1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@node-red/library-file-store v1.0.0

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3 years ago

Node-RED Library File Store Plugin

Requires Node-RED 1.3 or later.

Node-RED allows you to import and export flows from a local library. The built-in library stores its contents in ~/.node-red/lib.

This library plugin allows you to add additional libraries in other locations.

For example, you may have a directory that is shared on the local network, or automatically synced with a cloud service such as Dropbox.

If you are collaborating with other developers, this makes it easier to have a shared library to store reusable flows and components.


This module should be installed under ~/.node-red/ as you would any other Node-RED node module.

npm install @node-red/library-file-store


  1. Edit your Node-RED settings file - typically ~/.node-red/settings.js
  2. Find the editorTheme section and add a library section if one does not already exist.
  3. Under that section add a sources array. Within that array you can add as many new file store sources as you want.

    editorTheme: {
        library: {
            sources: [
                    id: "team-collaboration-library",
                    type: "node-red-library-file-store",
                    path: "/Users/tom/work/team-library/",
                    label: "Team collaboration",
                    icon: "font-awesome/fa-users"

The configuration object can have the following properties:

idRequired A unique, url-safe, identifier for the library. Should contain only letters, numbers and the symbols - _.
typeRequired Must be set to node-red-library-file-store
pathRequired The absolute path to the where the library should be stored
labelAn optional label to use in the editor, otherwise the id will be used.
iconAn optional icon from FontAwesome 4.7.
typesBy default the library will be used to store all types of object. It can be restricted to certain types by setting this property to an array of the acceptable types. For example, to restrict it to just flows, set this property to ["flows"].
readOnlyTo make this a read-only library so it can only be used to import from, set this property to true.