0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

@openstapps/core-validator v0.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


What is StAppsCore?

The StAppsCore (SC) is a generalized model of data.

SC is based on the idea of schema.org. The SC structures data by describing objects as so called SC-types like: Event, Place, Date, Person, ...

Data sources of the same type of data are assigned to the same SC-type.

What is StAppsCore Validator?

The StAppsCore Validator is a tool for run-time validation of objects (determining wether a JavaScript/JSON object is a valid object of the corresponding SC-type. It consumes JSON schema files from StAppsCore as the definitions of SC-types against which are validated concrete (actual) objects (as an example SCDish object in the example below).

Use the validator

You can use the validator programatically:

import {SCValidator} from '@openstapps/core-validator';
import {SCDish} from '@openstapps/core';
import {ValidatorResult} from 'jsonschema';
import {join} from 'path';

const objectToValidate: SCDish = {
type: 'Dish',
// more properties

// instantiate a new validator
const validator = new SCValidator(join('path', 'to', 'schema', 'files'));

// make the validator read the schema files

// validate an object
const result: ValidatorResult = validator.validate(objectToValidate);

Using validateFiles function

The JSON files passed to the validateFiles method have an added layer. That layer encapsulates the actual JSON data of the object to be verified and adds a property to enable true negative testing.

Your basic JSON object:

  "property1": "value1",
  "property2": "value2",

JSON for validateFiles:

  "validationErrorNames": [],
    "property1": "value1",
    "property2": "value2",

Where validationErrorNames holds the string values of the name property of the expected ValidationErrors from JSON Schema. Empty array means no errors are expected.

How to use StAppsCore Converter as a CLI tool (executable)?

Installation of the npm package (using npm install) makes the tool available as an executable with the name openstapps-validate.

The command openstapps-validate can then be called using two required arguments and one optional:

node_modules/.bin/openstapps-validate <schemadir> <resdir> [reportDir]


  • <schemadir> is a directory (relative path to the current directory) where JSON schema files are, e.g. lib/schema,
  • <resdir> is a directory (relative path to the current directory) where test files are, e.g. src/test/resources,
  • [reportDir] is a directory where HTML report of the validation will be saved to, e.g. report (optional argument - if it's not provided report will be used).

Command with the example arguments is then for example:

node_modules/.bin/openstapps-validate lib/schema src/test/resources

Inside of a script in package.json or if the npm package is installed globally, the tool openstapps-validate can be called without its local path (node_modules/.bin):

openstapps-validate <schemadir> <resdir> [reportDir]