3.0.0 • Published 6 months ago

@olo/pay-react-native v3.0.0

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Last release
6 months ago


Table Of Contents

About Olo Pay

Olo Pay is an E-commerce payment solution designed to help restaurants grow, protect, and support their digital ordering and delivery business. Olo Pay is specifically designed for digital restaurant ordering to address the challenges and concerns that weʼve heard from thousands of merchants.

About the React Native SDK

The Olo Pay React Native SDK allows partners to easily add PCI-compliant Apple Pay and Google Pay functionality to their checkout flow and seamlessly integrate with the Olo Ordering API.

Use of the plugin is subject to the terms of the Olo Pay SDK License.

For more information about integrating Olo Pay into your payment solutions, refer to our Olo Pay Dev Portal Documentation (Note: requires an Olo Developer account).


Run the following command from a terminal in your app's root project directory

npm install @olo/pay-react-native

Important: If using Expo, be sure to eject prior to installation

iOS-Specific Install Steps

Add the following lines at the top of your app's Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
source 'https://github.com/ololabs/podspecs.git'

Open a terminal, navigate to your app's iOS folder (usually <projectName>/ios), and run the following command:

pod install

Updating From a Previous Version

Run the following command from a terminal in your app's root project directory

npm install @olo/pay-react-native@latest

iOS-Specific Update Steps

Open a terminal, navigate to your app's iOS folder (usually <projectName>/ios), and run the following commands:

rm -rf Pods
pod update

Note: If you run into errors after updating, delete both your Pods folder and Podfile.lock file and then run pod install.

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Getting Started

A basic high-level overview of the steps needed to integrate the React Native SDK into your hybrid app is as follows:

Payment Methods (new cards & digital wallets)

This approach is used for cards that have not previously been saved on file with Olo. This includes new credit cards and digital wallets. With this approach both card input components and digital wallets return a PaymentMethod instance that is then used to submit a basket with Olo's Ordering API. Specific details can be found below.

  1. Initialize Olo Pay (see initialize(...)).
  2. Create the PaymentMethod.
  3. Submit the order to Olo's Ordering API using the PaymentMethod details.

CVV Tokens (previously saved cards)

This approach is used for cards that have previously been saved on file with Olo, and you want to reverify the CVV of the saved card prior to submitting a basket and processing a payment. The PaymentCardCvvView component will provide a CvvUpdateToken instance that is then used to submit a basket with Olo's Ordering API. Specific details can be found below.

  1. Initialize Olo Pay (see initialize(...)).
  2. Create the CvvUpdateToken.
    1. Add the PaymentCardCvvView component to the App's UI.
    2. Use the createCvvUpdateToken() function on the component to get a CvvUpdateToken instance
  3. Submit the order to Olo's Ordering API using the CvvUpdateToken details.

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Handling Promise Rejections

When calling functions on the Olo Pay React Native SDK, there is a chance that the call will fail with the promise being rejected. When this happens the returned error object will always contain code and message properties indicating why the method call was rejected.

For convenience, the SDK exports a PromiseRejectionCode enum and a PromiseRejection type for handling promise rejection errors.


try {
  const paymentMethodData = await getDigitalWalletPaymentMethod({ amount: 2.34 }});
  //Handle payment method data
} catch (error) {
  let rejection = error as PromiseRejection;
  if (rejection) {
    switch(rejection.code) {
      case PromiseRejectionCode.missingParameter: {
          // Handle missing parameter scenario
      case PromiseRejectionCode.sdkUninitialized: {
          // Handle sdk not initialized scenario
  } else {
    // Some other error not related to a promise rejection

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Events are used to send notifications regarding state changes that can't be completely handled by asynchronous method calls that return a promise. Details about each type of event can be found below.


You can subscribe to this event to know when digital wallets are ready to process payments. It can be referenced using the exported DigitalWalletReadyEvent constant or as a string with "digitalWalletReadyEvent". The event returns a DigitalWalletStatus object.

On iOS, if a device supports digital wallets, it will be ready (and this event will be emitted) as soon as the SDK is initialized.

