2.6.0 • Published 3 months ago

@nuance-mix/mix-cli v2.6.0

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3 months ago


mix-cli is a command line tool that provides access to the Mix V4 API.

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Installing mix-cli

To install mix-cli, simply type:

npm install -g @nuance-mix/mix-cli

mix-cli requires Node.js version 14 or more recent.

Migrating to version 2 of mix-cli

mix-cli introduces a few breaking changes. See the migration documentation as those changes could disrupt automated workflows.

Configuring mix-cli

In order to configure mix-cli, you need service credentials that give you access to the Mix V4 API. These credentials can be found under your user profile in the Mix.dashboard Tool.

To configure mix-cli, simply type:

mix init

The init command asks for a few pieces of configuration data. Defaults are provided for the Mix production system in the US geography. Service credentials are requested last.

The mix-cli configuration is stored under ~/.config/@nuance-mix/mix-cli/ on Unix and macOS systems and under %LOCALAPPDATA%\@nuance-mix\mix-cli\ on Windows systems. The configuration is stored in a file named "config.json" that is accessible only to the user who executed the init command.

Using mix-cli with multiple Mix systems

When you run the init command, mix-cli detects the name of the Mix system by parsing the hostname provided for the Mix API server. It suggests this name as an answer when it prompts you for the "Mix system name".

Say you have initially run the init command to configure mix-cli for the "us" Mix system. You can run the init command a second time to configure the "eu" system using the relevant hostnames. mix-cli stores the configuration of both systems.

You can then type mix auth --system us to switch to and authenticate with the "us" Mix system. Similarly, typing mix auth --system eu does the same but with the "eu" Mix system. mix-cli remembers the last Mix system it authenticated with so using mix auth with the system flag is only needed when switching to a different Mix system.

Finally, all mix-cli commands complete their human-readable output by reporting which Mix system the command was executed against.

Overriding the central configuration

Configuration elements can be overriden by using the following environment variables:

  • MIX_API_SERVER: the Mix V4 API server fully-qualified domain name
  • MIX_AUTH_SERVER: the Mix Authentication server fully-qualified domain name
  • MIX_CLIENT_ID: your service credentials client ID
  • MIX_CLIENT_SECRET: your service credentials client secret
  • MIX_SCOPE: OAuth scope used to access the Mix V4 API
  • MIX_TENANT: your Mix tenant

It is also possible to configure these environment variables using a .env file. mix-cli looks for the .env file in the current working directory when it starts up.

Configuration values are read in the following order, where the last value assignment wins:

  • central configuration file
  • .env file in current working directory
  • environment variables already set in the execution environment

Experimental support for Device Code authentication flow

Experimental support for the Device Code authorization flow has been added to mix-cli. You can configure a Mix system for this authorization flow by answering "device" to the "Authentication flow?" question that now comes first when running the init command.

Retrieving the access token

With the relevant configuration in place, you first need to retrieve an access token before using any of the other cli commands. Simply type:

mix auth

mix-cli stores the access token in a file named "access-token" in the same directory it stores its central configuration. Like the configuration file, the access token file is only accessible to the user who executed the auth command.

Access tokens expire after 15 minutes. mix-cli takes care of refreshing the access token.

Choosing a command output format

Some commands offer up to 4 different types of output format.

  • The human-readable format is the default output format and simply outputs text or tabular data.
  • The "json" format provides the raw data returned by the remote server in JSON format.
  • The "yaml" format provides the raw data returned by the remote server in YAML format.
  • The "csv" output format provides multiple rows of comma-separated values with a header row and is meant to be consumed by spreadsheet applications.

Select the JSON or YAML output format to get the actual data returned the remote server. Note that some commands can only display a subset of the data available when "csv" output is chosen.

Sorting and filtering

Some commands offer the ability to filter and/or sort the output data. The filtering and sorting are done by the remote server when the functionality is supported by the endpoint. Otherwise, filtering and sorting are performed locally in mix-cli.

Autocompleting commands

Thanks to the oclif/plugin-autocomplete plugin, commands can be autocompleted when mix-cli is used with the bash or zsh shell. Type mix autocomplete bash or mix autocomplete zsh, follow the instructions and then launch a new shell. You will then get autocompletion of mix-cli commands by pressing the tab key.

Type mix autocomplete --refresh-cache to rebuild the autocompletion cache, which is useful when upgrading to a version of mix-cli that introduces new commands.

Finally, type mix autocomplete --help to get help on using the autocomplete setup command.

Providing defaults for often-used command arguments

Many commands require a project ID, organization ID and/or locale. mix-cli will default to the value contained in the following environment variables, if they exist, or if they are provided in the .env file:

  • MIX_LOCALE: gets used as default for --locale
  • MIX_ORGANIZATION: gets used as default for --organization.
  • MIX_PROJECT: gets used as default for --project.

Using the mix-cli client code

The client code used by mix-cli to communicate with the Mix V4 API can be reused to write other applications that make use of the Mix V4 API. You can view the API client documentation and there is a short example in the examples directory. Please consult the Mix V4 API documentation for additional information.

