0.1.0-alpha.2 • Published 2 years ago

@nx-boat-tools/docker v0.1.0-alpha.2

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2 years ago

Nx Boat Tools - .Net

Every boat needs a dock! The docker plugin adds Docker support to existing Nx projects.

Why not use the community nx-docker plugin?

The nx-docker plugin is a more mature plugin and definetly has its benefits. It uses Buildx and supports various options such as multi-platform builds, secrets, and remote cache. Nx Boat Tools instead tries to keep things simpler and just interacts with the Docker CLI. Also, by default, Nx Boat Tools uses the dist directory of a project as its working directory for docker commands as that is where the files that will be copied into docker usually are located.

💡  How to install

npm install -D @nx-boat-tools/docker

# OR

yarn add -D @nx-boat-tools/docker

🏃  Executors


The build executor builds a docker image from a dockerfile for a given project. It tags the image as both latest and the version in the project's package.json.

🚩  Note:

If no package.json exists for the project or it does not specify a version then only latest will be tagged.

🚩  Note:

The buildPath is set to the dist directory of a project by default as that is where the files that will be copied into docker usually are located. This means that the copyFiles executor needs to have ran first as well as any other executors producing build output that needs to be copied into

Available options:

buildPathstringRequired. The path to pass to the docker build
dockerFilePathstring${buildPath}/dockerfileThe path to the dockerfile for the project.


The following workspace configuration illustrates a possible docker build target for a given project.


  "projects": {
    "example": {
      "targets": {
        "build": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:build",
          "options": {
            "dockerFilePath": "apps/example/dockerfile",
            "buildPath": "apps/example"

To build our docker image we just need to execute the build target...

nx build example
# OR
nx run example:build

Both of the above would result in a docker image being built that's named example and would be tagged with latest and the version in the package.json


The copyFiles executor copies the dockerfile and .dockerignore file (if one exists) to the dist directory of a project.

Available options:

distPathstringRequired. The dist path of the project where the files should be copied to
dockerFilePathstringRequired. The path to the dockerfile for the project.
dockerIgnorePathstring${distPath}/.dockerignoreThe path to the .dockerignore for the project.


The following workspace configuration illustrates a possible docker copyFiles target for a given project.


  "projects": {
    "example": {
      "targets": {
        "copyDockerFiles": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:copyFiles",
          "options": {
            "dockerFilePath": "apps/example/dockerfile",
            "dockerIgnorePath": "apps/example/.dockerignore",
            "distPath": "dist/apps/example"

To run this we just need to execute the copyDockerFiles target...

nx copyDockerFiles example
# OR
nx run example:copyDockerFiles

This would result in copying the dockerfile and .dockerignore files to dist/apps/example


The publish executor will create tags for latest and the version in the project's package.json file, then upload the image to either the user or repo specifed by runing the corresponding docker push commands.

🚩  Note:

If no package.json exists for the project or it does not specify a version then only latest will be tagged and pushed.

🚩  Note:

The docker plugin does not handle authentication. You will need to do a docker login before running the publish executor.

Available options:

dockerRepoOrUserstringRequired. This is the user or repo to publish the image to
buildPathstringThe path to the project's dockerfile


The following workspace configuration illustrates a possible docker publish target for a given project.


  "projects": {
    "example": {
      "targets": {
        "publish": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:publish",
          "options": {
            "buildPath": "apps/example",
            "dockerRepoOrUser": "registry-host:5000/myadmin"

To upload the image to our repo we just need to execute the publish target...

nx publish example
# OR
nx run example:publish

Both of the above would upload the image to our registry-host:5000/myadmin repo as example:latest and example:XX.YY


The run executor can be used to run docker image for a project.

🚩  Note:

The docker image needs to have already been built locally before running the run executor.

Available options:

varsobject{}This is an object used to create environment variables to pass into the container. The key is the environment variable name and the value is the value to set the variable to. Both the key and value must be strings.
portsobject{}This is an object used to create port mappings to pass into the container. The key is port to expose on the host machine and the value is port used by the container, both of which must be integers.
mountsobject{}This is an object used to create volume mount mappings to pass into the container. The key is the directory on the host machine name and the value is the path inside the container to mount the directory to. Both the key and value must be strings.


The following workspace configuration illustrates a possible docker run target for a given project.


  "projects": {
    "example": {
      "targets": {
        "run": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:run",
          "options": {
            "outputPath": "dist/apps/example",
            "ports": {
              "80": 5000
            "mounts": {
              "/tmp/example/config": "/example/config"
            "vars": {
              "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "develop"
          "configurations": {
            "prod": {
              "vars": {
                "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "production"

To run this docker image we just need to execute the run target...

nx run example
# OR
nx run example:run

Both of the above would run the following docker CLI command

docker run --rm -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=develop -p 80:5000 -v /tmp/example/config:/example/config

Here's another example but this time using a configuration...

nx run example:run:production

Which would run the following docker CLI command

docker run --rm -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=production -p 80:5000 -v /tmp/example/config:/example/config


The minikubeBuild executor connects to the docker daemon within minikube and then builds the docker image from a dockerfile for a given project. It tags the image as both latest and the version in the project's package.json.