On Android, this is emitted asynchronously after a call to initializeGooglePay(). Also note that this will be emitted whenever the status changes. Certain method calls, such as changeGooglePayVendor(), will cause this event to be emitted that changes the ready status to false and then asynchronously follow-up with another event that changes the status to true when the new vendor is ready to be used.

Example Code:

import { OloPayEvents, DigitalWalletReadyEvent } from '@olo/pay-react-native';

let subscription = OloPayEvents.addListener(
  (event: DigitalWalletStatus) => {
    // Handle event...

// Don't forget to unsubscribe when you no longer need to listen to the event

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Components are used to display credit card input fields in an app. Credit card details are not accessible by the developer, helping reduce the effort needed to maintain PCI compliance. Details about each component can be found below.


The PaymentCardDetailsView component displays all credit card input details in a single input field and is the most compressed way to display a credit card input view. It is composed of a root <View> component with two direct children, the credit card input view and a <Text> view for displaying error messages. Each piece of the component can be individually styled via componentStyles, cardStyles, and errorStyles (See PaymentCardDetailsViewProps)


PaymentCardDetailsViewProps provides customization for the card component.

componentStylesOptions for styling the root <View> component
errorStylesOptions for styling the error <Text> component. Default style is { minHeight: 20 }
cardStylesOptions for styling credit card input portion of the component. (See PaymentCardDetailsViewStyles)
viewPropsReact Native view properties for the root <View> component
customErrorMessagesOptions for defining custom error messages in place of defaults (See CustomErrorMessages)
postalCodeEnabledWhether or not the postal code should be displayed
isEnabledWhether or not the component is enabled and can receive touch and input events
displayErrorMessagesWhether or not the component should display error messages. Set to false if you have a custom mechanism for displaying error messages
placeholdersOptions for specifying placeholder text. (See PaymentCardDetailsPlaceholders)
onCardChange(card: CardDetails)Card change event handler. Called when input events occur. (See CardDetails)
onFocus()Focus event handler. Called when the component receives input focus
onBlur()Blur event handler. Called when the component loses input focus
onFocusField(field: CardField)Focus field event handler. Called each time focus moves to a new card input field within the component. (See CardField)

{ componentStyles?: StyleProp\; errorStyles?: StyleProp\; cardStyles?: PaymentCardDetailsViewStyles; viewProps?: ViewProps; postalCodeEnabled?: boolean; isEnabled?: boolean; displayErrorMessages?: boolean; placeholders?: PaymentCardDetailsPlaceholders; onCardChange?(card: CardDetails): void; onFocus?(): void; onBlur?(): void; onFocusField?(field: CardField): void; customErrorMessages?: CustomErrorMessages; }

Important: Card field text and error message text have separate styling mechanisms. If the default error colors are changed, it is important to change both of them. An example is provided below:

  cardStyles={{ errorTextColor: "#00ff00" }}
  errorStyles={{ color: "#00ff00" }}  


PaymentCardDetailsViewMethods defines the native methods that can be called on the PaymentCardDetailsView component. These methods can be accessed by passing a ref prop of this type into the component, and then calling them on the ref. See the PaymentCardDetailsView example code below for details.


focus() => Promise<void>

Puts focus on the PaymentCardDetailsView component and displays the keyboard. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


blur() => Promise<void>

Clears focus on the PaymentCardDetailsView component and hides the keyboard. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


clear() => Promise<void>

Clears all card details entered in the PaymentCardDetailsView component. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


createPaymentMethod() => Promise<PaymentMethod>

Attempts to create a payment method based on the entered card details. If successful, returns a PaymentMethod instance.

If the promise is rejected, possible values of the code property on the returned error will be one of:

PaymentCardDetailsView Example

import {
} from '@olo/pay-react-native';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import { useRef } from 'react';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const cardRef = useRef<PaymentCardDetailsViewMethods>(null);

  const createPaymentMethod = async () => {
    try {
      if (!cardRef.current) {

      let paymentMethod = await cardRef.current.createPaymentMethod();
      // Use the payment method to submit a basket using Olo's ordering API
    } catch (error) {
      // Handle the promise rejection

  // Styling omitted for sake of example simplicity
  return (
      <PaymentCardDetailsView displayErrorMessages={true} ref={cardRef} />
      <Button title="Submit Payment" onPress={createPaymentMethod} />


