1.23.0 • Published 7 years ago

@onespeed/serverless v1.23.0

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7 years ago

Serverless Application Framework AWS Lambda API Gateway

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The Serverless Framework – Build applications comprised of microservices that run in response to events, auto-scale for you, and only charge you when they run. This lowers the total cost of maintaining your apps, enabling you to build more logic, faster.

The Framework uses new event-driven compute services, like AWS Lambda, Google CloudFunctions, and more. It's a command-line tool, providing scaffolding, workflow automation and best practices for developing and deploying your serverless architecture. It's also completely extensible via plugins.

Serverless is an MIT open-source project, actively maintained by a full-time, venture-backed team.

Watch the video guide here.

Serverless Framework Feedback Survey


Quick Start

Watch the video guide here or follow the steps below to create and deploy your first serverless microservice in minutes.

  1. Install via npm:

    npm install -g serverless
  2. Set-up your Provider Credentials. Watch the video on setting up credentials

  3. Create a Service:

    You can create a new service or install existing services.

    # Create a new Serverless Service/Project
    serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path my-service
    # Change into the newly created directory
    cd my-service
  4. Deploy a Service:

    Use this when you have made changes to your Functions, Events or Resources in serverless.yml or you simply want to deploy all changes within your Service at the same time.

    serverless deploy -v
  5. Deploy the Function:

    Use this to quickly upload and overwrite your AWS Lambda code on AWS, allowing you to develop faster.

    serverless deploy function -f hello
  6. Invoke the Function:

    Invokes an AWS Lambda Function on AWS and returns logs.

    serverless invoke -f hello -l
  7. Fetch the Function Logs:

    Open up a separate tab in your console and stream all logs for a specific Function using this command.

    serverless logs -f hello -t
  8. Remove the Service:

    Removes all Functions, Events and Resources from your AWS account.

    serverless remove

How to Install a Service:

This is a convenience method to install a pre-made Serverless Service locally by downloading the Github repo and unzipping it. Services are listed below.

serverless install -u https://github.com/your-url-to-the-serverless-service

Check out the Serverless Framework Guide for more information.

Services (V1.0)

The following are services you can instantly install and use by running serverless install --url <service-github-url>

Note: the serverless install command will only work on V1.0 or later.


  • Supports Node.js, Python, Java, Scala, C#, F#, Groovy, Kotlin, PHP & Swift.
  • Manages the lifecycle of your serverless architecture (build, deploy, update, delete).
  • Safely deploy functions, events and their required resources together via provider resource managers (e.g., AWS CloudFormation).
  • Functions can be grouped ("serverless services") for easy management of code, resources & processes, across large projects & teams.
  • Minimal configuration and scaffolding.
  • Built-in support for multiple stages.
  • Optimized for CI/CD workflows.
  • Loaded with automation, optimization and best practices.
  • 100% Extensible: Extend or modify the Framework and its operations via Plugins.
  • An ecosystem of serverless services and plugins.
  • A passionate and welcoming community!

Plugins (V1.0)

Use these plugins to extend or overwrite the Framework's functionality.

Add a plugin to this list

Raml Serverless Serverless plugin to work with RAML API spec documentsandrewcurioso
Serverless Alexa Plugin Serverless plugin to support Alexa Lambda eventsrajington
Serverless Api Stage Serverless API Stage plugin, enables stage variables and logging for AWS API Gateway.leftclickben
Serverless Apig S3 Serve static front-end content from S3 via the API Gatewy and deploy client bundle to S3.sdd
Serverless Apigateway Plugin Configure the AWS api gateway: Binary support, Headers and Body template mappingsGFG
Serverless Apigw Binary Plugin to enable binary support in AWS API Gateway.maciejtreder
Serverless Apigwy Binary Serverless plugin for configuring API Gateway to return binary responsesryanmurakami
Serverless Aws Alias This plugin enables use of AWS aliases on Lambda functions.HyperBrain
Serverless Aws Documentation Serverless plugin to add documentation and models to the serverless generated API Gateway9cookies
Serverless Build Plugin A Node.js focused build plugin for serverless.nfour
Serverless Cf Vars Enables use of AWS pseudo functions and Fn::Sub string substitutionkabo
Serverless Cljs Plugin Enables Clojurescript as an implementation language for Lambda handlersnervous-systems
Serverless Coffeescript A Serverless plugin to compile your CoffeeScript into JavaScript at deploymentduanefields
Serverless Command Line Event Args This module is Serverless Framework plugin. Event JSON passes to your Lambda function in commandline.horike37
Serverless Crypt Securing the secrets on Serverless Framework by AWS KMS encryption.marcy-terui
Serverless Custom Packaging Plugin Plugin to package your sourcecode using a custom target path inside the zip.hypoport
Serverless Dir Config Plugin EXPERIMENTAL - Serverless plugin to load function and resource definitions from a directory.economysizegeek
Serverless Domain Manager Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways.amplify-education
Serverless Dotenv Fetch environment variables and write it to a .env fileJimdo
Serverless Dotnet A serverless plugin to run 'dotnet' commands as part of the deploy processfruffin
Serverless Dynalite Run dynalite locally (no JVM, all JS) to simulate DynamoDB. Watch serverless.yml for table config updates.sdd
Serverless Dynamodb Autoscaling Configure Amazon DynamoDB's native Auto Scaling for your table capacities.sbstjn
Serverless Dynamodb Local Serverless Dynamodb Local Plugin - Allows to run dynamodb locally for serverless99xt
Serverless Dynamodb Ttl Configure DynamoDB TTL in serverless.yml (until CloudFormation supports this).Jimdo
Serverless Enable Api Logs Enables Coudwatch logging for API Gateway eventspaulSambolin
Serverless Env Generator Manage environment variables with YAML and load them with dotenv. Supports variable encryption with KMS, multiple stages and custom profiles.DieProduktMacher
Serverless Event Constant Inputs Allows you to add constant inputs to events in Serverless 1.0. For more info see constant values in Cloudwatchdittto
Serverless Export Env Export environment variables into a .env file with automatic AWS CloudFormation reference resolution.arabold
Serverless Gulp A thin task wrapper around @goserverless that allows you to automate build, test and deploy tasks using gulprhythminme
Serverless Hooks Plugin Run arbitrary commands on any lifecycle event in serverlessuswitch
Serverless Jest Plugin A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using JestSC5
Serverless Kms Secrets Allows to easily encrypt and decrypt secrets using KMS from the serverless CLISC5
Serverless Kubeless Serverless plugin for deploying functions to Kubeless.serverless
Serverless Local Dev Server Speeds up development of Alexa Skills, Chatbots and APIs by exposing your functions as local HTTP endpoints and mapping received events.DieProduktMacher
Serverless Log Forwarding Serverless plugin for forwarding CloudWatch logs to another Lambda function.amplify-education
Serverless Mocha Plugin A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using MochaSC5
Serverless Nested Stack A plugin to Workaround for Cloudformation 200 resource limitjagdish-176
Serverless Offline Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless projectdherault
Serverless Offline Scheduler Runs scheduled functions offline while integrating with serverless-offlineajmath
Serverless Package Python Functions Packaging Python Lambda functions with only the dependencies/requirements they need.ubaniabalogun
Serverless Parameters Add parameters to the generated cloudformation templatessvdgraaf
Serverless Plugin Aws Alerts A Serverless plugin to easily add CloudWatch alarms to functionsACloudGuru
Serverless Plugin Aws Resolvers Resolves variables from ESS, RDS, or Kinesis for serverless servicesDopplerLabs
Serverless Plugin Bespoken Creates a local server and a proxy so you don't have to deploy anytime you want to test your codebespoken
Serverless Plugin Bind Deployment Id A Serverless plugin to bind the randomly generated deployment resource to your custom resourcesjacob-meacham
Serverless Plugin Browserifier Reduce the size and speed up your Node.js based lambda's using browserify.digitalmaas
Serverless Plugin Browserify Speed up your node based lambda'sdoapp-ryanp
Serverless Plugin Cfauthorizer This plugin allows you to define your own API Gateway Authorizers as the Serverless CloudFormation resources and apply them to HTTP endpoints.SC5
Serverless Plugin Cloudwatch Sumologic Plugin which auto-subscribes a log delivery lambda function to lambda log groups created by serverlessACloudGuru
Serverless Plugin Common Excludes Adds commonly excluded files to package.excludesdougmoscrop
Serverless Plugin Custom Domain Reliably sets a BasePathMapping to an API Gateway Custom Domaindougmoscrop
Serverless Plugin Deploy Environment Plugin to manage deployment environment across stagesDopplerLabs
Serverless Plugin Diff Compares your local AWS CloudFormation templates against deployed ones.nicka
Serverless Plugin Elastic Beanstalk A serverless plugin to deploy applications to AWS ElasticBeanstalk.rawphp
Serverless Plugin Encode Env Var Objects Serverless plugin to encode any environment variable objects.yonomi
Serverless Plugin External Sns Events Add ability for functions to use existing or external SNS topics as an event sourcesilvermine
Serverless Plugin Git Variables A Serverless plugin to expose git variables (branch name, HEAD description, full commit hash) to your serverless servicesjacob-meacham
Serverless Plugin Graphiql A Serverless plugin to run a local http server for graphiql and your graphql handlerbencooling
Serverless Plugin Include Dependencies This is a Serverless plugin that should make your deployed functions smaller.dougmoscrop
Serverless Plugin Iopipe See inside your Lambda functions with high fidelity metrics and monitoring.iopipe
Serverless Plugin Lambda Dead Letter A Serverless plugin that can configure a lambda with a dead letter queue or topicgmetzker
Serverless Plugin Log Subscription Adds a CloudWatch LogSubscription for functionsdougmoscrop
Serverless Plugin Multiple Responses Enable multiple content-types for Response templatesilvermine
Serverless Plugin Offline Kinesis Events Plugin that works with serverless-offline to allow offline testing of serverless functions that are triggered by Kinesis events.DopplerLabs
Serverless Plugin Optimize Bundle with Browserify, transpile with Babel to ES5 and minify with Uglify your Serverless functions.FidelLimited
Serverless Plugin Package Dotenv File A Serverless plugin to copy a .env file into the serverless packageACloudGuru
Serverless Plugin Scripts Add scripting capabilities to the Serverless Frameworkmvila
Serverless Plugin Select Select which functions are to be deployed based on region and stage.FidelLimited
Serverless Plugin Simulate Simulate AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally using Dockergertjvr
Serverless Plugin Split Stacks Migrate certain resources to nested stacksdougmoscrop
Serverless Plugin Stack Config A serverless plugin to manage configurations for a stack across micro-services.rawphp
Serverless Plugin Stack Outputs Displays stack outputs for your serverless stacks when sls info is ransvdgraaf
Serverless Plugin Stage Variables Add stage variables for Serverless 1.x to ApiGateway, so you can use variables in your Lambda'ssvdgraaf
Serverless Plugin Subscription Filter A serverless plugin to register AWS CloudWatchLogs subscription filtertsub
Serverless Plugin Typescript Serverless plugin for zero-config Typescript support.graphcool
Serverless Plugin Warmup Keep your lambdas warm during Winter.FidelLimited
Serverless Plugin Webpack A serverless plugin to automatically bundle your functions individually with webpackgoldwasserexchange
Serverless Plugin Write Env Vars Write environment variables out to a file that is compatible with dotenvsilvermine
Serverless Prune Plugin Deletes old versions of functions from AWS, preserving recent and aliased versionsclaygregory
Serverless Pseudo Parameters Use ${AWS::AccountId} and other cloudformation pseudo parameters in your serverless.yml valuessvdgraaf
Serverless Python Individually A serverless framework plugin to install multiple lambda functions written in pythoncfchou
Serverless Python Requirements Serverless plugin to bundle Python packagesUnitedIncome
Serverless Resources Env After Deploy, this plugin fetches cloudformation resource identifiers and sets them on AWS lambdas, and creates local .-env filerurri
Serverless Run Function Plugin Run serverless function locallylithin
Serverless S3 Remover A serverless plugin to make s3 buckets empty before deleting cloudformation stack when sls removesinofseven
Serverless S3 Sync A plugin to sync local directories and S3 prefixes for Serverless Framework,k1LoW
Serverless S3bucket Sync Sync a local folder with a S3 bucket after sls deploysbstjn
Serverless Sam Exports an AWS SAM template for a service created with the Serverless Framework.SAPessi
Serverless Scriptable Plugin Customize Serverless behavior without writing a plugin.weixu365
Serverless Sentry Automatic monitoring of memory usage, execution timeouts and forwarding of Lambda errors to Sentry (https://sentry.io).arabold
Serverless Shell Drop to a runtime shell with all the environment variables set that you'd have in lambda.UnitedIncome
Serverless Sqs Alarms Plugin Wrapper to setup CloudWatch Alarms on SQS queue lengthsbstjn
Serverless Sqs Fifo A serverless plugin to handle creation of sqs fifo queue's in aws (stop-gap)vortarian
Serverless Stack Output Store output from your AWS CloudFormation Stack in JSON/YAML/TOML files, or to pass it to a JavaScript function for further processing.sbstjn
Serverless Step Functions AWS Step Functions with Serverless Framework.horike37
Serverless Subscription Filter Serverless plugin to register subscription filter for Lambda logs. Register and pipe the logs of one lambda to another to process.blackevil245
Serverless Vpc Discovery Serverless plugin for discovering VPC / Subnet / Security Group configuration by name.amplify-education
Serverless Webpack Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas with Webpackserverless-heaven
Serverless Wsgi Serverless plugin to deploy WSGI applications (Flask/Django/Pyramid etc.) and bundle Python packageslogandk

