0.1.1 • Published 7 months ago

@nestjs-twurple/chat v0.1.1

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7 months ago

NestJS Twurple Chat

A NestJS wrapper for @twurple/chat package.

This module can be used alone or in combination with other @nestjs-twurple modules.

!IMPORTANT These packages require twurple version 7.0 or higher.

Table of Contents


This module can be used in combination with @nestjs-twurple/auth module. Install it if necessary.


yarn add @nestjs-twurple/chat @twurple/auth @twurple/chat


npm i @nestjs-twurple/chat @twurple/auth @twurple/chat


For basic information, check out the general documentation at the root of the repository @nestjs-twurple.

Also take a look at official @twurple/chat reference and guides: Connecting to Chat, Listening to chat events.

Import and Registration

The module must be register either with register or registerAsync static methods.

To create a chat client, you can provide TwurpleChatOptions. The options below are directly extended from the ChatClientOptions interface provided by @twurple/chat package, so the example below may become outdated at some point.

interface TwurpleChatOptions {
	authProvider?: AuthProvider;
	readOnly?: boolean;
	legacyScopes?: boolean;
	logger?: Partial<LoggerOptions>;
	ssl?: boolean;
	hostName?: string;
	webSocket?: boolean;
	connectionOptions?: WebSocketConnectionOptions;
	requestMembershipEvents?: boolean;
	channels?: ResolvableValue<string[]>;
	isAlwaysMod?: boolean;
	botLevel?: TwitchBotLevel;
	authIntents?: string[];

Example of using registerAsync static method:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { RefreshingAuthProvider } from '@twurple/auth';
import { TwurpleChatModule } from '@nestjs-twurple/chat';

	imports: [
		ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
			isGlobal: true,
			inject: [ConfigService],
			useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
				return {
					authProvider: new RefreshingAuthProvider({
						// ...
					isAlwaysMod: true,
					requestMembershipEvents: true
export class AppModule {}

You can also use TwurpleAuthModule from @nestjs-twurple/auth package to inject an auth provider:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { TWURPLE_AUTH_PROVIDER, TwurpleAuthModule } from '@nestjs-twurple/auth';
import { TwurpleChatModule } from '@nestjs-twurple/chat';
import { AuthProvider } from '@twurple/auth';

	imports: [
		ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
			isGlobal: true,
			inject: [ConfigService],
			useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
				return {
					type: 'refreshing',
					clientId: configService.get('TWITCH_CLIENT_ID'),
					clientSecret: configService.get('TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET')
			isGlobal: true,
			useFactory: (authProvider: AuthProvider) => {
				// Here we are able to access the auth provider instance
				// provided by TwurpleAuthModule
				return {
					isAlwaysMod: true,
					requestMembershipEvents: true
export class AppModule {}

!NOTE If you need anonymous read-only connection, do not pass an auth provider.

Using the ChatClient

The module internally creates a ChatClient instance. You can inject it anywhere you need it using the @InjectChatClient() decorator. For example, you can create TwitchChatService provider where you can listen to chat events, manage connection, send messages, and so on.

!IMPORTANT Make sure your bot is registered in your RefreshingAuthProvider instance that you passed to the TwurpleChatModule options before attempting to connect. You must add a user token with proper intents (chat by default) to make ChatClient able to use this token to connect. Read more about intents in Twurple's documentation.

import { Injectable, OnApplicationBootstrap } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ChatClient } from '@twurple/chat';
import { InjectChatClient } from '@nestjs-twurple/chat';

export class TwitchChatService implements OnApplicationBootstrap {
	// Inject ChatClient instance
	constructor(@InjectChatClient() private readonly _chatClient: ChatClient) {
		// Join channels after successfull authentication
		// You can inject a service that manages users/channels to get usernames
		this._chatClient.onAuthenticationSuccess(async () => {
			await this._chatClient.join('<CHANNEL_NAME>');

		// Setup listeners
		this._chatClient.onMessage(async (channel: string, user: string, text: string, msg: TwitchPrivateMessage) => {
			console.log(`@${user}: ${text}`);

		// Other listeners...

	// You can use this NestJS hook to automatically connect
	// and join channels on application start
	async onApplicationBootstrap(): Promise<void> {
		await this.start();

	async start(): Promise<void> {
		await this._chatClient.connect();

	async stop(): Promise<void> {

	// Other methods...

Alternatively, you can use TWURPLE_CHAT_CLIENT token to inject the ChatClient instance to your custom providers or factories:

import { Inject, Injectable, OnApplicationBootstrap } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TWURPLE_CHAT_CLIENT } from '@nestjs-twurple/chat/lib/constants';
import { ChatClient } from '@twurple/chat';

export class TwitchChatService implements OnApplicationBootstrap {
	// Inject ChatClient instance
	constructor(@Inject(TWURPLE_CHAT_CLIENT) private readonly _chatClient: ChatClient) {}

7 months ago


7 months ago


1 year ago