0.2.0 • Published 6 months ago
@nestjs-architects/aop v0.2.0
This package will help you make your services clean and focused on the feature. Many non-functional requirements can be easily added using Aspect-Oriented Programming.
Learn more
Aspect-oriented programming with NestJS
$ npm i @nestjs-architects/aop
Create your own advice (additional piece of code executed along with the original method)
import { AdviceProvider } from '@nestjs-architects/aop';
interface LoggingOptions {
format: 'JSON' | 'TEXT';
class LoggingAdvice implements AdviceProvider {
async attach(
originalMethod: Function,
args: unknown[],
options: LoggingOptions,
targetObject: Record<string, (arg: unknown) => Promise<unknown> | unknown>
): Promise<unknown> {
const result = await originalMethod(...args);
return result;
Define a decorator and attach it to your methods
import { SetMetadata } from '@nestjs/common';
export const Logging = (options: LoggingOptions) =>
SetMetadata(LOGGING_KEY, options);
export class AppService {
getHello(): string {
console.log('Initial method called');
return 'Hello World!';
Register both as your own aspect
import { AopModule, AspectsRegistry } from '@nestjs-architects/aop';
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
imports: [AopModule],
providers: [LoggingAdvice],
export class LoggingModule {
private readonly registry: AspectsRegistry,
private readonly loggingAdvice: LoggingAdvice
) {
this.registry.addAspect(LOGGING_KEY, this.loggingAdvice);
Now, every time the decoreted method is called the additional code provided by you is executed too.
Adding aspects to services created manually
There are cases when you would like to create a new service dynamically, not just inject it.
For such services you can use AspectsApplier
import { AspectsApplier } from '@nestjs-architects/aop';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
export class Speaker {
speak() {
console.log('I am not a singleton');
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly aspectsApplier: AspectsApplier) {}
speak() {
const service = new Speaker();