Learning more about Mix

Please visit the Mix product page and Mix documentation site to learn more about Mix.


See our Contribution Guidelines.


mix app-configs:create

create an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:create -D <value> -M <value> -P <value> -T <value> [--json |  | --yaml] [--use-project-data-hosts]
    [--with-build-type asr|dialog|nlu] [--with-locale <value>]

  -D, --deployment-flow=<value>  (required) deployment flow ID
  -M, --mix-app=<value>          (required) Mix application ID
  -P, --project=<value>          (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -T, --tag=<value>              (required) context tag
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --use-project-data-hosts       use data hosts defined in project
  --with-build-type=<option>...  build types to include
                                 <options: asr|dialog|nlu>
  --with-locale=<value>...       locale code; use format 'aa-AA'
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  create an application configuration

  Use this command to create an application configuration. The Mix Application ID
  can be looked up using the applications:list command. The deployment flow ID
  can be retrieved using the deployment-flows:list command. The context tag
  should be unique.

  Create an application configuration using latest builds from project without data hosts information

  $ mix app-configs:create -M 233 -D 32 -T AC_20211028 -P 1922

  Create an application configuration using latest builds from project but only for build type ASR

  and locale en-US, without data hosts information

  $ mix app-configs:create -M 233 -D 32 -T AC_20211028 -P 1922 --with-locale en-US --with-build-type asr

  Create an application configuration using latest builds from project including data hosts defined in project

  $ mix app-configs:create -M 233 -D 32 -T AC_20211028 -P 1922 --use-project-data-hosts

See code: src/commands/app-configs/create.ts

mix app-configs:deploy

deploy an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:deploy -C <value> [--env-geo <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --config=<value>  (required) application configuration ID
  --env-geo=<value>...  environment-geography ID
  --json                output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                output raw data in YAML format

  deploy an application configuration

  Use this command to deploy an application configuration. The configuration ID
  can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.

  A specific environment-geography can be specified using the 'env-geo' flag.
  If none is specified, the application configuration will get deployed to the
  next environment-geography defined in the deployment flow specified when
  the application configuration was created.

  Deploy an application configuration to the next environment-geography

  $ mix app-configs:deploy -C 88

  Deploy an application configuration to a specific environment-geography

  $ mix app-configs:deploy -C 88 --env-geo 233

See code: src/commands/app-configs/deploy.ts

mix app-configs:destroy

destroy an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:destroy -C <value> [-c <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --config=<value>   (required) application configuration ID
  -c, --confirm=<value>  skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  destroy an application configuration

  Use this command to permanently delete an application configuration.
  The deletion needs to be confirmed by re-typing the application configuration
  ID when prompted. It can also be pre-confirmed by using the 'confirm' flag.

  $ mix app-configs:destroy -C 3404

See code: src/commands/app-configs/destroy.ts

mix app-configs:export

export an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:export -C <value> -R <value> [-f <value>] [--overwrite]

  -C, --config=<value>       (required) application configuration ID
  -R, --runtime-app=<value>  (required) fully-qualified runtime application ID
  -f, --filepath=<value>     output file path (defaults to "app-config-<configid>.zip")
  --overwrite                overwrite output file if it exists

  export an application configuration

  Use this command to export an application configuration. The configuration ID
  can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command. The runtime application ID
  can be found with the app-credentials:list command.

  The contents of the exported zip file depend on the role you have been granted
  on the Mix platform.

  Export an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:export -C 2269 -R NMDPTRIAL_alex_smith_company_com_20190919T190532 --overwrite

See code: src/commands/app-configs/export.ts

mix app-configs:get

get details about an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:get -C <value> [--columns <value> ] [--filter <value> | [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ]
    [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>]

  -C, --config=<value>  (required) application configuration ID
  --columns=<value>     only show provided columns (comma-separated) (with 'csv' flag only)
  --csv                 output to csv format
  --filter=<value>      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header           hide table header from output
  --no-truncate         do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=<value>        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                output raw data in YAML format

  get details about an application configuration

  Use this command to get details about a particular application configuration.
  The configuration ID can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.
  Use the 'json' or 'yaml' flag to get the full details as the human-readable
  output is brief.

  $ mix app-configs:get -C 3404

See code: src/commands/app-configs/get.ts

mix app-configs:list

list application configurations for a Mix application

  $ mix app-configs:list -M <value> [--exclude-overrides] [--live-only] [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv |
    --yaml] | ] [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>]
    [--with-runtime-app <value>] [--with-tag <value>]

  -M, --mix-app=<value>       (required) Mix application ID
  --columns=<value>           only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                       output to csv format
  --exclude-overrides         exclude application configurations that are overridden
  --filter=<value>            filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                      output raw data in JSON format
  --live-only                 include only the application configurations that are currently deployed
  --no-header                 hide table header from output
  --no-truncate               do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=<value>              property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --with-runtime-app=<value>  filter results by fully-qualified runtime app ID
  --with-tag=<value>          filter results by context tag
  --yaml                      output raw data in YAML format

  list application configurations for a Mix application

  Use this command to list the application configurations in an organization.
  The organization ID can be retrieved using the organizations:list command.
  A number of flags can be used to constrain the returned results. The runtime
  application IDs can be retrieved using the app-credentials:list command.

