7.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

@newskit/codemod v7.0.1

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1 year ago

Codemods for NewsKit

NewsKit provides Codemod transformations to help upgrade your codebase when a component is updated or deprecated.

Codemods are transformations that run on your codebase programmatically. This allows for a large amount of changes to be applied without having to manually go through every file.


You can run these at the root of your project.

npx @newskit/codemod [codemod] [paths]

run to see all codemods and flags

npx @newskit/codemod --help


The following transformers are available when upgrading to v7:


There are changes to the default styling of the AudioPlayer component in v7.

Run this codemod if you would like to apply manual overrides to keep the old default styling.

- <AudioPlayerPlayPauseButton />

+ <AudioPlayerPlayPauseButton size="large" />


Run this codemod if you would like to apply manual overrides to the keep the old default for all components listed above.


spaceInset prop was marked as deprecated and has now been removed in V7.

Run this codemod if you would like to apply logical props instead.

- <Flag overrides={{spaceInset: "space060"}}>Flag</Flag>

+ <Flag overrides={{paddingBlock: "space060", paddingInline: "space060"}}>Flag</Flag>
- <Block spaceInset="space020" stylePreset="inkContrast">Block</Block>

+ <Block stylePreset="inkContrast" paddingBlock="space020" paddingInline="space020">Block</Block>


The Popover component has a renamed override prop - from distance to offset

The script replace the override prop distance with offset

- <Popover overrides={{distance: 'space020'}>Content</Popover>

+ <Popover overrides={{offset: 'space020'}>Content</Popover>


The Tooltip component has a renamed override prop - from distance to offset

The script replace the override prop distance with offset

- <Tooltip overrides={{distance: 'space020'}>Content</Tooltip>

+ <Tooltip overrides={{offset: 'space020'}>Content</Tooltip>


CaptionInset has been removed in favour of Caption. Using this script the same functionality can be achieve by adding paddingBlock and paddingInline as overrides.

- <CaptionInset />

+ <Caption overrides={{paddingBlock:  "space040",  paddingInline: "space040"}} />


The following transformers are available when upgrading to v6:


Imports and transform newskit icons to emotion-icons;

- import { IconFilledAccountTree } from 'newskit';
+ import { toNewsKitIcon } from 'newskit';
+ import {AccountTree as FilledAccountTree} from '@emotion-icons/material/AccountTree';
+ const IconFilledAccountTree = toNewsKitIcon(FilledAccountTree);
npx @newskit/codemod v6.0.0/emotion-icons [path]
// example
npx @newskit/codemod v6.0.0/emotion-icons 'components/**/*.+(ts|tsx|js|jsx)'


Unordered List has now a default marker, removes the prop passing the same icon now set as default.

-  <UnorderedList listItemMarker={IconFilledCircle}>{listData}</UnorderedList>
+  <UnorderedList >{listData}</UnorderedList>


Unordered List has now a default marker, the script passes listItemMarker with a value of null to UnorderedList components originally not passing any marker.

-   <UnorderedList></UnorderedList>
+    <UnorderedList listItemMarker={null}></UnorderedList>


Some of NewsKit components support enum as the prop type, the script remove the imports of enum and replace enum type with union type.

-   <Button size={ButtonSize.Small}>Button</Button>
+   <Button size="small">Button</Button>


Updates deprecated Link component to LinkInline. LinkInline is used within paragraphs or sentences to link to different content on the same page or other pages.

-  import {Link} from 'newskit';
- <Link href={'www.google.com'}>Click on me</Link>;

+    import {LinkInline} from 'newskit';
+  <LinkInline href={'www.google.com'}>Click on me</LinkInline>;


Updates deprecated Link component to LinkStandalone. LinkStandalone is used outside of body content, for example within navigational components such as menus, headers and footers.

-  import {Link} from 'newskit';
- <Link href={'www.google.com'}>Click on me</Link>;

+    import {LinkStandalone} from 'newskit';
+  <LinkStandalone href={'www.google.com'}>Click on me</LinkStandalone>;



yarn install


Link this package in your global node_modules by running:

cd lib/codemod
yarn link


Run the codemod package locally:

newskit-codemod [codemod [path]