The PaymentCardDetailsForm component displays all credit card input details in a multi-line form and is the most visible way to display a credit card input view. It is composed of a root <View> component with a single nested child, the credit card input form. Each piece of the component can be individually styled via componentStyles and cardStyles (See PaymentCardDetailsFormProps)


PaymentCardDetailsFormProps provides additional properties defined in the following table

componentStylesOptions for styling the root <View>
cardStylesOptions for styling credit card input portion of the component. (See PaymentCardDetailsFormStyles)
isEnabledWhether or not the component is enabled and can receive touch and input events
onBlur()Blur event handler. Called when the component loses input focus (iOS Only)
onFocus()Focus event handler. Called when the component receives input focus (iOS Only)
onFormComplete()Card form complete event handler. Called when form complete events occur. (See CardValidationStatus)
viewPropsReact Native view properties for the root <View> component

{ cardStyles?: PaymentCardDetailsFormStyles; componentStyles?: StyleProp\; isEnabled?: boolean; onFocus?(): void; onBlur?(): void; onFormComplete?(cardValidationStatus: CardValidationStatus): void; viewProps?: ViewProps; }


PaymentCardDetailsFormMethods defines the native methods that can be called on the PaymentCardDetailsForm component. These methods can be accessed by passing a ref prop of this type into the component, and then calling them on the ref. See the PaymentCardDetailsForm example code below for details.

focus() (iOS Only)

focus() => Promise<void>

Puts focus on the PaymentCardDetailsForm component and displays the keyboard. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound

blur() (iOS Only)

blur() => Promise<void>

Clears focus on the PaymentCardDetailsForm component and hides the keyboard. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


createPaymentMethod() => Promise<PaymentMethod>

Attempts to create a payment method based on the entered card details. If successful, returns a PaymentMethod instance.

If the promise is rejected, possible values of the code property on the returned error will be one of:

PaymentCardDetailsForm Example

import { PaymentCardDetailsForm, PaymentCardDetailsFormMethods } from "@olo/pay-react-native";
import { View, Button } from "react-native";
import { useRef } from "react";

export default function MyComponent() {
  const cardRef = useRef<PaymentCardDetailsFormMethods>(null);
  const createPaymentMethod = async() => {
    try {
      if (!cardRef.current) {

      let paymentMethod = await cardRef.current.createPaymentMethod();
      // Use the payment method to submit a basket using Olo's ordering API
    } catch (error) {
      // Handle the promise rejection

  // Styling omitted for sake of example simplicity
  return (
        ref={cardRef} />
        title="Submit Payment"
        onPress={createPaymentMethod} />


The PaymentCardCvvView component displays a single input for a credit card's Card Verification Value (CVV). This is useful to reverify a credit card that has previously been saved with Olo. It is composed of a root <View> component with two nested children, the CVV code input and a <Text> component for displaying error messages. Each piece of the component can be individually styled via componentStyles and cvvStyles (See PaymentCardCvvViewProps)


componentStylesOptions for styling the root <View> component
customErrorMessagesOption for defining custom error messages in place of defaults (See CustomFieldError)
cvvStylesOptions for styling security code input portion of the component. (See PaymentCardCvvViewStyles)
displayErrorMessagesWhether or not the component should display error messages. Set to false if you have a custom mechanism for displaying error messages
errorStylesOptions for styling the error <Text> component. Default style is { minHeight: 20 }
isEnabledWhether or not the component is enabled and can receive touch and input events
onBlur(cvvDetails: CvvDetails)Blur event handler. Called when the component loses input focus (See CvvDetails)
onCvvChange(cvvDetails: CvvDetails)Card change event handler. Called when input events occur. (See CvvDetails)
onFocus(cvvDetails: CvvDetails)Focus event handler. Called when the component receives input focus (See CvvDetails)
placeholderOption for specifying placeholder text. (See PaymentCardCvvPlaceholder)
viewPropsReact Native view properties for the root <View> component

{ componentStyles?: StyleProp/;
customErrorMessages?: CustomFieldError;
cvvStyles?: StyleProp/;
displayErrorMessages?: boolean;
errorStyles?: StyleProp/;
isEnabled?: boolean: onBlur(details: CvvDetails)?: void; onCvvChange(details: CvvDetails)?: void; onFocus(details: CvvDetails)?: void; placeholder?: string; viewProps?: ViewProps;