  $ mix app-configs:list -M 164 --with-runtime-app NMDPTRIAL_alex_smith_company_com_20190919T190532

See code: src/commands/app-configs/list.ts

mix app-configs:undeploy

undeploy an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:undeploy -C <value> [--env-geo <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --config=<value>  (required) application configuration ID
  --env-geo=<value>...  environment-geography ID
  --json                output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                output raw data in YAML format

  undeploy an application configuration

  Use this command to undeploy a specific application configuration.
  The configuration ID can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.
  The environment-geographies relevant to an application configuration can be
  found in the JSON output of the app-configs:get command.

  Undeploy an application configuration to the next environment-geography

  $ mix app-configs:undeploy -C 88

  Undeploy an application configuration from a specific environment-geography

  $ mix app-configs:undeploy -C 88 --env-geo 233

See code: src/commands/app-configs/undeploy.ts

mix app-configs:upgrade

update an application configuration to latest build versions

  $ mix app-configs:upgrade -C <value> [--json |  | --yaml] [--use-project-data-hosts]

  -C, --config=<value>      (required) application configuration ID
  --json                    output raw data in JSON format
  --use-project-data-hosts  use data hosts defined in project
  --yaml                    output raw data in YAML format

  update an application configuration to latest build versions

  Use this command to upgrade an application configuration to the latest build
  versions. The configuration ID can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.

  Upgrade an application configuration using latest builds from project without data hosts information

  $ mix app-configs:upgrade -C 334

  Upgrade an application configuration using latest builds from project including data hosts defined in project

  $ mix app-configs:upgrade -C 334 --use-project-data-hosts

See code: src/commands/app-configs/upgrade.ts

mix app-credentials:list

list application credentials for a Mix application

  $ mix app-credentials:list -M <value> [--with-geo-name <value>] [--full] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -M, --mix-app=<value>    (required) Mix application ID
  --full                   show all application credentials details
  --json                   output raw data in JSON format
  --with-geo-name=<value>  geography name
  --yaml                   output raw data in YAML format

  list application credentials for a Mix application

  Use this command to list the application credentials for a Mix application.
  This lets you retrieve the runtime application ID that is required in other

  List application credentials for a Mix application

  $ mix app-credentials:list -M 22

  List application credentials for a Mix application that match a specific environment-geography

  $ mix app-credentials:list -M 22 --with-geo-name "Production US"

See code: src/commands/app-credentials/list.ts

mix applications:get

get details about a Mix application

  $ mix applications:get -M <value> [--columns <value> |  | [--json |  | --yaml] | ] [--filter <value> |  | ]
    [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>]

  -M, --mix-app=<value>  (required) Mix application ID
  --columns=<value>      only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --filter=<value>       filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=<value>         property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  get details about a Mix application

  Use this command to get details about a particular Mix application.

  $ mix applications:get -M 94

See code: src/commands/applications/get.ts

mix applications:list

list Mix applications

  $ mix applications:list [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [-O <value>] [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv |
    --yaml] | ] [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>] [--live-only
    --full] [--omit-overridden ] [--with-name <value>] [--with-runtime-app <value>]

  -O, --organization=<value>  organization ID
  --columns=<value>           only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                       output to csv format
  --filter=<value>            filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --full                      show all application details (permissions allowing)
  --json                      output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=<value>             limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --live-only                 include only the application configurations that are currently deployed
  --no-header                 hide table header from output
  --no-truncate               do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=<value>            to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --omit-overridden           omit application configurations that are overridden
  --sort=<value>              property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --with-name=<value>         filter results by Mix application name (case-sensitive)
  --with-runtime-app=<value>  filter results by fully-qualified runtime app ID
  --yaml                      output raw data in YAML format

  list Mix applications

  Use this command to list Mix applications.
  A number of flags can be used to constrain the returned results.

  List Mix applications to which you have access, across all organizations

  $ mix applications:list

  List Mix applications that are part of a particular organization

  $ mix applications:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/applications/list.ts

mix auth

obtain a Mix access token

  $ mix auth [-S <value>]

  -S, --system=<value>  Mix system

  obtain a Mix access token

  Use this command to retrieve an access token. Once mix-cli has acquired the
  access token, it takes care of refreshing it automatically.

  Use the 'system' flag to authenticate with a specific Mix system. mix-cli executes
  commands against the last Mix system it successfully authenticated with.

  Run the 'system:list' command to see your list of configured Mix systems.

