0.0.10050 • Published 6 years ago

@oresoftware/live-mutex v0.0.10050

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6 years ago

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Tested on *nix and MacOS - (probably will work on Windows, but not tested on Windows). Tested and proven on Node.js versions >= 6.0.0.


Live-Mutex uses TCP/Unix Domain Sockets (UDS) to create an evented (non-polling) networked mutex API. Live-Mutex is significantly (orders of magnitude) more performant than Lockfile and Warlock for high-concurrency locking requests. When Warlock and Lockfile are not finely/expertly tuned, 5x more performant becomes more like 30x or 40x. Live-Mutex should also be much less memory and CPU intensive than Lockfile and Warlock, because Live-Mutex is fully evented, and Lockfile and Warlock use a polling implementation by nature.

Basic Metrics

On Linux, if we feed live-mutex 10,000 lock requests, 20 concurrently, live-mutex can go through all 10,000 lock/unlock cycles in less than 2 seconds, which means at least 5 lock/unlock cycles per millisecond.


I used a couple of other libraries and they required manual retry logic and they used polling under the hood to acquire locks. It was difficult to fine tune those libraries and they were extremely slow for high lock request concurrency. Other libraries are stuck with polling for simple reasons - the filesystem is dumb, and so is Redis (unless you write some Lua scripts that can run on there - I don't know of any libraries that do that). If we create an intelligent broker that can queue locking requests, then we can create something that's both more performant and more developer friendly. Enter live-mutex.


For command line tools:

$ npm install -g live-mutex

For usage with Node.js libraries:

$ npm install live-mutex --save

Who needs it

  1. Library developers who want a very fast application-level locking mechanism (and who cannot install Redis).
  2. Application developers using MongoDB (MongoDB has ttl indexes on collections, but this requires a polling implementation).
  3. Developers who normally use the Lockfile library, but need something faster, or multi-machine. (Lockfile can really work on one machine, Live-Mutex can work on a network.)

In more detail: See: docs/detailed-explanation.md

Alternatives to Live-Mutex

The NPM lockfile library works OK for the same purpose, but Live-Mutex is:

  • much more performant than NPM lockfile for real-life scenarios with lots of concurrent lock requests
  • does not require any polling, which is why it's more performant
  • uses TCP, so could also more easily work across machines, not just across processes on the same machine

Usage and Best Practices

The Live-Mutex API is completely asynchronous and requires usage of async initialization for both the client and broker instances. This library requires a Node.js process to run a TCP server. This can be within one of your existing Node.js processes, or more likely launched separately. In other words, a live-mutex client could also be the broker, there is nothing wrong with that. For any given key there should be one broker. For absolute speed, you could use separate brokers (in separate Node.js processes)for separate keys, but that's not really very necessary. Unix Domain Sockets are about 10-20% faster than TCP, depending on how well tuned TCP is on your system.

Three things to remember:

  1. You need to initialize a broker before connecting any clients, otherwise your clients will pass back an error upon connect().
  2. You need to call ensure()/connect() on a client or use the asynchronous callback passed to the constructor, before calling client.lock() or client.unlock().
  3. Live-Mutex clients and brokers are not event emitters. The two classes wrap Node.js sockets, but the sockets connections are not exposed to the user of the library.
  4. To use TCP and host/port use {port: <number>, host: <string>}, to use Unix Domain Sockets, use {udsPath: <absoluteFilePath>}.

You may not need this library:

You do not need this library if you need a mutex for only one (Node.js) process. I would be curious as to why you'd need/want a locking mechanism in this case.

The same process that is a client can also be the broker. Live-Mutex is designed for this. You probably only need one broker for any given host, and probably only need one broker if you use multiple keys, but you can always use more than one broker per host, and use different ports. Obviously, it would not work to use multiple brokers for the same key, that is the one thing you should not do.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do use a different key for each different resource that you need to control access to.

  • Do use more than one broker, if you have multiple keys, and need maximum performance.

  • Do put each broker in a separate process, if you want to.

  • Do not use more than one broker for the same key, as that will defeat the purpose of locking altogether. Lol.

  • Do call client.ensure() immediately before every client.lock() call, this will allow the client to reconnect if it has a bad state.


Command line:

The real power of this library comes with usage with Node.js, but we can use the functionality at the command line too:

###  in shell 1, we launch a server/broker

$ lmx start 6970  # 6970 is the default port, so you can omit that

###  in shell 2, we acquire/release locks

$ lmx acquire foo 6970  # 6970 is the default port, so you can omit that
$ lmx release foo 6970  # 6970 is the default port, so you can omit that

Note to get started with the library, you can simply start a live-mutex broker with:

lmx_start_server # defaults to port 6970

Importing the library using Node.js

const {Broker} = require('live-mutex/broker');
const {Client} = require('live-mutex/client');
const lmUtils = require('live-mutex/utils');

// there are aliases, which are more descriptive:
const {LMBroker, LvMtxBroker} = require('live-mutex/broker');  // these are simply aliases of Broker
const {LMClient, LvMtxClient} = require('live-mutex/client');  // these are simply aliases of Client

// alternatively you can import all of these directly
import {Client, Broker, lmUtils}  from 'live-mutex';

Simple example

To see a complete and simple example of using a broker and client in the same process, see: => docs/examples/simple.md

A note on default behavior

By default, a lock request will retry 3 times, on an interval defined by opts.lockRequestTimeout, which defaults to 3 seconds. That would mean that the a lock request may fail with a timeout error after 9 seconds.

If there is an error or Promise rejection, the lock was not acquired, otherwise the lock was acquired. This is nicer than other libraries that ask that you check the type of the second argument, instead of just checking for the presence of an error.

