0.0.1 • Published 6 months ago

@nestjs-donation-alerts/auth v0.0.1

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6 months ago

NestJS Donation Alerts Auth

A NestJS wrapper for @donation-alerts/auth package.

This module can be used alone or in combination with other @nestjs-doantion-alerts modules.

!IMPORTANT These packages require @donation-alerts version 3.0.0 or higher.



yarn add @nestjs-donation-alerts/auth @donation-alerts/auth


npm i @nestjs-donation-alerts/auth @donation-alerts/auth


For basic information, check out the general documentation at the root of the repository @nestjs-donation-alerts.

Also take a look at @donation-alerts/auth API reference.

Import and Registration

The module must be registered either with register or registerAsync static methods. It supports StaticAuthProvider and RefreshingAuthProvider from @donation-alerts/auth package.

To create a static auth provider, you must provide DonationAlertsStaticAuthProviderOptions:

interface DonationAlertsStaticAuthProviderOptions {
	type: 'static';
	clientId: string;
	scopes?: string[];

To create a refreshing auth provider, you must provide DonationAlertsRefreshingAuthProviderOptions.

interface DonationAlertsRefreshingAuthProviderOptions {
	type: 'refreshing';
	clientId: string;
	clientSecret: string;
	redirectUri?: string;
	scopes?: string[];

Static auth provider example using the register method:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DonationAlertsAuthModule } from '@nestjs-donation-alerts/auth';

	imports: [
			isGlobal: true,
			type: 'static',
			clientId: '<CLIENT_ID>',
			scopes: ['oauth-user-show', 'oauth-donation-index', 'oauth-custom_alert-store']
export class AppModule {}

Refreshing auth provider example using the registerAsync method:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { DonationAlertsAuthModule } from '@nestjs-donation-alerts/auth';

	imports: [
		ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
			isGlobal: true,
			inject: [ConfigService],
			useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
				return {
					type: 'refreshing',
					clientId: configService.get('DA_CLIENT_ID'),
					clientSecret: configService.get('DA_CLIENT_SECRET'),
					scopes: configService.get('DA_SCOPES')
export class AppModule {}

Using the AuthProvider

The module internally creates an AuthProvider instance (StaticAuthProvider or RefreshingAuthProvider depending on the provided options.) You can inject the auth provider instance anywhere you need it using @InjectAuthProvider() decorator:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AuthProvider } from '@donation-alerts/auth';
import { InjectAuthProvider } from '@nestjs-donation-alerts/auth';

export class CustomProvider {
	constructor(@InjectAuthProvider() private readonly _authProvider: AuthProvider) {}

AuthProvider is a generic interface. You can specify the correct auth provider type depending on your DonationAlertsAuthModule config: StaticAuthProvider or RefreshingAuthProvider.

Alternatively, you can use the DONATION_ALERTS_AUTH_PROVIDER token to inject the auth provider instance:

import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { RefreshingAuthProvider } from '@donation-alerts/auth';
import { DONATION_ALERTS_AUTH_PROVIDER } from '@nestjs-donation-alerts/auth';

export class CustomProvider {
	constructor(@Inject(DONATION_ALERTS_AUTH_PROVIDER) private readonly _authProvider: RefreshingAuthProvider) {}

Extended Usage

@nestjs-donation-alerts/api require AuthProvider to work. You can use DonationAlertsAuthModule module to share the same auth provider instance across all modules:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AuthProvider } from '@donation-alerts/auth';
import { DONATION_ALERTS_AUTH_PROVIDER, DonationAlertsAuthModule } from '@nestjs-donation-alerts/auth';
import { DonationAlertsApiModule } from '@nestjs-donation-alerts/api';

	imports: [
			// Must be true to make it reusable
			isGlobal: true
			// ... other configuration
			isGlobal: true,
			// Inject auth provider to the factory method
			useFactory: (authProvider: AuthProvider) => {
				return { authProvider };
export class AppModule {}