0.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

@novicell/styles-breadcrumb v0.2.0

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Last release
3 years ago

This is a work in progress

Stylesheet for Novicell Breadcrumb

This package contains the compiled CSS and raw postCSS for the @novicell/breadcrumb component.


When using the @novicell/breadcrumb component, the compiled CSS comes pre-installed. If you need to use these styles in another context, they can be installed with the command: npm i @novicell/breadcrumb-styles, or by including the following script tag: <script src="example"></script>.


To include the stylesheet in a Vue SFC, you can import the file in your script as such: import '@novicell/breadcrumb-styles', or in your styles as such: import '../node_modules/@novicell/breadcrumb-styles'.

If you need to overwrite some styling, you will have to include the raw postCSS in your script with: import '../node_modules/@novicell/breadcrumb-styles/dist/src'.



npm run build // run clean build without PostCSS transformation npm run compile // run build with PostCSS transformation npm run generate // runs both build and compile npm run lint // run stylelint npm run lint:fix // run stylelint and fix fixable errors/warnings


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The Novicell CSS Utils is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)