Important: CVV field text and error message text have separate styling mechanisms. If the default error colors are changed, it is important to change both of them. An example is provided below:

  cvvStyles={{ errorTextColor: "#00ff00" }}
  errorStyles={{ color: "#00ff00" }}  


PaymentCardCvvViewMethods defines the native methods that can be called on the PaymentCardCvvView component. These methods can be accessed by adding a ref prop of this type into the component, and then calling them on the ref. See the PaymentCardCvvView example code below for details.


focus() => Promise<void>

Puts focus on the PaymentCardCvvView component and displays the keyboard. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


blur() => Promise<void>

Clears focus on the PaymentCardCvvView component and hides the keyboard. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


clear() => Promise<void>

Clears all security code details entered in the PaymentCardCvvView component. If the promise is rejected, the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.viewNotFound


createCvvUpdateToken() => Promise<CvvUpdateToken>

Attempts to create a CVV update token based on the entered security code details. If successful, returns a CvvUpdateToken instance.

If the promise is rejected, possible values of the code property on the returned error will be one of:

PaymentCardCvvView Example

import {
} from '@olo/pay-react-native';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import { useRef } from 'react';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const cvvRef = useRef<PaymentCardCvvViewMethods>(null);

  const createCvvUpdateToken = async () => {
    try {
      if (!cvvRef.current) {

      let cvvUpdateToken = await cvvRef.current.createCvvUpdateToken();
      // Use the CVV update token for revalidating a stored credit card
    } catch (error) {
      // Handle the promise rejection

  // Styling omitted for sake of example simplicity
  return (
      <PaymentCardCvvView displayErrorMessages={true} ref={cvvRef} />
      <Button title="Submit CVV" onPress={createCvvUpdateToken} />

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OloPaySDK Module

Native SDK methods can be called on the imported OloPaySDK object. This module is responsible for initializing the Olo Pay SDK and processing digital wallet payments.

import { OloPaySDK } from '@olo/pay-react-native';



initialize(options: AndroidInitializationOptions | iOSInitializationOptions) => Promise<void>

Initialize the Olo Pay SDK. The SDK must be initialized prior to calling other methods.

This promise will only be rejected on iOS. If it is rejected the code property on the returned error will be PromiseRejectionCode.missingParameter

NOTE: On iOS, this method will also initialize Apple Pay and a DigitalWalletReadyEvent will be emitted when it is ready to process payments. On Android, a separate initialization call to initializeGooglePay() is required.

optionsOloPayInitializationConfig | iOSInitializationOptionsInitialization options


initializeGooglePay(options: GooglePayInitializationOptions) => Promise<void>

ANDROID ONLY: If this method is called on iOS the promise will be rejected

Initialize digital wallets. This must be called after initializing the SDK. When digital wallets are ready, a DigitalWalletReadyEvent will be emitted.

If the promise is rejected, possible values of the code property on the returned error will be one of:

optionsGooglePayInitializationOptionsOptions for initializing digital wallets. countryCode and merchantName are required options.


changeGooglePayVendor(options: ChangeGooglePayVendorOptions) => Promise<void>

ANDROID ONLY: If this method is called on iOS the promise will be rejected

Call this to change the country and merchant name used for processing Google Pay payments. This will immediately trigger a DigitalWalletReadyEvent indicating digital wallets are not ready. When Google Pay has been reinitialized and is ready to be used with the new parameters, another event will be emitted.

NOTE: If other options need to be changed besides country code and merchant name you can call initializeGooglePay() instead, but it is more expensive than calling this method.

If the promise is rejected, possible values of the code property on the returned error will be one of:

optionsChangeGooglePayVendorOptionsOptions for changing the country and merchant name. countryCode and merchantName are required options.


getDigitalWalletPaymentMethod(options: DigitalWalletPaymentRequestOptions) => Promise<DigitalWalletPaymentMethodResult | undefined>

Launch the digital wallet flow and generate a payment method to be used with Olo's Ordering API.