  Authenticate with last Mix system used

  $ mix auth

  Authenticate with and switch to the "us" Mix system

  $ mix auth --system us

See code: src/commands/auth.ts

mix autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ mix autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ mix autocomplete

  $ mix autocomplete bash

  $ mix autocomplete zsh

  $ mix autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

mix bot-configs:list

list application configurations for a bot

  $ mix bot-configs:list -B <value> [--exclude-overrides] [--live-only] [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv |
    --yaml] | ] [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>]
    [--with-runtime-app <value>] [--with-tag <value>]

  -B, --bot=<value>           (required) Bot ID
  --columns=<value>           only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                       output to csv format
  --exclude-overrides         exclude application configurations that are overridden
  --filter=<value>            filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                      output raw data in JSON format
  --live-only                 include only the application configurations that are currently deployed
  --no-header                 hide table header from output
  --no-truncate               do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=<value>              property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --with-runtime-app=<value>  filter results by fully-qualified runtime app ID
  --with-tag=<value>          filter results by context tag
  --yaml                      output raw data in YAML format

  list application configurations for a bot

  Use this command to list the application configurations for a bot.
  A number of flags can be used to constrain the returned results. The runtime
  bot IDs can be retrieved using the bot-credentials:list command.

  Bots are used in certain integration scenarios. A bot is a Mix application
  with configurations that include dialog builds.

  See https://docs.nuance.com/mix/apis/mix-api/v4/reference/bots/ for details.

  $ mix bot-configs:list -B 164 --with-runtime-app NMDPTRIAL_alex_smith_company_com_20190919T190532

See code: src/commands/bot-configs/list.ts

mix bot-credentials:list

list credentials for a bot

  $ mix bot-credentials:list -B <value> [--with-geo-name <value>] [--full] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -B, --bot=<value>        (required) Bot ID
  --full                   show all bot credentials details
  --json                   output raw data in JSON format
  --with-geo-name=<value>  geography name
  --yaml                   output raw data in YAML format

  list credentials for a bot

  Use this command to list the credentials for a bot.
  This lets you retrieve the runtime application ID that is required
  in other commands.

  Bots are used in certain integration scenarios. A bot is a Mix application
  with configurations that include dialog builds.

  See https://docs.nuance.com/mix/apis/mix-api/v4/reference/bots/ for details.

  List bot credentials for a bot

  $ mix bot-credentials:list -B 12

  List bot credentials for a bot that match a specific environment-geography

  $ mix bot-credentials:list -B 12 --with-geo-name "Production US"

See code: src/commands/bot-credentials/list.ts

mix bot-interfaces:export

export the interface of a bot

  $ mix bot-interfaces:export -B <value> -C <value> [-f <value>] [--overwrite]

  -B, --bot=<value>       (required) Bot ID
  -C, --config=<value>    (required) application configuration ID
  -f, --filepath=<value>  output file path
  --overwrite             overwrite output file if it exists

  export the interface of a bot

  Use this command to export the interface of a bot.
  The configuration ID can be retrieved using the bot-configs:list command.

  Bots are used in certain integration scenarios. A bot is a Mix application
  with configurations that include dialog builds.

  See https://docs.nuance.com/mix/apis/mix-api/v4/reference/bots/ for details.

  Export the interface of a bot

  $ mix bot-interfaces:export -B 32 -C 54

See code: src/commands/bot-interfaces/export.ts

mix bot-interfaces:get

retrieve the interface of a bot

  $ mix bot-interfaces:get -B <value> -C <value> [--json |  | --yaml]

  -B, --bot=<value>     (required) Bot ID
  -C, --config=<value>  (required) application configuration ID
  --json                output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                output raw data in YAML format

  retrieve the interface of a bot

  Use this command to get the interface of a bot.
  The configuration ID can be retrieved using the bot-configs:list command.

  Bots are used in certain integration scenarios. A bot is a Mix application
  with configurations that include dialog builds.

  See https://docs.nuance.com/mix/apis/mix-api/v4/reference/bots/ for details.

  Retrieve the interface of a bot

  $ mix bot-interfaces:get -B 32 -C 54

See code: src/commands/bot-interfaces/get.ts

mix bots:list

list bots in an organization

  $ mix bots:list -O <value> [--live-only --full] [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ]
    [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>] [--omit-overridden ]

  -O, --organization=<value>  (required) organization ID
  --columns=<value>           only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                       output to csv format
  --filter=<value>            filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --full                      show all bot details
  --json                      output raw data in JSON format
  --live-only                 include only the application configurations that are currently deployed
  --no-header                 hide table header from output
  --no-truncate               do not truncate output to fit screen
  --omit-overridden           omit application configurations that are overridden
  --sort=<value>              property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                      output raw data in YAML format

  list bots in an organization

  Use this command to list bots for a specific Mix organization.
  Use flag 'full' to list all bot details, including the list of bot configs.
  Use flag 'live-only'  with flag 'full' to filter out
  bot configs that are NOT deployed.
  Use flag 'omit-overridden'  with flag 'full' to filter out
  bot configs that are overridden.
  Flags 'live-only' and 'omit-overridden' cannot be used together.
  Flags 'live-only' and 'omit-overridden' can only be used with flag 'full'.

