0.2.1 • Published 8 years ago

@nielskrijger/sqs v0.2.1

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8 years ago


A wrapper for AWS SDK, providing promises and a set of convenience methods.

NOTE: this library is not very customizable nor will it be, its intent is to serve as a standard for my personal projects. There are only few tests because its use is extensively tested in component tests.


Run init(options) before executing any statements.

import * as sqs from '@nielskrijger/sqs';

  region: 'eu-west-1',

Other connection options can be found in the AWS SQS documentation.


Retrieves the queue url of specified queueName. Returns null when not found.

Caches the results and returns the same result every time thereafter.

return sqs.getUrl('my-queue').then((queueUrl) => {
  console.log(queueUrl); // https://sqs.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/my-queue


Returns specified queue ARN or null when queue does not exist.

return sqs.getArn('my-queue').then((queueArn) => {
  console.log(queueArn); // arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-1:1234567890:my-queue

createQueue(queueName, attributes = {})

Creates an SQS queue with specified name if it does not already exist.

Returns a promise with the AWS response.

Additional queue attributes can be found in AWS SDK docs

const attributes = {
  ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: '20',
return sqs.createQueue('my-queue', attributes)

sendMessage(queueName, messageBody)

Sends a message to specified queueName. The messageBody must be an object and is stringified.

Returns a promise with the AWS response.

const message = {
  action: 'deleteUser',
  user_id: 'a582d99',
return sqs.sendMessage('my-queue', message);

receiveMessages(queueName, options = {})

Retrieves messages from the SQS queue queueName.

Returns an array with all messages received or an empty array when none were available. Messages that do not contain a valid JSON message body are silently ignored and as a result will re-appear in the SQS queue after their visibility timeout has expired.

return sqs.receiveMessages('my-queue').then((messages) => {
maxMessages1Maximum number of messages to retrieve. Between 1-10.
waitTime0Number of seconds a receiveMessage call will wait for a message to arrive. An integer from 0 to 20. When 0 polling switches to short polling which returns immediately.

poll(queueName, handler, options = {})

Keeps polling for SQS messages and executes a handler function for all SQS messages received.

The handler function must return a promise. After the promise is resolved it automatically deletes the messages from the SQS queue. If the promise returns false polling stops after deleting the message. Throw an error to prevent deleting the message but continue polling. This avoids polling to stop unexpectedly.

When the message could not be processed successfully it will be retried or moved to a dead-letter queue depending on your SQS settings.

function handler(messages) {
  messages.forEach((message) => console.log(message.ReceiptHandle));
  return Promise.resolve();
return sqs.poll('my-queue', handler, { maxMessages: 10 });
stopWhenDepletedfalseStops polling when no more messages are being received.
maxMessages1Maximum number of messages to retrieve. Between 1-10.
waitTime0Number of seconds a receiveMessage call will wait for a message to arrive. An integer from 0 to 20. When 0 polling switches to short polling which returns immediately.

deleteMessage(queueName, receiptHandle)

Deletes a received message by its ReceiptHandle. Deleting a message acknowledges SQS the message has been processed and can be deleted from the queue.

return deleteMessage('my-queue', message.ReceiptHandle);


import * as sqs from '@nielskrijger/sqs';

sqs.on('log', (level, message, object) => {
  console.log(`Log event: ${level}, ${message}, ${object}`);

The library returns log messages with levels debug, info and error.


$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-1"
$ npm test

The test will create an SQS queue 'nielskrijger-sqs-tst' if it does not already exists.


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago