1.0.13 • Published 2 years ago
@nomada-sh/mx-invoice-tax-calculation v1.0.13
Tax calculation for méxico
These functions help you to obtain the tax calculation for an invoice in mexico. You can get the calculation for vat tranferred and witheld, isr and ieps.
Install package
Install package
$ npm install @nomada-sh/mx-invoice-tax-calculation
$ yarn add @nomada-sh/mx-invoice-tax-calculation
How use this package
To use the calculation functions you need to know the structure of a concept, below you can see the interface of a concept
Concept interface
export interface IConcept {
valorUnitario: number;
descuento: number;
porcDescuento: number;
descripcion: string;
cantidad: number;
key: string;
impuestos: {traslados: ITax[], retenciones: ITax[]};
Tax interface
export interface ITax {
tipoImpuesto : 'traslado' | 'retencion';
impuesto : '001' | '002' | '003':
nombreImpuesto : 'IEPS' | 'IVA' | 'ISR';
valorTasaOcuota : number;
valorTasaOcuotaPorc : number;
rangoFijo : string;
tipoFactor : string;
key : string;
- 001 -> IEPS.
- 002 -> IVA.
- 003 -> ISR.
- Key -> it's basically a uuid.
Import the functions into project
import { calcMannyConcepts, calculateConceptTax } from '@nomada-sh/mx-invoice-tax-calculation';
import { IConcept } from '@nomada-sh/mx-invoice-tax-calculation/dist/interfaces';
const conceptExample: IConcept = {
key: '58efbeb4-0b7c-45b4-84e4-9588d3f47dc9',
descripcion: 'concept1',
cantidad: 6,
valorUnitario: 55,
descuento: 0,
porcDescuento: 0,
impuestos: {
traslados: [
key: '1c1011aa-040f-496a-b170-0224cd632d53',
tasaOcuota: '',
valorTasaOcuota: 0.16,
valorTasaOcuotaPorc: 16,
impuesto: '002',
nombreImpuesto: 'IVA',
tipoImpuesto: 'traslado',
rangoFijo: 'Fijo',
tipoFactor: 'Tasa',
tipoImpuesto: 'traslado',
impuesto: '003',
nombreImpuesto: 'IEPS',
tasaOcuota: 'f27c5a1c-f445-473d-8727-5feb94a3cca1',
valorTasaOcuota: 0.30,
valorTasaOcuotaPorc: 30,
importeImpuesto: '0.00',
rangoFijo: 'Fijo',
tipoFactor: 'Tasa',
key: 'c2e20350-003c-4326-aabd-5f9c8d3e1121',
retenciones: [],
Run the functions to get the calculations
Allows to calculate multiple concepts
const calculatedTaxes = calcMannyConcepts([conceptExample, conceptExample]);
calcMannyconcepts's answer
"amount": 660,
"discount": {
"value": 0,
"data": []
"ivaTransferred": {
"value": 137.28,
"data": [
"value": 68.64,
"porcentage": 16,
"desc": "concept1",
"key": "58efbeb4-0b7c-45b4-84e4-9588d3f47dc9"
"value": 68.64,
"porcentage": 16,
"desc": "concept1",
"key": "58efbeb4-0b7c-45b4-84e4-9588d3f47dc9"
"ivaWitheld": {
"value": 0,
"data": []
"ieps": {
"value": 198,
"data": [
"value": 99,
"porcentage": 30,
"desc": "concept1",
"key": "58efbeb4-0b7c-45b4-84e4-9588d3f47dc9"
"value": 99,
"porcentage": 30,
"desc": "concept1",
"key": "58efbeb4-0b7c-45b4-84e4-9588d3f47dc9"
"isr": {
"value": 0,
"data": []
"subtotal": 660,
"total": 995.28
allows to calculate only one concept
const calculatedTaxes= calculateConceptTax(conceptExample);
calculateConceptTax's answer
"key": "58efbeb4-0b7c-45b4-84e4-9588d3f47dc9",
"description": "concept1",
"amount": 330,
"discount": 0,
"porcDescuento": 0,
"subTotal": 330,
"iepsT": {
"type": "transferred",
"percentage": 30,
"valuePercentage": 0.3,
"factorType": "Tasa",
"taxName": "IEPS",
"iepsValue": 99
"ivaT": {
"type": "transferred",
"percentage": 16,
"valuePercentage": 0.16,
"taxName": "IVA",
"ivaValue": 68.64
"total": 497.64