  $ mix bots:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/bots/list.ts

mix builds:destroy

destroy a build

  $ mix builds:destroy [--build-label <value> | --build-type asr|dialog|nlu | -P <value> | --build-version <value>]
    [-c <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -P, --project=<value>    project ID
  -c, --confirm=<value>    skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --build-label=<value>    build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>)
  --build-type=<option>    build type
                           <options: asr|dialog|nlu>
  --build-version=<value>  build version
  --json                   output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                   output raw data in YAML format

  destroy a build

  Use this command to permanently delete a build. The build can be specified
  using the build label or the combination of project ID, build type and build

  The deletion needs to be confirmed by re-typing the build label when prompted.
  It can also be pre-confirmed by using the 'confirm' flag.

  Destroy a build

  $ mix builds:destroy -P 1922 --build-type asr --build-version 11

  Destroy a build using a build label

  $ mix builds:destroy --build-label ASR_1922_11

  Destroy a project and provide automatic confirmation

  $ mix builds:destroy --build-label ASR_1922_11 --confirm ASR_1922_11

See code: src/commands/builds/destroy.ts

mix builds:export

export a project build

  $ mix builds:export [--build-label <value> | --build-type asr|dialog|nlu | -P <value> | --build-version <value>]
    [-f <value>] [--overwrite]

  -P, --project=<value>    project ID
  -f, --filepath=<value>   output file path (defaults to "build-<buildLabel>.zip")
  --build-label=<value>    build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>)
  --build-type=<option>    build type
                           <options: asr|dialog|nlu>
  --build-version=<value>  build version
  --overwrite              overwrite output file if it exists

  export a project build

  Use this command to export a project build. The build can be specified using
  the build label or the combination of project ID, build type and build version.

  The contents of the exported zip file depend on the role you have been granted
  on the Mix platform.

  Export a build using a build label

  $ mix builds:export --build-label ASR_29050_11

  Export a build using project ID, build type and build version

  $ mix builds:export -P 29050 --build-type asr --build-version 11 --overwrite

See code: src/commands/builds/export.ts

mix builds:get

get details about a build

  $ mix builds:get [--build-label <value> | --build-type asr|dialog|nlu | -P <value> | --build-version <value>]
    [--columns <value> ] [--no-truncate |  | [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ]

  -P, --project=<value>    project ID
  --build-label=<value>    build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>)
  --build-type=<option>    build type
                           <options: asr|dialog|nlu>
  --build-version=<value>  build version
  --columns=<value>        only show provided columns (comma-separated) (with 'csv' flag only)
  --csv                    output to csv format
  --json                   output raw data in JSON format
  --no-truncate            do not truncate output to fit screen
  --yaml                   output raw data in YAML format

  get details about a build

  Use this command to get details about a particular build. The build can be
  specified using the build label or the combination of project ID, build type
  and build version.

  $ mix builds:get -P 1922 --build-type nlu --build-version 1

See code: src/commands/builds/get.ts

mix builds:latest

list latest build of each type

  $ mix builds:latest -P <value> [--columns <value> |  | --json | --yaml] [--csv |  | --no-truncate | ] [--filter
    <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ]

  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --columns=<value>      only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                  output to csv format
  --filter=<value>       filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  list latest build of each type

  Use this command to list the latest version for each build type of a particular

  List latest builds

  $ mix builds:latest -P 1922

See code: src/commands/builds/latest.ts

mix builds:list

list builds

  $ mix builds:list --build-type asr|dialog|nlu -P <value> [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [--sort <value>]
    [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ] [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |
    |  | ]

  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --build-type=<option>  (required) build type
                         <options: asr|dialog|nlu>
  --columns=<value>      only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                  output to csv format
  --filter=<value>       filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=<value>        limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-header            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=<value>       to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=<value>         comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  list builds

  Use this command to list all versions of a build type for a particular project.

  $ mix builds:list -P 1922 --build-type nlu

See code: src/commands/builds/list.ts

mix channels:activate

activate a channel

  $ mix channels:activate -P <value> -C <value> [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --channel=<value>  (required) channel ID
  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  activate a channel

  Use this command to activate a channel in a project.

  $ mix channels:activate -P 1922 \

    --channel bc40667c-e0f6-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003

See code: src/commands/channels/activate.ts

mix channels:configure

update channel details

  $ mix channels:configure -P <value> -C <value> -m <value> --color <value> [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --channel=<value>  (required) channel ID
  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -m, --mode=<value>...  (required) channel modes (audioscript|dtmf|interactivity|richtext|tts)
  --color=<value>        (required) channel color
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  update channel details

  Configure the modalities and color of an existing channel in a Mix project.

  A note on channel modes and colors:
  For your convenience, you may enter modes and colors case-insensitively.
  In particular, you can spell any given mode/color with lowercase or capital letters,
  and with dashes ('-') in place of underscores ('_'). The value will be internally converted
  into the format the Mix API expects before the request is made. As an example, the values
  'light-pink', 'light_Pink', and 'LIGHT-PINK' are all equivalent to Mix's 'LIGHT_PINK'.

  Acceptable channel modes are:


  Acceptable channel colors are:

  blue          brown         corn-flower
  cyan          green         grey
  indigo        light-green   light-grey
  light-orange  light-pink    light-purple
  orange        pink          purple
  ruby          salmon        sky
  teal          yellow

  IMPORTANT: Due to a current server-side limitation,
  the command currently requires that both the
  'mode' and 'color' flags are set.

  $ mix channels:configure -P 1922  \

    --channel bc40667c-e0f6-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003 \

    --mode DTMF --mode TTS \

    --color SALMON

See code: src/commands/channels/configure.ts

mix channels:create

create a new channel

  $ mix channels:create --color <value> -m <value> --name <value> -P <value> [--json |  | --yaml]

  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -m, --mode=<value>...  (required) channel modes (audioscript|dtmf|interactivity|richtext|tts)
  --color=<value>        (required) channel color
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --name=<value>         (required) channel name
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  create a new channel

  Use this command to create a new channel in your Mix project.
  A channel defines a collection of different modalities through
  which users interact with your application. The currently available
  modalities are:


  Note that, for your convenience, this command will automatically convert
  inputs to the 'mode' flag as close to the format of the above modes as possible,
  by converting upper-case letters to lower-case and removing deliminating punctuation
  ('-' and '_'). So, the modes 'audioscript', 'AUDIO-SCRIPT', and 'a_u-d_i-o----scriPT'
  are all equivalent to the server-side value of 'AUDIO_SCRIPT'.

  The same conversion is done for colours, except that dashes ('-') are replaced
  with ('_') rather than being deleted. So, 'light-pink', 'light____pink', and
  'LIGHT_PINK' are also equivalent.

  Acceptable channel colors are:

  blue          brown         corn-flower
  cyan          green         grey
  indigo        light-green   light-grey
  light-orange  light-pink    light-purple
  orange        pink          purple
  ruby          salmon        sky
  teal          yellow

  IMPORTANT: Due to a current server-side limitation,
  the command currently requires that both the
  'mode' and 'color' flags are set.

  $ mix channels:create -P 1922 --name "New IVR channel" \
      --mode tts --mode interactivity --color light-pink

See code: src/commands/channels/create.ts

mix channels:deactivate

deactivate a channel

  $ mix channels:deactivate -P <value> -C <value> [-c <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --channel=<value>  (required) channel ID
  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=<value>  skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  deactivate a channel

  Use this command to deactivate a channel in a project.

  $ mix channels:deactivate -P 1922 \

    --channel bc40667c-e0f6-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003 \

    --confirm bc40667c-e0f6-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003

See code: src/commands/channels/deactivate.ts

mix channels:rename

rename a channel

  $ mix channels:rename -P <value> -C <value> --new-name <value> [--json |  | --yaml]

  -C, --channel=<value>  (required) channel ID
  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --new-name=<value>     (required) new channel name
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  rename a channel

  Use this command to change the name of a channel in a project.

  $ mix channels:rename -P 1922 \

    --channel bc40667c-e0f6-11ec-9d64-0242ac120003 \

    --new-name "voice channel"

See code: src/commands/channels/rename.ts

mix data-hosts:latest

list latest data host details

  $ mix data-hosts:latest -M <value> -P <value> [-D <value>] [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ]
    [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ] [--sort <value>]

  -D, --deployment-flow=<value>  deployment flow ID
  -M, --mix-app=<value>          (required) Mix application ID
  -P, --project=<value>          (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --columns=<value>              only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                          output to csv format
  --filter=<value>               filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                    hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                  do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=<value>                 property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  list latest data host details

  Use this command to retrieve the list of the data hosts
  associated with the last generated dialog build.

  $ mix data-hosts:latest -D 658 -M 34 -P 619090

See code: src/commands/data-hosts/latest.ts

mix data-hosts:list

list data host details

  $ mix data-hosts:list -M <value> [--build-label <value> | -P <value> | --build-version <value>] [-D <value>]
    [--columns <value> |  | [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ] [--filter <value> |  | ] [--no-header |  | ] [--no-truncate |
    |  | ] [--sort <value>]

  -D, --deployment-flow=<value>  deployment flow ID
  -M, --mix-app=<value>          (required) Mix application ID
  -P, --project=<value>          project ID
  --build-label=<value>          build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>)
  --build-version=<value>        build version
  --columns=<value>              only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                          output to csv format
  --filter=<value>               filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                    hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                  do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=<value>                 property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  list data host details

  Use this command to list data host details for a particular Mix Application ID
  and dialog build. The build can be specified using the build label or the
  combination of project ID and build version. The Mix Application ID can be
  retrieved using the applications:list command.

  $ mix data-hosts:list -D 66 -M 62 -P 14990 --build-version 1

See code: src/commands/data-hosts/list.ts

mix data-types:list

list data types

  $ mix data-types:list [--json |  | --yaml]

  --json  output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml  output raw data in YAML format

  list data types

  Use this command to list the available data types.

  $ mix data-types:list

See code: src/commands/data-types/list.ts

mix deployment-flows:list

list deployment flows

  $ mix deployment-flows:list -O <value> [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [--sort <value>] [--columns <value> |  |
    [--json | --csv | --yaml] | ] [--no-truncate |  |  | ]

  -O, --organization=<value>  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --columns=<value>           only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                       output to csv format
  --json                      output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=<value>             limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-truncate               do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=<value>            to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=<value>              comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml                      output raw data in YAML format

  list deployment flows

  Use this command to list all deployment flows for a specific organization.
  The organization ID can be retrieved by using the organizations:list command.