If the promise is rejected, the code property of the returned error object will be one of:

optionsDigitalWalletPaymentRequestOptionsOptions for processing a digital wallet payment. amount is a required option

Returns: Promise<DigitalWalletPaymentMethodResult>


isInitialized() => Promise<InitializationStatus>

Check if the Olo Pay SDK has been initialized

Returns: Promise<InitializationStatus>


isDigitalWalletInitialized() => Promise<InitializationStatus>

Check if digital wallets have been initialized. On iOS, digital wallets are initialized when the SDK is initialized, so this method will behave the same as isInitialized(). On Android, a separate call to initializeGooglePay() is required to initialize digital wallets.

Returns: Promise<InitializationStatus>


isDigitalWalletReady() => Promise<DigitalWalletStatus>

Check if digital wallets are ready to be used. Events are emitted whenever the digital wallet status changes, so listenting to that event can be used instead of calling this method, if desired.

Returns: Promise<DigitalWalletStatus>

Type Aliases


Options for initializing the Android Olo Pay SDK. This is a type alias for code readability.



Options for initializing the Olo Pay SDK | Property | Description | Default | | -------- | ----------- | ------- | | productionEnvironment | true to use the production environment, false for the test environment. | true | | freshInstall | If true, this will be treated as a fresh setup of the SDK and cached data will be overwritten. This is useful for testing purposes when switching between Dev and Production environments. This should generally be false for production builds. | false |

{ productionEnvironment?: boolean; freshInstall?: boolean; }


Options for initializing the iOS Olo Pay SDK. This is a type alias for code readability

OloPayInitializationConfig & ApplePayInitializationConfig


Options for initializing Apple Pay | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | applePayMerchantId | The merchant id registered with Apple for Apple Pay | | applePayCompanyLabel | The company name that will be displayed on the Apple Pay payment sheet |

{ applePayMerchantId: string; applePayCompanyLabel: string; }


Options for intializing Google Pay | Property | Description | Default | | -------- | ----------- | ------- | | googlePayProductionEnvironment | true to use the production environment, false for the test environment | true | | countryCode | A two character country code for the vendor that will be processing the payment | - | | merchantName | The merchant/vendor display name | - | | fullAddressFormat | Determines what address fields are required to complete a Google Pay transaction. true includes name, street address, locality, region, country code, and postal code. false only includes name, country code, and postal code | false | | existingPaymentMethodRequired | Whether an existing saved payment method is required for Google Pay to be considered ready | true | | emailRequired | Whether Google Pay collects an email when processing payments | false | | phoenNumberRequired | Whether Google Pay collects a phone number when processing payments | false |

{ googlePayProductionEnvironment?: boolean; countryCode: string; merchantName: string; fullAddressFormat?: boolean; existingPaymentMethodRequired?: boolean; emailRequired?: boolean; phoneNumberRequired?: boolean; }


Options for changing the country code or merchant name for Google Pay transactions | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | countryCode | A two character country code for the vendor that will be processing the payment | | merchantName | The merchant/vendor display name |

{ countryCode: string; merchantName: string; }


Type alias representing a digital wallet payment method result. The object will either contain payment method data or error data.

{ paymentMethod: PaymentMethod; error?: undefined } | { paymentMethod?: undefined; error: DigitalWalletError }


Payment method used for submitting payments to Olo's Ordering API | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | id | The payment method id. This should be set to the token field when submitting a basket | | last4 | The last four digits of the card | | cardType | The issuer of the card | | expMonth | Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month | | expYear | Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year | | postalCode | Zip or postal code | | countryCode | Two character country code | | isDigitalWallet | true if this payment method was created by digital wallets (e.g. Apple Pay or Google Pay), false otherwise |

{ id?: string; last4?: string; cardType?: CardType; expMonth?: number; expYear?: number; postalCode?: string; countryCode?: string; isDigitalWallet: boolean; }


Type representing a digital wallet error | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | errorMessage | Error message indicating what went wrong | | digitalWalletType | Enum value indicating Apple Pay or Google Pay. If this is a Google Pay error, there are additional properties indicating the type of error that occurred. See GooglePayError |

{ errorMessage: string; digitalWalletType: DigitalWalletType; } & (GooglePayError | null)


Type representing specific error types that can occur while processing a Google Pay transaction | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | googlePayErrorType | The type of error that occurred. See GooglePayErrorType |

