working on backend side you could use the widlcard % without problems. Also you could use any wildcard on like operator according your data base.

const query = {
    where: {
        id: { $like: '%chocho%' },
        category: {
            name: 'candy',
        supermaket: { // inner join with `supermarket` entity.
            id: 25,
            address: '',
            city: {  // inner join with `city` entity.
                name: {$like: 'c[^u]'},
                state: {  // inner join with `state` entity.
                   id: {$in: [4, 5, 6, 7]},
    skip: 0,
    take: 30,  // Pagination  
const searchResponse: [ProductEntity[], number] = await this.productService.findAll(query);
const filterProducts = searchResponse[0];
const totalFecthed = searchResponse[1]; // All filtered records in the Data Base

For scape characters on like operator: use \\

percentCode: {"$like": "%25\\%25%25"}} // Client side
percentCode: {"$like": "%\\%%"}} // Backend side

Or operator

You can make a query with OR operator using the keyword "$or" as "true" For example: Get products with a price of 7 or name includes "choco"

    "where": {
        "price": {"$eq": 7, "$or": true},
        "name": {"$like": "%25choco%25", "$or":  true}
Putting it all together

GET /product?query={"where":{.......}}

Find Query Object
Like$like"$like": "%sns%"
iLike$ilike (PostgreSQL)"$ilike": "%sns%"
>$gt"$gt": 20
>=$gte"$gte": 20
<$lt"$lt": 20
<=$lte"$lte": 20
=$eq"$eq": 20
!=$ne"$ne": 20
Between$btw"$btw": A, B
In$in"$in": A, B, ...
Not In$nin"$nin": A, B, ..."
Not Between$nbtw"$nbtw": A, B, ..."

if your are using MongoDB, you must use the query operators for mongo, check the documentation

Join Relations

The join relations could be many levels as you want, you need to write the ManyToOne , OneToMany , OneToOne , relationship name in your Find Query Object like the previous example.

If the join is of the inner type it is not necessary to put the keyword "$join": "inner" , only if you want to use a join of the type "left" ( " $join ":" left" )


The pagination by default is skip: 0 and take: 10 .

Order By

The order by criteria by default with respect the entity id is DESC :

    "where": {
    "orderBy": {
        // Order by criteria
Select columns

In order to get records with an specific set of columns, you could make use of $sel operator:

For example: Get products with a bigger than 7 and only retrieves the name of the filtered products.

    "where": {
        "$sel": ["name"],
        "price": {"$gt": 7}

Also, you could use the $sel operator on queries with joins.

All columns that are retrieved will always include the id column

For example: the following query retrieves products with name and its supermarket with only name and address.

const query = {
    where: {
        $sel: ["name"],
        category: {
            name: 'candy',
        supermaket: { // Select address and name
            $sel: ["name", "address"], 
    skip: 0,
    take: 30, 

Working with transactions

The AbstractService class has the following methods in order to perform transactions:

  • findAllWithTransaction

  • findOneWithTransaction

  • createOneWithTransaction

  • createManyWithTransaction

  • updateOneWithTransaction

  • deleteOneWithTransaction

  • deleteManyByIdsWithTransaction


import {EntityManager, getManager, Repository} from 'typeorm';
import {
} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib'; 
import {getManager} from 'typeorm';

export class ProductService extends AbstractService<ProductEntity> {
    private readonly _productRepository: Repository<ProductEntity>,
  ) {
  async deleteByCategory(categoryId: number): Promise<ProductEntity[]> {
          return await getManager()
                  async (entityManager: EntityManager) => {

                      // Define the find condition  
                      const finQuery: FindFullQuery = {
                          where: {
                              category: {
                                  id: categoryId,
                      const findResponse = await this.findAllWithTransaction(entityManager, finQuery);
                      // Update the entityManager for the next operation
                      entityManager = findResponse.entityManager;
                      const [productsToDelete, totalFetched] = findResponse.response;
                      // Get only the ids
                      const ids = productsToDelete.map(product => product.id);
                      // Get only the deleted rows  
                      const {response} = await this
                          .deleteManyByIdsWithTransaction(entityManager, ids);
                      return response;

MongoDb (TypeOrm)

Entity (Optional)

If you want the entity has an ObjectId, updatedAt columns, you need to extends from AbstractMongoEntity

import {AbstractMongoEntity} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

export class PostEntity extends AbstractMongoEntity{


It is optional to extend from BaseMongoDTO . This class allows to validate that the fields: id , createdAt and updatedAt should not be empty

import {BaseMongoDTO} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

export class Post extends BaseMongoDTO{



The service class must extends from AbstractMongoService

import {AbstractMongoService} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

export class PostService extends AbstractMongoService<PostEntity> {
    @InjectRepository(PostEntity, 'mongo_conn')
    private postRepository: MongoRepository<PostEntity>,
  ) {
      { // MongoIndexConfigInterface
        fieldOrSpec: { localization: '2dsphere' },
        options: {
          min: -180,
          max: 180,


import {CrudController, CrudOptions} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

const options: CrudOptions = {
    useMongo: true,
    dtoConfig: {
        createDtoType: PostCreateDto,
        updateDtoType: PostCreateDto,

export class PostController extends CrudController<PostEntity>(options) {
    constructor(private readonly _postService: PostService) {



For Guards for every Crud Method you need to make use of CrudGuards or CrudApi decorator.


import {CrudGuards} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

         findAll: [ProductoFindAllGuard,]
         updateOne: [ProductUpdaeOneGuard],
export class ProductController extends CrudController<PostEntity>(options) {


For Interceptors for every Crud Method you need to make use of CrudInterceptors or CrudApi decorator.


import {CrudInterceptors} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

         findAll: [ProductFindallInterceptor,]
export class ProductController extends CrudController<PostEntity>(options) {


For Headers on Crud Methods you need to make use of CrudHeaders or CrudApi decorator.


import {CrudHeaders} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

         findAll: {
              name: 'Custom Header',
              value: ''
export class ProductController extends CrudController<PostEntity>(options) {


For set metadata on Crud Methods you need to make use of CrudMetadata or CrudApi decorator.


import {CrudMetadata} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

    findAll: [
        key: 'permissions',
        data: ['READ'],
    findAll: [
export class ProductController extends CrudController<PostEntity>(options) {

You can retrieve the metadata using Reflector from @nestjs/core;

export class FindAllGuard implements CanActivate {

  constructor(private readonly reflector: Reflector) {}

  async canActivate(
    context: ExecutionContext,
  ): Promise<boolean> {

    const data = this.reflector.get<string[]>(
    return true;


The CrudApi is a general decorator to put the configuration of swagger, guards, interceptors and headers for every Crud Method.


import {CrudApi} from '@nest-excalibur/common-api/lib';

        findAll: {
            guards: [ProductFindAllGuard,],
            interceptors: [ProductFindallInterceptor],
            header: {
                name: 'Custom Header',
                value: ''
export class ProductController extends CrudController<PostEntity>(options) {