1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago
@orby/context v1.0.1
This function allows you to create contexts that already reserve a namespace.
Default contexts in Orby
Orby by default allows to generate contexts in a simple way but this forces the child node to know the name of the property to access it and this can generate conflict.
import {h,render} from "@orby/core";
function Title(props,context){
return <h1>{context.myTitleContext}</h1>
<Title context={{myTitleContext:"hello"}}/>,
With createContext
Through createContext, you ensure that the name of the property is stored only within the createContext instance, reducing the possibility of name conflict.
import {h} from "@orby/core";
import createContext from "@orby/context";
let Context = createContext({title:"hello"});
function Title(props,context){
return <h1>
With useContext
By giving useContext the context instance this returns the value of the property associated with the reservation and name of the context
import {h,useContext} from "@orby/core";
import createContext from "@orby/context";
let Context = createContext({title:"hello"});
function Title(props,context){
let data = useContext(Context);
return <h1>