{ googlePayErrorType: GooglePayErrorType; }


Type alias representing options for a digital wallet payment method request

GooglePayPaymentRequestOptions | ApplePayPaymentRequestOptions


Options for requesting a payment method via Google Pay | Property | Description | Default | | -------- | ----------- | ------- | | amount | The amount to be charged | - | | currencyCode | A three character currency code for the transaction | 'USD' | | currencyMulitplier | Multiplier to convert the amount to the currency's smallest currency unit (e.g. $2.34 * 100 = 234 cents) | 100 |

Important: The amount charged will be equivalent to amount * currencyCode so ensure these are set properly

{ amount: number; currencyCode?: string; currencyMultiplier?: number; }


Options for requesting a payment method via Apple Pay | Property | Description | Default | | -------- | ----------- | ------- | | amount | The amount to be charged | - | | currencyCode | A three character currency code for the transaction | 'USD' | | countryCode | A two character country code | 'US' |

{ amount: number; countryCode?: string; currencyCode?: string; }


Represents the status for SDK initialization | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | isInitialized | true if the SDK is initialized, false otherwise |

{ isInitialized: boolean; }


Represents the status of digital wallets. | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | isReady | true if digital wallets are ready to be used, false otherwise |

{ isReady: boolean; }



visa'Visa'Visa credit card type. Pass the string value of this into the Olo Ordering API when submitting orders
amex'Amex'American Express credit card type. Pass the string value of this into the Olo Ordering API when submitting orders
mastercard'Mastercard'Mastercard credit card type. Pass the string value of this into the Olo Ordering API when submitting orders
discover'Discover'Discover credit card type. Pass the string value of this into the Olo Ordering API when submitting orders
unsupported'Unsupported'Unsupported credit card type. Passing this to the Olo Ordering API will result in an error
unknown'Unknown'Unknown credit card type. Passing this to the Olo Ordering API will result in an error




networkError'NetworkError'Google Pay didn't succeed due to a network error
developerError'DeveloperError'Google Pay didn't succeed due to developer error
internalError'InternalError'Google Pay didn't succeed due to an internal error


Describes all the reasons why a method could be rejected. Individual methods document which promise rejection codes are possible, and it's up to the developer to handle them.

invalidParameter'InvalidParameter'Promise rejected due to an invalid parameter
missingParameter'MissingParameter'A required parameter is missing
sdkUninitialized'SdkUninitialized'The SDK isn't initialized yet
applePayUnsupported'ApplePayUnsupported'The device doesn't support Apple Pay (iOS Only)
googlePayUninitialized'GooglePayUninitialized'Google Pay hasn't been initialized yet (Android Only)
googlePayNotReady'GooglePayNotReady'Google Pay isn't ready yet (Android Only)
unimplemented'UNIMPLEMENTED'The method isn't implemented for the current platform
viewNotFound'ViewNotFound'The native view associated with the component could not be found
apiError'ApiError'A general-purpose API error occurred
invalidRequest'InvalidRequest'A request to servers has invalid parameters
connectionError'ConnectionError'An issue occurred connecting to the server
cancellationError'CancellationError'The operation was cancelled by the server
authenticationError'AuthenticationError'An authentication issue with the server
invalidCardDetails'InvalidCardDetails'The card details are invalid
invalidNumber'InvalidNumber'The card's number is invalid
invalidExpiration'InvalidExpiration'The card's expiration date is invalid
invalidCvv'InvalidCVV'The card security code is invalid or incomplete
invalidPostalCode'InvalidPostalCode'The card's zip code is invalid or incorrect
expiredCard'ExpiredCard'The card is expired
cardDeclined'CardDeclined'The card was declined
unknownCardError'UnknownCardError'An unknown or unaccounted-for card error occurred
processingError'ProcessingError'An error occurred while processing the card info
generalError'generalError'A general-purpose error occurred


Represents the different input fields of the PaymentCardDetailsView component

number'number'Credit card number field
expiration'expiration'Credit card expiration field
cvv'cvv'Credit card security code field
postalCode'postalCode'Credit card postal code field


Options for determining the weight of the font.

