2.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

@nuxtjs/dynamic-i18n v2.0.0

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5 years ago

Dynamic I18n v2.0.0

npm npm (scoped with tag)

Dynamic i18n is a tool to import your i18n and inject it in your vue-i18n instance

This module automatically import your translate file from a specific provider.


Supported providers

  • Google sheets, see example of file here


  • Add @nuxtjs/dynamic-i18n dependency using yarn or npm to your project
  • Add @nuxtjs/dynamic-i18n to modules section of nuxt.config.js
  modules: [
  dynamicI18n: {
    languages: ['en', 'fr'],
    providerKey: '1dBsD-EsKb1mHvq4P2Zm4DcOPK2szuxqkkvnTsmbkYhc',
    credentials: {...},


languagesRequired[]Contain all the locales we want to import.
provider-keyRequired''The identifier for the source of the data stored.
credentialsRequired{}Configuration for the provider.
idOptionalNoneid of the active document. Use gid for google sheet url to get active tab id
maxAgeOptional1000 * 60 * 60Max age of translate files (60 minutes), use 0 to disable it
fallbackLocaleOptional'en'Default language if not founded from the store
localeNamespaceStoreOptional'i18n'Default namespace of i18n locale store. see example of store here
outputFilePrefixOptional'locale'Prefix of the output file like : {{outputFilePrefix}}-{{language}}.json.
staticFolderOptionalstaticSpecify folder in static

Migration from v1 to v2

Dynamic i18n has been updated to work with the new version of https://theoephraim.github.io/node-google-spreadsheet/#/ and the title option to locate the tab has been replaced by id which is the gid identifier that you can get from the google sheet url query params gid.

📑 License

MIT License - Nuxt Community