0.0.6 • Published 1 year ago

@oc-tech/lodash-ext v0.0.6

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1 year ago

Lodash Extensions


The version of your node.js should be greater than v12

git clone git@github.com:omnitech-solutions/lodash-ext.git YOURFOLDERNAME

# Run npm install and write your library name when asked. That's all!
yarn install


Importing library

You can import the generated bundle to use the whole library generated by this starter:

NPM scripts

  • npm lint: Eslint code
  • npm lint:fix: Eslint code and try to fix problems
  • npm start: Realtime complie code
  • npm run docs: Generate type documents
  • npm run build: Build ths dist products
  • npm run release: The same as npm run release:patch
  • npm run release:patch: Automatically upgrade patch versioin and update CHANGELOG.md
  • npm run release:minor: Automatically upgrade minor versioin and update CHANGELOG.md
  • npm run release:major: Automatically upgrade major versioin and update CHANGELOG.md
  • npm run test: Run test suite via jest with code coverage
  • npm run test:watch: Run test suite in interactive watch mode
  • npm run test:prod: Run linting and generate coverage
  • npm run deploy: Clean docs directory and rebuild docs pages

Git Hooks

There is already set a precommit hook for formatting your code with Eslint and Commitlint :nail_care:

By default, there are two disabled git hooks. They're set up when you run the npm i script. They make sure:


"Array" Methods


removes matching values from array

omit([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 4]) // => [1, 3]


removes value at given index

omitIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) // => [1, 2, 4]

"Lang" Methods


Checks if value is classified as a boolean primitive or object. handles more scenarios

isBlank('') // => true
isBlank('   ') // => true
isBlank(null) // => true
isBlank({}) // => true
isBlank(0) // => true

isBlank('1') // => false
isBlank('1') // => false
isBlank({a: 1}) // => false
isBlank(1) // => false


Performs a deep comparison between two values and returns true if they are identical

const a = [{ one: { car: 1, vehicle: { truck: 3 } }, two: 2 }];
const b = cloneDeep(a);

isDeepEquals(a, b) // => true

a[0].one.vehicle = 4
isDeepEquals(a, b) // => false


Performs a deep comparison between two values and returns true if they are different

const a = [{ one: { car: 1, vehicle: { truck: 3 } }, two: 2 }];
const b = cloneDeep(a);

isDeepDifferent(a, b) // => false

a[0].one.vehicle = 4
isDeepDifferent(a, b) // => true


returns true if value is a valid email format

isEmail('email@domain.com') // => true
isEmail('email@d.ca') // => true

isEmail('not-an-email') // => false
isEmail('email@domain.c') // => false


Direct opposite of isBlank

isPresent('') // => false
isPresent('   ') // => false
isPresent(null) // => false
isPresent({}) // => false
isPresent(0) // => false

isPresent('1') // => true
isPresent('1') // => true
isPresent({a: 1}) // => true
isPresent(1) // => true


returns true if value is a valid url

isUrl('http://a.b.ca') // => true
isUrl('https://a.b.ca') // => true

isUrl('https://a.b.c') // => false
isUrl('www.google.ca') // => false


returns picked object if at least one path is found in given obj

pickIfHasPaths({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a']) // => { a: 1 }
pickIfHasPaths({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['c']) // => { a: 1, b: 2 } # original obj
pickIfHasPaths({ a: 1, b: 2 }, []) // => { a: 1, b: 2 } # original obj


Supports filling complex arrays

toEnum({ rowCount: 3 }) // => [0, 1, 2]
    rowCount: 3,
    callback: (rowIndex) => ({ rowIndex })
) // => [{ rowIndex: 0 }, { rowIndex: 1 }, { rowIndex: 2 }]
  // @ts-ignore
  { rowCount: 3, columnCount: 2 }
) // => [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1]],[[1, 0, 2],[1, 1, 3]],[[2, 0, 4],[2, 1, 5]]]

// supports returning empty arrays via `emptyColumn` option
  // @ts-ignore
  { rowCount: 3, columnCount: 2, emptyColumn: true } 
) // => [[[], []],[[], []],[[], []]]


Supports filling two-dimensional arrays

toMatrix(3, 2) // => [[[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 1]],[[1, 0, 2],[1, 1, 3]],[[2, 0, 4],[2, 1, 5]]]

// supports functions
toMatrix(1, 4, ({ rowIndex, columnIndex, index }) => ({
})) // => [{ rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 0, index: 0 },{ rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 1, index: 1 },{ rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 2, index: 2 },{ rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 3, index: 3 }]


removes non-numeric characters from string

stripNonNumericCharacters('1.333') // => '1.333'
stripNonNumericCharacters('1.33ab3') // => '1.333'
stripNonNumericCharacters('1,000,000') // => '1000000'


Converts value to boolean

toBoolean('true') // => true
toBoolean('  true  ') // => true
toBoolean(true) // => true
toBoolean('yes') // => true
toBoolean('1') // => true

toBoolean('0') // => false
toBoolean('no') // => false
toBoolean('   false   ') // => false
toBoolean(false) // => false
toBoolean(undefined) // => false
toBoolean(null) // => false


Converts value to a number. Handles extra scenarios than base.