ultraLightUltra light font weight. Corresponds to a value of 100
thinThin font weight. Corresponds to a value of 200
lightLight font weight. Corresponds to a value of 300
regularRegular font weight. This is the default in most cases. Corresponds to a value of 400
mediumMedium font weight. Corresponds to a value of 500
semiBoldSemi Bold font weight. Corresponds to a value of 600
boldBold font weight. Corresponds to a value of 700
extraBoldExtra bold font weight. Corresponds to a value of 800
blackHeaviest font weight. Corresponds to a value of 900

Additional Type Aliases


When a promise is rejected, the error object returned is guaranteed to have these properties to understand what went wrong. There may be additional properties on the object, but code and message will always be available.

codeThe code to indicate why the promise was rejected
messageA message providing more context about why the promise was rejected. e.g. If the code is missingParameter the message will indicate which parameter is missing


Options for specifying placeholder values for each credit card input field

numberThe placeholder value for the credit card number field
expirationThe placeholder value for the credit card expiration field
cvvThe placeholder value for the credit card cvv field
postalCodeThe placeholder value for the credit card postal code field

{ number?: string; expiration?: string; cvv?: string; postalCode?: string }


Options for styling the PaymentCardDetailsView component. All colors should be specified in hex format.

stylesReact Native styles for this view. Default is { minHeight: 50 }
borderWidthThe width of the card view's border
borderColorThe color of the card view's border
cornerRadiusThe corner radius of the card view's border
backgroundColorThe background color for the card view (Android: Requires API 27+)
textColorThe text color for user-entered text (Android: Requires API 27+)
fontSizeThe font size for all text input
fontFamilyThe font family used for text
placeholderColorThe color for placeholder text (Android: Requires API 27+)
cursorColorThe color for the cursor (Android: Requires API 29+)
errorTextColorThe color of the text inside the input fields if they are in an error state. Consider changing errorStyles.color when changing this property (Android: Requires API 27+)
fontWeightThe stroke weight of the font in each of the fields. API 28+ can support all font weights. Lower API versions interpret a FontWeight of 700 or above as bold and below 700 as regular (Android Only)
italicDetermins if the font inside the fields should be italic style (Android Only)
textPaddingLeftPadding (in pixels) for the left of the card input area. (Android Only)
textPaddingRightPadding (in pixels) for the right of the card input area. (Android Only)

{ styles?: StyleProp\; borderWidth?: number; borderColor?: string; cornerRadius?: number; backgroundColor?: string; textColor?: string; fontSize?: number; fontFamily?: string; placeholderColor?: string; cursorColor?: string; errorTextColor?: string; fontWeight?: FontWeight; italic?: boolean; textPaddingLeft?: number; textPaddingRight?: number; }


Options for styling the PaymentCardDetailsForm component. All colors should be specified in hex format. | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | styles | React Native styles for this view. Default style in iOS is { minHeight: 190 } and in Android it is { minHeight: 300 } | | backgroundColor | The background color of the form (iOS Only) | | cursorColor | The color of the cursor within the form (iOS Only) |

{styles?: StyleProp\; backgroundColor?: string; cursorColor?: string}


Represents the validation state of a credit card component. This is used in the PaymentCardDetailsForm onFormComplete property and is extended in CardDetails to be used in the PaymentCardDetailsView onCardChange property.

isValidWhether or not the card is in a valid state


Options for styling the PaymentCardCvvView component. All colors should be specified in hex format.

stylesReact Native styles for this view. Default style is { minHeight: 45 }
borderWidthThe width of the input view's border
borderColorThe color of the input view's border
cornerRadiusThe corner radius of the input view's border
backgroundColorThe background color for the input view (Android: Requires API 27+)
textColorThe text color for user-entered text (Android: Requires API 27+)
fontSizeThe font size for all text
fontFamilyThe font family used for text
placeholderColorThe color for placeholder text (Android: Requires API 27+)
cursorColorThe color for the cursor (Android: Requires API 29+)
errorTextColorThe color of the text inside the input field if they are in an error state. Consider changing errorStyles.color when changing this property (Android: Requires API 27+)
fontWeightThe stroke weight of the font in each of the fields. API 28+ can support all font weights. Lower API versions interpret a FontWeight of 700 or above as bold and below 700 as regular (Android Only)
italicDetermins if the font inside the field should be italic style (Android Only)
textPaddingLeftPadding (in pixels) for the left of the card input area
textPaddingRightPadding (in pixels) for the right of the card input area
textAlignThe alignment of the text within the view. The value can be one of left, center, or right

