2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define v2.0.0

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4 years ago


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This Babel plugin will take a set of config values (or load them from a file path) and replace all occurrences in the parsed scripts. This plugin is compatible with Babel 7. Other Babel versions have not been tested.

npm i -D @oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define

Configuration example (.babelrc, static config)

    "plugins": [
        [ "@oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define", {
            "values": { "your": "values" } 
        } ]

Configuration example (.babelrc, config from file)

    "plugins": [
        [ "@oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define", {
            "file": "./src/config" 
        } ]


All of the following example will use these plugin config values:

  "values": {
    "process.env.NODE_ENV": "production",
    "isProduction": true,
    "CONFIG": {
      "API_HOST": "https://your.domain/"
    "VAR": null,
    "TEST_STUFF": "/^foo$/igm",
    "didRTFM": true

Variable declarations


const initState = { initialized: true }
const appState = { global: { ...CONFIG, isProduction }, ...initialized }
const thisWorks = asWell = isProduction
const VAR = { CONFIG }


const initState = { initialized: true }
const appState = { global: { ...{ "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" } }, ...initialized }
const thisWorks = asWell = true
const VAR = { CONFIG: { "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" } }

Assignments and calls


const myObject = {}, isProduction = false
myObject.foo = VAR
myObject.isProduction = isProduction

new RegExp(TEST_STUFF)

Object.keys(CONFIG).map(key => console.log(key))


const myObject = {}, isProduction = false
myObject.foo = null
myObject.isProduction = isProduction

new RegExp("/^foo$/igm")

Object.keys({ "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" }).map(key => console.log(key))



export { CONFIG }
export default isProduction


const CONFIG = { "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" }
export { CONFIG }

const isProduction = true
export default isProduction

Conditionals evaluation


if (isProduction) { doThings() }
else { doSomthingElse() }

if (! isProduction) { whatEver() }
else { sorcery() }

const youAre = didRTFM ? 'awesome' : 'lazy'
const complicated = didRTFM && ! isProduction

const canNotEvaluate = didRTFM && require('./aScript')


{ doThings() }
{ sorcery() }

const youAre = 'awesome'
const complicated = false
const canNotEvaluate = true && require('./aScript')


Option keyDescriptionTypeDefault value
valuesObject with keys and values, that should be replaced. Please note that only the top level keys will be used for replacement. If you want to define process.env.NODE_ENV for instance, use { "process.env.NODE_ENV": "production" }object{}
fileInstead of passing an object, you can also reference a file. The given path has to be relative to your babel config and should use module.exports = { API_HOST: "https://..." }stringundefined
memberExpressionsYou can disable the processing of member expressions (node.env.NODE_ENV).booleantrue
exportExpressionsToggles the processing of export expressions (export { MY_CONFIG } or export default MY_CONFIG). Note: If you enable this option, you will have to set the babel parser option allowUndeclaredExports to true.booleantrue
evaluateConditionalsToggles the evaluation and simplification of If Statements, Unary Statements and so on.booleantrue
verboseIf set to true, some information about the replaced nodes and their types will be printed to the console.booleanfalse