toNumber('250000') // => 250000.0
toNumber('$250,000') // => 250000.0
toNumber('$250,000.00') // => 250000.0
toNumber('£250,000.00') // => 250000.0
toNumber('  true  ') // => 0
toNumber('true') // => 0
toNumber('250000') // => 250000.0
toNumber(true) // => 1
toNumber('false') // => 0
toNumber('  false  ') // => 0
toNumber('adsklj') // => 0
toNumber(undefined) // => 0
toNumber({}) // => NaN
toNumber([]) // => 0

"Number" Methods


converts shorthand numeric strings to number

convertNumericShortcuts('1k') // => 1e3
convertNumericShortcuts('1,100k') // => 11e5
convertNumericShortcuts('1.5m3232.56') // => 15000003232.56
convertNumericShortcuts('1b') // => 1e9
convertNumericShortcuts('1t') // => 1e12


formats number string to currency format

currencyFormatter('84156.68') // => $84,156.68
currencyFormatter('84156.68', 'GBP') // => '£84,156.68'
currencyFormatter('84156.105', 'KWD') // => 'KD 84,156.105'


normalizes currency to help ensure compatibility across multiple formats

currencyNormalizer('12345') // => '12345.0'
currencyNormalizer('1,234.5678') // => '1234.5678'


converts currency string to bigdecimal

currencyToBigDecimal({ currencyAmount: '$1,000,000.56999' }) // => 1000000.56


converts currency string to bigdecimal

normalizeCurrencyWithPrecision('84156.68') // => '84156.68'
normalizeCurrencyWithPrecision('84156.689') // => '84156.68'


removes non-numeric values from currency string

removeUnsupportedCurrencyCharacters('$ 1,000.50') // => '1000.50'
removeUnsupportedCurrencyCharacters('KD 20,000.00') // => '20000.00'


strips thousands separators from currency string

stripThousandSeparators('$1,000,000.56999') // => '$1000000.56999'

"String" Methods


Capitalizes first character of string

capitalize('abc def') // => 'Abc def'


Allows for multiple replacements for given value

replaceAll('{{attribute}}', [[/{{/, ':'], [/}}/, '']]) // => ':attribute'


Capitalizes all the words apart from the likes of an

titleize('something to say') // => 'Something to Say'


Trim spaces around string or array of strings

trim('   ') // => ''
trim(' abc  ') // => 'abc'
trim(['', '   ', 'abc']) // => ['', '', 'abc']

"Number" Methods


returns currency string to equivalent big decimal number

currencyToBigDecimal({ currencyAmount: '$1,000,000.56999' }) // => 1000000.56

"Object" Methods


returns deep differences between two objects

const input = { one: 1, two: 2 };
deepDiff(input, input) // => {}

deepDiff({...input, two: 4}, input) // => { two: 2 }
deepDiff(input, {...input, two: 4}) // => { two: 4 }

deepDiff({...input, vehicle: { truck: 4}}, b) // => {}
deepDiff(a, {...input, vehicle: { truck: 4}}) // => { vehicle: { truck: 4 } }


returns deep detailed differences between two objects

const input = { one: 1, two: 2 };
deepDiffWithDetails(input, input) // => { added: {}, deleted: {}, updated: {} }

deepDiffWithDetails({...input, two: 4}, input) // => { added: {}, deleted: {}, updated: { two: 2 } }
deepDiffWithDetails(input, {...input, two: 4})  // => { added: {}, deleted: {}, updated: { two: 4 }  }

deepDiffWithDetails({...input, vehicle: { truck: 4}}, b) // => { added: {}, deleted: {}, updated: {} }
deepDiffWithDetails(a, {...input, vehicle: { truck: 4}}) // => { added: { vehicle: { truck: 4 } }, deleted: {}, updated: {} }


flattens given object into dot notation keys

const input = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };
dot(input) // => { 'a.b.c': 1 }
dot(input, {separator: '_'}) // => { a_b_c: 1 }


returns list of flattened dotted keys for given object

const input = { addresses: [{ city: 1 }] };

dottedKeys(input) // => ['addresses.0.city']
dottedKeys(input, {separator: '_'}) // => ['addresses_0_city']

// with brackets around array indexes
dottedKeys(input, { useBrackets: true }) // => ['addresses[0].city']
dottedKeys(input, {separator: '_', useBrackets: true}) // => ['addresses[0]_city']


returns object without matching keys to omit

const input = {a: 1, b: 2, d: {f: 3, g: 2}};

dottedOmit(input, ['b', 'd.f']) // => {"a": 1,"d": {"g": 2}}
dottedOmit(input, ['d']) // => {"a": 1, "b": 2}}


returns object consisting of matching dotted paths

const input = {a: 1, b: 2, d: {f: 3, g: 2}};

dottedPick(input, ['b', 'd.f']) // => { b: 2, d: { f: 3 } }
dottedPick(input, ['d']) // => { d: { f: 3 } }


returns true if dotted key path matches one of given paths

matchesSearchPaths('a', ['a']) // => true 
matchesSearchPaths('a.ba', ['a']) // => true 

matchesSearchPaths('aa', ['a']) // => false 


hydrates dotted object

undot({ 'a.b.c': 1 }) // => { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }
undot({ a_b_c: 1 }, {separator: '_'}) // => { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }