3.0.0-rc.5 • Published 1 year ago

@opendesign/octopus-ai v3.0.0-rc.5

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1 year ago

Octopus Converter for Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator to Octopus 3+ converter.


yarn add @opendesign/octopus-ai


There are three main processing steps:

  • reading source data using sourceDesign getter from AIFileReader instance and obtaining SourceDesign instance
  • conversion of SourceDesign instance using convertDesign method of OctopusAIConverter instance
  • exporting using exporter passed in to convertDesign method of OctopusAIConverter instance

Although you can define the way of reading assets or exporting results yourself (create your own reader/exporter class), you can also choose between existing ones:

Check examples/node/convert-local.ts for example usage in automated runs.

Check examples/node/convert-debug.ts for example usage in custom manual runs.

Check src/services/conversion/exporters/ for more details about exporters.

Check src/services/conversion/ai-file-reader/ for more details about AIFileReader


Command yarn typedoc will generate TypeDoc documentation for public Classes into ./docs folder

Demo: Node Examples

Converts your Adobe Illustrator designs into Octopus3+ format. You need path to Adobe Illustrator file you wish to convert.

yarn convert:debug

Designed for manual runs.

yarn convert:debug PATH_TO_AI_FILE

yarn convert:local

Designed for running in automated runs.

yarn convert:local PATH_TO_AI_FILE

.env variables

If missing .env file, make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env and fill correct info.

NODE_ENVproduction / development / debugNode environment
LOG_LEVELfatal / error / warn / info / debug / trace / silentLog level

.env demo variables

ENV variables for our demo scripts located in /examples/node/*

SHOULD_RENDERbooleanif true will trigger ODE rendering when octopus3.json is ready
ODE_RENDERER_CMDstringpath to ODE renderer command (e.g. ode-renderer-cli)
ODE_IGNORE_VALIDATIONbooleanignores the ODE rendering validation
FONTS_PATHstringpath to directory with fonts
OUTPUT_DIRstringrelative path to directory where output is saved


yarn test

Runs Unit & Integration tests.

Unit Tests

yarn test:unit

Runs Unit tests using jest framework.

Integration Tests

yarn test:integration

Runs Integration tests using our custom framework. Converts saved Adobe Illustrator designs in test/integration/assets folder and compares outputs to before saved outputs using jsondiffpatch

yarn test:integration:update

Creates and saves octopus and manifest files which will be used for comparison in integration testing.


To both of these commands it is possible to pass test name and test/update only that particular test.

For example:

yarn test:integration:update boolean-ops


yarn test:integration boolean-ops


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