  $ mix deployment-flows:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/deployment-flows/list.ts

mix engine-packs:list

list engine packs

  $ mix engine-packs:list -O <value> [--json |  | --yaml]

  -O, --organization=<value>  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --json                      output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                      output raw data in YAML format

  list engine packs

  Use this command to list the engine packs available to a specific organization.

  $ mix engine-packs:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/engine-packs/list.ts

mix entities:configure

configure an entity

  $ mix entities:configure -E <value> --entity-type base|freeform|list|regex|relational|rule-based -P <value>
    [--anaphora-type not-set|ref-moment|ref-person|ref-place|ref-thing] [--data-type
    alphanum|amount|boolean|date|digits|distance|no-format|not-set|number|temperature|time|yes-no] [--dynamic] [--has-a
    <value>] [--is-a <value>] [-L <value>] [--no-canonicalize] [--pattern <value>] [--sensitive] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -E, --entity=<value>      (required) entity name
  -L, --locale=<value>      locale for regex entity
  -P, --project=<value>     (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --anaphora-type=<option>  anaphora type
                            <options: not-set|ref-moment|ref-person|ref-place|ref-thing>
  --data-type=<option>      data type of entity
                            <options: alphanum|amount|boolean|date|digits|distance|no-format|not-set|number|temperature|
  --dynamic                 make list entity dynamic
  --entity-type=<option>    (required) entity type
                            <options: base|freeform|list|regex|relational|rule-based>
  --has-a=<value>...        define hasA relationship for relational entity
  --is-a=<value>            define isA relationship for relational entity
  --json                    output raw data in JSON format
  --no-canonicalize         prevent canonicalization
  --pattern=<value>         regular expression for regex entity
  --sensitive               mask user sentitive data in logs
  --yaml                    output raw data in YAML format

  configure an entity

  Use this command to configure an entity in a project.

  NOTE: This command cannot change the type of an entity.
  When using this command, you must provide the current type
  of the entity. Use command entities:convert to change the
  type of an entity.

  Mix supports several types of entities: freeform, list, regex,
  relational and rule-based. There are many attributes that can
  be configured for an entity and a good number of these attributes
  are common to all entity types. However, certain attributes apply
  to specific entity types only.

  Regex entities make use of regular expressions specific to a single
  locale. The 'pattern' and 'locale' flags matter only to entities
  of type "regex". It is recommended to surround the pattern
  value with quotes, especially if the escape character "\" is used
  in the pattern. See examples below.

  Relationial entities can have zero or one isA relation and
  zero or many hasA relations. One 'is-a' or 'has-a' flag must be
  set at a minimum for an entity of type "relational".

  The examples below show how to configure each type of entity.
  In each example, every allowed flag is used.
  Note that when a value is not provided for a particular flag,
  the corresponding property in the entity is not modified.

  Configure a freeform entity

  $ mix entities:configure -P 1922 -E MESSAGE --entity-type freeform \

    --sensitive --no-canonicalize --data-type not-set

  Configure a list entity

  $ mix entities:configure -P 1922 -E DRINK_SIZE --entity-type list \

    --dynamic --sensitive --no-canonicalize --anaphora-type not-set \

    --data-type not-set

  Configure a regex entity

  $ mix entities:configure -P 1922 -E PHONE_NUMBER --entity-type regex \

    --locale en-US --pattern "\d{10}" --sensitive --no-canonicalize \

    --anaphora-type not-set --data-type digits

  Configure a relational entity

  $ mix entities:configure -P 1922 --E FROM_CITY --entity-type relational \

    --is-a CITY --sensitive --no-canonicalize --anaphora-type not-set \

    --data-type not-set

  Configure a rule-based entity

  $ mix entities:configure -P 1922 -E CARD_TYPE --entity-type rule-based \

    --sensitive --no-canonicalize --anaphora-type not-set --data-type not-set

See code: src/commands/entities/configure.ts

mix entities:convert

convert an entity to a different type

  $ mix entities:convert -E <value> -P <value> --to-entity-type base|freeform|list|regex|relational|rule-based
    [--has-a <value>] [--is-a <value>] [--pattern <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -E, --entity=<value>       (required) entity name
  -P, --project=<value>      (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --has-a=<value>...         define hasA relationship for relational entity
  --is-a=<value>             define isA relationship for relational entity
  --json                     output raw data in JSON format
  --pattern=<value>          regular expression for regex entity
  --to-entity-type=<option>  (required) new entity type
                             <options: base|freeform|list|regex|relational|rule-based>
  --yaml                     output raw data in YAML format

  convert an entity to a different type

  Use this command to convert an entity to a different type.

  Mix supports several types of entities: freeform, list, regex,
  relational and rule-based. If converting to a regex or rule-based
  entity type, you will have to provide additional information as
  explained below.

