0.0.13 • Published 6 years ago

@onaio/superset-connector v0.0.13

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6 years ago

Superset Connector

This connector module uses an fetch-based API submodule to access slice data via Superset's new slice API endpoint. The API connector module uses simple configurations to construct and execute an AJAX request via fetch.


Import the Connector into a module and Request resources from Superset:

import superset from '@onaio/superset-connector';

const fetchConfig = {
  endpoint: 'slice',
  extraPath: '1',
  base: 'http://localhost:8088/'

const fetchMiddleware = res => res;

const fetchCallback = parsedResponse => {
  const sliceData = superset.processData(parsedResponse);
  return doSomethingWithData(data);

superset.api.doFetch(fetchConfig, fetchMiddleware).then(fetchCallback);

API Fetch Config

(required) Object contaning options / credentials

/** interface to describe configuration options */
export interface SupersetConnectorConfig {
  credentials?: RequestCredentials /** Custom override for Fetch API 'credentials' setting */;
  base?: string /** Overrides Auth URI Basepath, requires trailing '/' */;
  endpoint?: string /** The endpoint to hit on the Superset API */;
  extraPath?: string /** url path to append when hitting the Superset API */;
  method?: string /** Specify HTTP Method (defaults to GET) */;
  mimeType?: string /** Specify mimeType for Request Headers */;
  params?: string /** Additional parameters to be appended to API Path */;
  provider?: string /** oAuth2 Provider name as a string */;
  token: string /** oAuth2 Access Token as a string */;

Filtering data from Superset

Included is a utility called getFormData which can be used to construct Superset filter options.

getFormData takes the following parameters:

  • rowLimit (optional): the number of rows to return from Superset
  • filters (optional): array of filters to be sent to Superset
  • ordering (optional): an object containing fields to order by e.g. {plan: true} ==> order by the plan field ascending (false would mean descending)


The filters option can be either:

  • Simple filter e.g. { comparator: '10f9e9fa', operator: '==', subject: 'plan_id'}
  • SQL filter e.g. { sqlExpression: "plan_id = '10f9e9fa'" }

Both of the above filters do the same thing i.e. filter where plan_id == '10f9e9fa'

Both types of filters are documented via their respective interfaces, i.e.

/** Allowed Superset filter operators */
export type SupersetFilterOperators =
  | '=='
  | '!='
  | '>='
  | '<='
  | '<'
  | '>'
  | 'LIKE'
  | 'in'
  | 'not+in'
  | 'IS+NULL'
  | 'IS+NOT+NULL';

/** Superset ad-hoc filter options */
export interface SupersetAdhocFilterOption {
    | string
    | number
    | string[]
    | number[] /** the value to compare your filter field to */;
  operator: SupersetFilterOperators /** the operator to use in filtering */;
  subject: string /** the field you wish to filter by */;

/** Superset SQL filter options */
export interface SupersetSQLFilterOption {
  sqlExpression: string /** the SQL statement to use in the filter e.g. "plan_id = '10f9e9fa'" */;

Example usage

import superset from '@onaio/superset-connector';

const rowLimit = 50; // return 50 rows
const filters = [
  // filter where plan_id == '10f9e9fa' AND target > 100
  { sqlExpression: "target > 200" },
  { comparator: '10f9e9fa', operator: '==', subject: 'plan_id'},
const ordering = {plan: true, goal: false}; // order by plan ascending and goal descending

// construct the formData object
const formData = superset.getFormData(rowLimit, filters, ordering);

// construct the configs
const config = {
  endpoint: 'slice',
  extraPath: '892',
  params: `form_data=${JSON.stringify(formData)}`
  token: '123'

// finally
const data = await superset.api.doFetch(config);

API Fetch Middleware

(optional) Function to modify the raw FetchAPI Response. Defautls to (res) => res

API Fetch Callback

(optional) Function to handle response, otherwise the response is simply returned

Gisida Usage

For use within the context of a Gisida client, add the following to Gisida's site-config.APP settings:

APP: {

  "supersetAuth": true,
  // Required - Determines if Gisida login / logout functionalities should AuthZ/DeAuthZ for Superset.

  "supersetBase": "https://canopy.client-site.com/"
  // Required - Points to the relevant instance of Canopy Superset, must include trailing `/`
                (use `http://localhost:8088/` if running onaio/docker-compose-canopy locally)


6 years ago


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6 years ago