🚩  Note:

If no package.json exists for the project or it does not specify a version then only latest will be tagged.

🚩  Note:

The buildPath is set to the dist directory of a project by default as that is where the files that will be copied into docker usually are located. This means that the copyFiles executor needs to have ran first as well as any other executors producing build output that needs to be copied into the docker image.

Available options:

buildPathstringRequired. The path to pass to the docker build
dockerFilePathstring${buildPath}/dockerfileThe path to the dockerfile for the project.


The following workspace configuration illustrates a possible docker minikubeBuild target for a given project.


  "projects": {
    "example": {
      "targets": {
        "buildMinikubeImage": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:minikubeBuild",
          "options": {
            "dockerFilePath": "apps/example/dockerfile",
            "buildPath": "apps/example"

To build our docker image within minikube we just need to execute the minikubeBuild target...

nx minikubeBuild example
# OR
nx run example:minikubeBuild

Both of the above would result in a docker image being built within the docker daemon within minikube that's named example and would be tagged with latest and the version in the package.json

✍️  Generators


The docker generator adds docker support to an existing Nx project. It creates a default dockerfile and .dockerignore and update the project in the workspace.json to include all the appropriate docker targets.

Available options:

projectstringRequired. The name of the project to add docker to.
dockerRepoOrUserstringRequired. This is used for the publish target and is the user or repo to upload the image to
baseDockerImagestringThe base docker image to use in the generated dockerfile
runPortMappingsstringWhen running the docker image, this is an comma delimited string used to create port mappings to pass into the container
runVolumeMountsstringWhen running the docker image, this is an comma delimited string used to create volume mount mappings to pass into the container
runVariablesstringWhen running the docker image, this is an comma delimited string used to set environment variables within the container
minikubebooleanWhether or not to add post targets for minikube.

Generated files:

The dockerfile and .dockerignore files that are generated are just placeholders. It is up to you to define their contents based on the needs of your project.

Updates to workspace.json:

The project configuration will be updated as follows:

  • build - If a build target existed previously then it will be renamed to to buildSrc. A new build will then be added and is a chain-execute with the following stages and targets:

    🚩  Note: If no build target exists before running the docker generator the no root stage will be added.

    • The root stage:
      • buildSrc - This is the previous build target and we want it to run first
    • The dockerImage stage:
      • copyDockerFiles - This calls the docker copyFiles target to copy the dockerfile to the dist directory to prepare for building the image
      • buildDockerImage - This calls the docker build target to build the docker image
    • The minikubeImage stage (only added if --minikube=true):
      • buildMinikubeImage - THis calls the docker buildMinikube target to build the docker image within minikube
  • package - If a package target existed previously then it will be renamed to to packageSrc. A new package will then be added and is a chain-execute with the following stages and targets:

    🚩  Note: If no package target exists before running the docker generator the no root stage will be added.

    • The root stage
      • buildSrc - This is the previous package target and we want it to run first
    • The dockerImage stage
      • publishDockerImage - Added as an additional target, this calls the docker publish executor to upload the docker image to a repo
  • runDockerImage - this calls the docker run target to run the docker image

The following is a full example of what's added to the workspace.json for a project when adding docker to it:

//workspace.json BEFORE

  "projects": {
    "my-app": {
      "root": "apps/my-app",
      "projectType": "application",
      "sourceRoot": "apps/my-app/src",
      "targets": {
        "build": {
          "executor": "@nrwl/node:package"
      "tags": ""
//workspace.json AFTER

  "projects": {
    "my-app": {
      "root": "apps/my-app",
      "projectType": "application",
      "sourceRoot": "apps/my-app/src",
      "targets": {
        "build": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/common:chain-execute",
          "options": {
            "targets": ["buildSrc"],
            "stages": {
              "dockerImage": {
                "targets": ["copyDockerFiles", "buildDockerImage"]
              "minikubeImage": {
                "explicit": true,
                "targets": ["copyDockerFiles", "buildMinikubeImage"]
        "buildDockerImage": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:build",
          "options": {
            "buildPath": "dist/apps/my-app"
        "buildSrc": {
          "executor": "@nrwl/node:package"
        "copyDockerFiles": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:copyFiles",
          "options": {
            "distPath": "dist/apps/my-app"
        "package": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/common:chain-execute",
          "options": {
            "stages": {
              "dockerImage": {
                "postTargets": ["publishDockerImage"]
        "publishDockerImage": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:publish",
          "options": {
            "buildPath": "dist/apps/my-app",
            "dockerRepoOrUser": "my-dockerhub-user"
        "runDockerImage": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:run",
          "options": {
            "ports": {
              "8080": 80
            "mounts": {
              "dist/apps/my-app": "/usr/share/nginx/html"
        "buildMinikubeImage": {
          "executor": "@nx-boat-tools/docker:minikubeBuild",
          "options": {
            "dockerFilePath": "apps/my-app/dockerfile",
            "buildPath": "apps/my-app"
      "tags": ""

Adding docker to a project

The following illustrates how to add a docker support project with various options:

#Add docker to a project named my-project that publishes to dockerhub for user my-dockerhub-user
nx g @nx-dev-tools/docker:docker --project=my-project --dockerRepoOrUser=my-dockerhub-user --minikube=false