  Regex entities make use of regular expressions specific to a single
  locale. Use the 'pattern' flag to provide the regular expression for
  the converted entity. It is recommended to surround the pattern value
  with quotes, especially if the escape character "\" is used in the
  pattern (see examples below). The regular expression provided gets
  applied to the entity across all locales in the project. If the regular
  expression for the entity is locale-dependent, then use the entities:configure
  command to update the regular expression for the relevant locales.

  Relational entities can have zero or one isA relation and
  zero or many hasA relations. One 'is-a' or 'has-a' flag must be
  set at a minimum whent converting an entity to the "relational" type.

  The examples below show how to convert an entity to each possible
  type of entity.

  Convert an entity to a freeform entity

  $ mix entities:convert -P 1922 -E MY_ENTITY --to-entity-type freeform

  Convert an entity to a list entity

  $ mix entities:convert -P 1922 -E MY_ENTITY --to-entity-type list

  Convert an entity to a regex entity

  $ mix entities:convert -P 1922 -E MY_ENTITY --to-entity-type regex \

    --pattern "\d{10}"

  Convert an entity to a relational entity

  $ mix entities:convert -P 1922 --E MY_ENTITY --to-entity-type relational

    --is-a CITY

  Convert an entity to a rule-based entity

  $ mix entities:convert -P 1922 -E MY_ENTITY --to-entity-type rule-based

See code: src/commands/entities/convert.ts

mix entities:create

create a new entity

  $ mix entities:create --entity-type base|freeform|list|regex|relational|rule-based --name <value> -P <value>
    [--anaphora-type not-set|ref-moment|ref-person|ref-place|ref-thing] [--data-type
    alphanum|amount|boolean|date|digits|distance|no-format|not-set|number|temperature|time|yes-no] [--dynamic] [--has-a
    <value>] [--is-a <value>] [-L <value>] [--no-canonicalize] [--pattern <value>] [--sensitive] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -L, --locale=<value>      locale for regex entity
  -P, --project=<value>     (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --anaphora-type=<option>  [default: not-set] anaphora type
                            <options: not-set|ref-moment|ref-person|ref-place|ref-thing>
  --data-type=<option>      [default: not-set] data type of entity
                            <options: alphanum|amount|boolean|date|digits|distance|no-format|not-set|number|temperature|
  --dynamic                 make list entity dynamic
  --entity-type=<option>    (required) entity type
                            <options: base|freeform|list|regex|relational|rule-based>
  --has-a=<value>...        define hasA relationship for relational entity
  --is-a=<value>            define isA relationship for relational entity
  --json                    output raw data in JSON format
  --name=<value>            (required) new entity name
  --no-canonicalize         prevent canonicalization
  --pattern=<value>         regular expression for regex entity
  --sensitive               mask user sentitive data in logs
  --yaml                    output raw data in YAML format

  create a new entity

  Use this command to create a new entity in a project.

  Mix supports several types of entities: freeform, list, regex,
  relational and rule-based. There are many attributes that can
  be passed for the creation of an entity and a good number of
  these attributes are common to all entity types. However, certain
  attributes are mandatory and apply to specific entity types only.

  Regex entities make use of regular expressions specific to a single
  locale. The 'pattern' and 'locale' flags must be set when creating
  an entity of type "regex". It is recommended to surround the pattern
  value with quotes, especially if the escape character "\" is used
  in the pattern. See examples below.

  Relationial entities can have zero or one isA relation and
  zero or many hasA relations. One 'is-a' or 'has-a' flag must be
  set at a minimum when creating an entity of type "relational".

  The 'entity-type', 'name' and 'project' flags are mandatory for
  the creation of any entity type.

  The examples below show how to create each type of entity.
  In each example, every allowed or mandatory flag is used.
  Note that many flags have default values and do not need to be
  explicitly provided.

  Create a freeform entity

  $ mix entities:create -P 1922 --entity-type=freeform --name MESSAGE \

    --sensitive --no-canonicalize --data-type not-set

  Create a list entity

  $ mix entities:create -P 1922 --entity-type=list --name DRINK_SIZE \

    --dynamic --sensitive --no-canonicalize --anaphora-type not-set \

    --data-type not-set

  Create a regex entity

  $ mix entities:create -P 1922 --entity-type=regex --name PHONE_NUMBER \

    --locale en-US --pattern "\d{10}" --sensitive --no-canonicalize \

    --anaphora-type not-set --data-type digits

  Create a relational entity

  $ mix entities:create -P 1922 --entity-type=relational --name ARRIVAL_CITY \

    --is-a CITY --sensitive --no-canonicalize --anaphora-type not-set \

    --data-type not-set

  Create a rule-based entity

  $ mix entities:create -P 1922 --entity-type=rule-based --name CARD_TYPE \

    --sensitive --no-canonicalize --anaphora-type not-set --data-type not-set

See code: src/commands/entities/create.ts

mix entities:destroy

destroy an entity

  $ mix entities:destroy -E <value> -P <value> [-c <value>] [--json |  | --yaml]

  -E, --entity=<value>   (required) entity name
  -P, --project=<value>  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=<value>  skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format

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