Example Projects (V1.0)

Project NameAuthor
Jwtauthorizr Custom JWT Authorizer Lambda function for Amazon API Gateway with Bearer JWTserverlessbuch
Serverless Graphql Api Serverless GraphQL API using Lambda and DynamoDBboazdejong
Serverless Screenshot Serverless Screenshot Service using PhantomJSsvdgraaf
Serverless Postgraphql GraphQL endpoint for PostgreSQL using postgraphqlrentrop
Serverless Messenger Boilerplate Serverless messenger bot boilerplateSC5
Serverless Npm Registry Serverless private npm registry, proxy and cache.craftship
Serverless Pokego Serverless-powered API to fetch nearby Pokemon Go datajch254
Serverless Weekly2pocket App Serverless-powered API for sending posts to pocket apps0enke
Serverless Facebook Quotebot 100% Serverless Facebook messenger chatbot which will respond with inspiring quotespmuens
Serverless Slack Trevorbot Slack bot for info on where in the world is Trevor Gerhardt?conveyal
Serverless Garden Aid IoT Garden Aid Backendgarden-aid
Serverless React Boilerplate A serverless react boilerplate for offline development99xt
Serverless Delivery Framework This is a boilerplate for version release pipeline with serverless framework99xt
Serverless Mailgun Slack A Serverless function for posting to a Slack Webhook in response to a Mailgun routeMarcus-L
Pfs Email Serverless This is a lambda function created by the serverless framework. It searches through members in our mongodb who have not been sent emails and sends them an email with their custom token to unlock the pledge free stream. It then marks those members off as already receiving the email.SCPR
Plaid Cashburndown Service Service for calculating cash burndown with plaid. Frontend code can be found here: https://github.com/cplee/cashburndown-sitecplee
Cordis Serverless A serverless API for EU Cordis datamarzeelabs
Serverless Newsletter Signup Saves user details into DynamoDB table. Required values are email, first_name and last_name.ivanderbu2
Serverless Slack Cron Lambda function which sends messages to Slack channel in regular intervals via cron trigger.ivanderbu2
Giphy Bot giphy-bot for Facebook chattywong
Jwt Lambda Python Minimal proof-of-concept implementation of JWT with Serverless / AWS Lambdamikaelmork
Sls Access Counter Site visitor countertakahashim
Sls Form Mail Send SNS email from form datatakahashim
Serverless Python Sample A simple serverless python sample with REST API endpoints and dependenciesbennybauer
Serverless Msg Gateway A messaging aggregator for kik, skype, twilio, telegram, & messenger. Send and receive messages in a standard format.yonahforst
Serverless Aws Rekognition Finpics Use AWS Rekognition to provide a faces search of finpics.comrgfindl
Serverless Slack Emojibot Serverless slack bot for emojimarkhobson
Keboola Developer Portal Keboola developer portal built with Serverlesskeboola
Serverless Cloudwatch Rds Custom Metrics A NodeJS-based MySQL RDS Data Collection script to push Custom Metrics to Cloudwatch with ServerlessAndrewFarley
Jrestless Examples JRestless (Java / JAX-RS) examples for API Gateway Functions (plain JAX-RS, Spring, binary data requests/responses, custom authorizers and Cognito User Pool authorizers), SNS Functions (asynchronous communication between functions) and Service Functions (synchronous HTTP-like communication between functions - transparent through Feign)bbilger
Sc5 Serverless Boilerplate A boilerplate that contains setup for test-driven developmentSC5
Serverless Blog To Podcast Service that reads RSS feed and converts the entries to a podcast feed and audio files using Amazon PollySC5
