0.8.8 • Published 1 year ago
@optimics/webpack-website-proxy v0.8.8
Inject your webpack generated bundles inside a live website via proxy and webpack dev server
This is useful, when your webpack outputs enhance a website, instead of rendering it as a whole. You can simply give it an URL and the webpack dev server will load it up on localhost URL with your scripts generated and hot reload included.
npm install --save-dev @optimics/webpack-website-proxy
Add HtmlWebpackPlugin and WebsiteProxyPlugin In your webpack configuration:
import HtmlWebpackPlugin from 'html-webpack-plugin'
import WebsiteProxyPlugin from '@optimics/webpack-website-proxy'
export default {
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({}),
new WebsiteProxyPlugin('http://example.com/url-to-the-page'),
Known issues
Red box errors
Webpack will respond to all on page errors. Consider turning off client overlay