1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago
@node-modz/lib-core v1.0.1
How to use this package:
Step 1: Install Package
$ npm install @node-modz/lib-core
Step 2: Initializing Server
import Server from '@node-modz/lib-core'
Server().catch((e) => {
console.error("ledgers-api error:", e);
Step 3: Create Authentication to APIs
import {Authorizer, HttpConfigOptions} from '@node-modz/lib-core'
Add authorizer key as below to app_configuration.
http: {
cors_allow_domains: process.env.HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_DOMAINS?.split(",") as string[],
authorizer: Authorizer({url: ""})
} as HttpConfigOptions,
Use as middleware for API's that need to be authenticated
import {Container, HttpConfigOptions} from '@node-modz/lib-core'
const httpConfigOptions:HttpConfigOptions = Container.get('HttpConfigOptions');
Step 4: Defining App config
Sample /src/app-config.ts
export const __prod__ = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
export const __SERVER_CONFIG__ = {
config : [
prop:'sample', // Name of the Property key that need to be used from container (Depency injection)
container_ref:'SampleConfigOptions'// Container identifier
setup: [
{ init: "Sample Package" } //name of packages to be imported
sample: {
key1: "value 1",
} as SampleConfigOptions // Configurations that need to be stored
Step 5: Running Server
npm install && tsc
node dist/server.js --init dist/api-config.js
Step 6: Overwriting Default configuration
import {ServerConfigOptions,
Authorizer} from "@node-modz/lib-core";
export const __prod__ = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
export const __SERVER_CONFIG__ = {
config : [
{prop:'http', container_ref:'HttpConfigOptions'},
{prop:'server', container_ref:'ServerConfigOptions'},
server: {
host: "http://localhost:5000",
port: 5000,
} as ServerConfigOptions,
http: {
cors_allow_domains: process.env.HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_DOMAINS?.split(",") as string[],
authorizer: Authorizer({url: ""})
} as HttpConfigOptions