Offset Trump Single page app using Serverless (C# runtime) and S3 site hosting. Pledge to do a good thing for the next four years to offset the potential negative effects of the US PresidencyFLGMwt
Serverless Url Shortener A simple url-shortener, using Serverless frameworkaletheia
Serverless Html Pdf Service that convert HTML to PDF using PhantomJS's rasterize example.calvintychan
Serverless Examples Cached Rds Ws A serverless framework example project that uses API Gateway, ElastiCache, and RDS PostgreSQL.mugglmenzel
Bittman A serverless project that follows a stock trading algorithm and uses scheduled functions to save data to DynamoDB and send emails through Mailgun.rhlsthrm
Adoptable Pet Bot Tweets adoptable pets using Serverless (Node.js) and AWS Lambdalynnaloo
Owntracks Serverless A serverless implementation of the OwnTracks HTTP backenddschep
Serverless Modern Koa Serverless modern koa starter kitbarczaG
Serverless Reactjs Universal Rendering Boilerplate ReactJS web app Starter kit does universal (isomorphic) rendering with ServerlessTylorShin
Open Bot An unoptionated Github bot driven by a configuration file in the repositoryopen-bot
Aws Ses Serverless Example AWS SES example in NodeJS using lambdalakshmantgld
Aws Api Gateway Serverless Project Written In Go A serverless project that contains an API Gateway endpoint powered by a Lambda function written in golang and built using eawsy/aws-lambda-go-shim.yunspace
Video Preview And Analysis Service An event-driven service that generates labels using Amazon Rekognition and creates preview GIF animation from a video file.laardee
Serverless Es6/7 Crud Api Serverless Stack examples of backend CRUD APIs (DynamoDB + Lambda + API Gateway + Cognito User Pool authorizer) for React.js single-page appAnomalyInnovations
Sqs Worker With Aws Lambda And Cloudwatch Alarms Process messages stored in SQS with an auto-scaled AWS Lambda worker function.sbstjn
Aws Lambda Power Tuning (Powered By Step Functions) Build a Step Functions state machine to optimize your AWS Lambda Function memory/power configuration.alexcasalboni
Amazon Kinesis Streams Fan Out Via Kinesis Analytics Use Amazon Kinesis Analytics to fan-out your Kinesis Streams and avoid read throttling.alexcasalboni
Grants Api Serverless ES6 API to consume data from an external API, ingest into Elasticsearch and return a queryable endpoint on top of Elasticsearchcomicrelief
Honeylambda a simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor URL {honey}tokens, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway0x4D31
Stack Overflow Monitor Monitor Stack Overflow questions and post them in a Slack channelpicsoung
React & Stripe Serverless Ecommerce Serverless E-Commerce App with AWS Lambda, Stripe and Reactpatrick-michelberger
Serverless + Medium Text To Speech Serverless-based, text-to-speech service for Medium articlesRafalWilinski


We love our contributors! Please read our Contributing Document to learn how you can start working on the Framework yourself.

Check out our help-wanted or easy-pick labels to find issues we want to move forward on with your help.



These consultants use the Serverless Framework and can help you build your serverless projects.

Previous Serverless Version 0.5.x

You can find projects and plugins relating to version 0.5 here. Note that these are not compatible with v1.0 but we are working diligently on updating them. Guide on building v1.0 plugins.

You can read the v0.5.x documentation at readme.io.