2.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

@orta/pmcc-fork-pages v2.0.4

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2 years ago

A fork of prisma-relay-cursor-connection with PR #366


yarn add @devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection

This module has a peer dependency on @prisma/client version ^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0.


General Usage

This module validates the connection arguments to make sure they work with Prisma. The following combinations are supported:

  • {} All resources
  • { first: number } The first X resources
  • { first: number, after: string } The first X resources after the id Y
  • { last: number } The last X resources
  • { last: number, before: string } The last X resources before the id Y

Two cases need to be checked in your code if you are passing in user-provided data to prevent the user from reading out too many resources at once:

  • One of first | last has to be defined
  • first | last have to be below a reasonable maximum (e.g. 100)
import {
} from '@devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection'

const result = await findManyCursorConnection(
  (args) => client.todo.findMany(args),
  () => client.todo.count(),
  { first: 5, after: '5c11e0fa-fd6b-44ee-9016-0809ee2f2b9a' } // typeof ConnectionArguments

Type-Safe Arguments

You can also use additional FindManyArgs while keeping type safety intact:

import { findManyCursorConnection } from '@devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection'

const baseArgs = {
  select: { id: true, isCompleted: true },
  where: { isCompleted: true },

const result = await findManyCursorConnection(
  (args) => client.todo.findMany({ ...args, ...baseArgs }),
  () => client.todo.count({ where: baseArgs.where }),
  { last: 5, before: '5c11e0fa-fd6b-44ee-9016-0809ee2f2b9a' }

// Type error: Property text does not exist

Custom Cursors

By default, the cursor is the id field of your model. If you would like to use a different field, a compound index, or handle encoding/decoding, you can pass the following options:

import { findManyCursorConnection } from '@devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection'

const result = await findManyCursorConnection(
  (args) => client.todo.findMany(args),
  () => client.todo.count(),
  { first: 5, after: 'eyJpZCI6MTZ9' },
    getCursor: (record) => ({ id: record.id }),
    encodeCursor: (cursor) => Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(cursor)).toString('base64'),
    decodeCursor: (cursor) => JSON.parse(Buffer.from(cursor, 'base64').toString('ascii')),

You can find more examples for custom cursors in the unit tests.

Custom Edges & Nodes

By default, the edge consists of the cursor and the node. If you would like to add additional fields to the edge or the node, you can pass the following option:

import { findManyCursorConnection } from '@devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection'

const result = await findManyCursorConnection<
  { id: string },
  Todo & { extraNodeField: string },
  { extraEdgeField: string; cursor: string; node: Todo & { extraNodeField: string } }
  (args) => client.todo.findMany(args),
  () => client.todo.count(),
  { first: 5, after: 'eyJpZCI6MTZ9' },
    recordToEdge: (record) => ({
      node: { ...record, extraNodeField: 'Foo' },
      extraEdgeField: 'Bar',

Pagination with Page Cursors

Cursor based pagination is effective when working with an infinite list, but when you want to present a list of pagination buttons it can be hard to provide that user-interface without a lot of additional work. The folks at Artsy came up with a schema extension and technique for pagination with page links via pageCursors(](https://artsy.github.io/blog/2020/01/21/graphql-relay-windowed-pagination/), this is implemented in findManyCursorConnectionWithPageCursors.

import { findManyCursorConnectionWithPageCursors } from '@devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection'

const result = await findManyCursorConnectionWithPageCursors(
  (args) => client.todo.findMany(args),
  () => client.todo.count()

// { around: [{ cursor: "ArXdF...", isCurrent: true, page: 1 }, { cursor: "ArXdF...", isCurrent: false, page: 2 }]}

When working with page cursors, your prisma models must have an id String @id @default(cuid()) . This shouldn't be too much of a constraint, as you will likely be using this for the Object Identification pattern.


# Setup the test database
yarn prisma migrate dev --preview-feature

# Run the tests
yarn test


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