Unlock requests - there are no builtin retries for unlock requests - if you absolutely need an unlock request to succeed, use opts.force = true. Otherwise, implement your own retry mechanism for unlocking. If you want the library to implement automatic retries for unlocking, please file an ticket.

Using the library with Promises (recommended usage)

const opts = {port: '<port>' , host: '<host>'};
// check to see if the websocket broker is already running, if not, launch one in this process

 const client = new Client(opts);

 // calling ensure before each critical section means that we ensure we have a connected client
 return client.ensure().then(c =>  {   // (c is the same object as client)
    return c.acquire('<key>').then(({key,id}) => {
        return c.release('<key>', id);

Using vanilla callbacks (higher performance + a convenience unlock function)

   client.lock('<key>', function(err, unlock){
       // unlock is a convenience function, bound to the right key + request uuid


If you want the key and request id, use:

   client.lock('<key>', function(err, {id, key}){
       client.unlock(key, id, function(err){
           // note that if we don't use the unlock convenience callback,
           // that we should definitely pass the id of the original request.
           // this is for safety - we only want to unlock the corresponding lock,
           // which is defined not just by the right key, but also the right request id.

// note: using this id ensures that the unlock call corresponds with the original corresponding lock call // otherwise what could happen in your program is that you could call // unlock() for a key that was not supposed to be unlocked by your current call

Usage without the call id (this is less safe):

const client = new Client(opts);
client.ensure(function(err, c){
  c.lock('<key>', function(err){       // c and client are same object


As you can see, before any client.lock() call, we call client.ensure()...this is not imperative, but it is a best practice. client.ensure() only needs to be called once before any subsequent client.lock() call. However, the benefit of calling it before every time, is that it will allow a new connection to be made if the existing one has a bad state.

Any locking errors will mostly be due to the failure to acquire a lock before timing out, and should very rarely happen if you understand your system and provide good settings/options to live-mutex.

Unlocking errors should be very rare, and most likely will happen if the process running the broker goes down or is overwhelmed. You can simply log unlocking errors, and otherwise ignore them.

Client constructor and client.lock() method options

There are some important options. All options can be passed to the client constructor instead of the client lock method, which is more convenient and performant:

const c = new Client({port: 3999, ttl: 11000, lockRequestTimeout: 2000, maxRetries: 5});

c.ensure().then(c => {
    // lock will retry a maximum of 5 times, with 2 seconds between each retry
   return c.lock(key);
.then(function({key, id, unlock}){

   // we have acquired a lock on the key, if we don't release the lock after 11 seconds
   // it will be unlocked for us.

   // note that if we want to use the unlock convenience function, it's available here

   // runUnlock/execUnlock will return a promise, and execute the unlock convenience function for us
   return c.execUnlock(unlock)
     .catch(e => ({errror:e}));  // we ignore any unlocking errors, which is usually fine

The current default values for constructor options:

  • port => 6970
  • host => localhost
  • ttl => 4000ms. If 4000ms elapses, if the lock still exists, the lock will be automatically released by the broker.
  • maxRetries => 3. A lock request will be sent to the broker 3 times before an error is called back.
  • lockRequestTimeout => 3000ms. For each lock request, it will timeout after 3 seconds. Upon timeout, it will retry until maxRetries is reached.
  • keepLocksOnExit => false. If true, locks will not be deleted if a connection is closed.
  • noDelay => true. By default true, if true, will use the TCP_NODELAY setting (this option is for both broker constructor and client constructor).

As already stated, unless you are using different options for different lock requests for the same client, simply pass these options to the client constructor which allows you to avoid passing an options object for each client.lock/unlock call.

Usage with Promises and RxJS5 Observables:

This library conciously uses a CPS interface as this is the most primitive and performant async interface. You can always wrap client.lock and client.unlock to use Promises or Observables etc. In the docs directory, I've demonstrated how to use live-mutex with ES6 Promises and RxJS5 Observables. Releasing the lock can be implemented with (1) the unlock() convenience callback or with (2) both the lockName and the uuid of the lock request.

With regard to the Observables implementation, notice that we just pass errors to sub.next() instead of sub.error(), but that's just a design decision.

Usage with Promises:

=> see docs/examples/promises.md

Usage with RxJS5 Observables

=> see docs/examples/observables.md

Live-Mutex utils

To launch a broker process using Node.js:

const lmUtils = require('live-mutex/utils');

lmUtils.conditionallyLaunchSocketServer(opts, function(err){

    if(err) throw err;

      // either this process now owns the broker, or it's already running in a different process
      // either way, we are good to go
      // you don't need to use this utility method, you can easily write your own

      // * the following is our recommended usage* =>
      // for convenience and safety, you can use the unlock callback, which is bound
      // to the right key and internal call-id


To see examples of launching a broker using Node.js code, see:


To check if there is already a broker running in your system on the desired port, you can use a tcp ping utility to see if the web-socket server is running somewhere. I have had a lot of luck with tcp-ping, like so:

  const ping = require('tcp-ping');

  ping.probe(host, port, function (err, available) {

        if (err) {
            // handle it
        else if (available) {
            // tcp server is already listening on the given host/port
        else {
           // nothing is listening so you should launch a new server/broker, as stated above
           // the broker can run in the same process as a client, or a separate process, either way

Live-Mutex supports Node.js core domains

To see more, see: docs/examples/domains.md

Creating a simple client pool

In most cases, a single client is sufficient, and this is true many types of networked clients using async I/O. You almost certainly do not need more than one client. However, if you do some empirical test, and find a client pool might be beneficial/faster, etc. Try this:

const {Client} = require('live-mutex/client');

exports.createPool = function(opts){
  return Promise.all([
     new Client(opts).connect(),
     new Client(opts).connect(),
     new Client(opts).connect(),
     new Client(opts).connect()