{ styles?: StyleProp\; borderWidth?: number; borderColor?: string; cornerRadius?: number; backgroundColor?: string; textColor?: string; fontSize?: number; fontFamily?: string; placeholderColor?: string; cursorColor?: string; errorTextColor?: string; fontWeight?: FontWeight; italic?: boolean; textPaddingLeft?: number; textPaddingRight?: number; textAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right"; }


Extends CardValidationStatus and represents the state of the credit card component. This is used in the PaymentCardDetailsView onCardChange property.

isValidWhether or not the card is in a valid state (See CardValidationStatus)
cardTypeThe detected card type, based on user input (See CardType)
invalidFieldsAn array of fields that are in an invalid state (See CardField)
emptyFieldsAn array of fields that are empty (See CardField)
errors.editedFieldsErrorAn error message that is calculated by only looking at the state of fields that have been edited (received and lost focus).
errors.allFieldsErrorAn error message that is calculated by looking at the state of all fields, regardless of whether they have been edited.


Represents the state of the CVV component. This is used in the PaymentCardCvvView onBlur, onCvvChange, and onFocus properties.

stateProvides full insight into the current state of the CVV security code input (See FieldState)
errors.editedFieldErrorAn error message that is calculated by only looking at the state of the field if it has been edited (received and lost focus).
errors.uneditedFieldErrorAn error message that is calculated by looking at the state of the field, regardless of whether it has been edited.

{ state: FieldState; errors?: { editedFieldError?: string; uneditedFieldError?: string: } }


CVV Update Token used for revalidating a stored credit card

idThe CVV update token id
productionEnvironmentBoolean value indicating if the token was generated in a production environment

{ id?: string; productionEnvironment?: boolean; }


Represents the entire state of a field

isValidWhether or not the field is in a valid format
isFocusedWhether or not the field is currently being focused
isEmptyWhether or not the field is empty
wasEditedWhether or not the field was edited at any point in time, even if it is currently empty
wasFocusedWhether or not the field was focused at any point

{ isValid: boolean; isFocused: boolean; isEmpty: boolean; wasEdited: boolean; wasFocused: boolean; }


Optional custom defined error messages to that can be displayed in place of default error messages. Any properties not defined will fall back to the default error messages.

numberAn optional collection of custom error messages for when there is an error with the card number field (See CardField)
expirationAn optional collection of custom error messages for when there is an error with the card expiration field (See CardField)
cvvAn optional collection of custom error messages for when there is an error with the card CVV field (See CardField)
postalCodeAn optional collection of custom error messages for when there is an error with the postal code field (See CardField)
unsupportedCardErrorAn optional custom error message for when the card type is unsupported by Olo.
generalCardErrorAn optional custom error message for a general card error.


Options for defining custom error messages for different error conditions.

emptyErrorAn error message for when the field is empty.
invalidErrorAn error message for when the field is invalid.

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v3.0.0 (Oct 31, 2023)

Dependency Updates

Breaking Changes



v2.0.1 (July 18, 2023)

Dependency Updates

v2.0.0 (July 14, 2023)

Breaking Changes


v1.0.2 (May 22, 2023)


  • Fix crash if negative amount is passed in to getDigitalWalletPaymentMethod()

v1.0.1 (Mar 9, 2023)


  • Fix iOS installation issue Updates
  • Added iOS setup documentation

v1.0.0 (Feb 22, 2023)

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Olo Pay Software Development Kit License Agreement

Copyright © 2022 Olo Inc. All rights reserved.

Subject to the terms and conditions of the license, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to (a) copy and modify the software in source code or binary form for your use in connection with the software services and interfaces provided by Olo, and (b) redistribute unmodified copies of the software to third parties. The above copyright notice and this license shall be included in or with all copies or substantial portions of the software.

Your use of this software is subject to the Olo APIs Terms of Use, available at https://www.olo.com/api-usage-terms. This license does not g


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