1.0.8 • Published 5 years ago

@osjs/database-auth v1.0.8

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5 years ago

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OS.js v3 Database Auth Adapter

This is the Database Auth Adapter for OS.js v3. Built on TypeORM.

To set this up, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Set up your database
  2. Install
  3. Configure Server
  4. Configure Client
  5. Configure CLI
  6. Manage Users

Please see the OS.js Authentication Guide for general information.

You can find a complete example using docker on github

Set up your database

Before you begin you need to chose a database and set this up on your host system.

This documentation uses mysql by default, but you can use any SQL flavor that TypeORM supports.

The database and credentials you set up in this step has to be reflected in the configurations below.

Assuming you have installed mysql (refer to you operating system documentation) and logged into the server:

# Create a new database called "osjsv3"
mysql> CREATE DATABASE osjsv3;

# Creates a new used called "osjsv3" with password "secret"
mysql> CREATE USER 'osjsv3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

# Give permission for the user to access the database
mysql> GRANT ALL ON osjsv3.* TO 'osjsv3'@'localhost';

Note that the mysql users are not related to OS.js users.

If you've already installed @osjs/database-settings module you can skip this step and use the same database and credentials.


Install the required OS.js module and database driver:

npm install --save --production @osjs/database-auth
npm install --save mysql

Configure Server

To connect the server with the database authentication module, you'll have to modify your Server bootstrap script.

In your src/server/index.js file:

// In the top of the file load the library
const dbAuth = require('@osjs/database-auth');

// Locate this line in the file and add the following:
osjs.register(AuthServiceProvider, {
  args: {
    adapter: dbAuth.adapter,
    config: {
      connection: {
        // Change this to match your local database server
        type: 'mysql',
        host: 'localhost',
        username: 'osjsv3',
        password: 'secret',
        database: 'osjsv3',

        // See TypeORM documentation for more settings

NOTE: You have to restart the server after making these changes.

Configure Client

By default OS.js is set up to log in with the demo / demo user for demonstration purposes.

In your src/client/config.js file:

module.exports = {
  public: '/',

  // Either comment out this section, or remove it entirely
  auth: {
    login: {
      username: 'demo',
      password: 'demo'

NOTE: You have to rebuild using npm run build after making these changes.

Configure CLI

To get CLI commands to manage users, you'll have to modify your CLI bootstrap script.

In your src/cli/index.js file:

// In the top of the file load the library
const dbAuth = require('@osjs/database-auth');

// Create a database authentication instance
const dbCli = dbAuth.cli({
  // Change this to match your local database server
  type: 'mysql',
  host: 'localhost',
  username: 'osjsv3',
  password: 'secret',
  database: 'osjsv3',

  // See TypeORM documentation for more settings

// Then finally add 'dbCli' to the tasks array
module.exports = {
  discover: [],
  tasks: [dbCli]

Manage Users

You can now manage users with ex. npx osjs-cli <task>

The npx command comes with npm 5.2 or later, but if you for some reason don't have this you can install it manually. Or alternatively use node node_modules/.bin/osjs-cli <task>

Available tasks:

  • user:list - Lists users
  • user:add --username=STR - Adds user (as admin)
  • user:add --username=STR --groups=GROUP1,GROUP2 - Adds user with groups
  • user:pwd --username=STR - Changes user password
  • user:remove --username=STR - Removes user

Example: npx osjs-cli user:add --username=anders.


If you want to use sqlite run npm install sqlite3 and change the connection options to:

  connection: {
    type: 'sqlite',
    database: 'path/to/database.sql'

For more information about configuration: https://typeorm.io/

If you don't want to repeat the connection information over multiple files, for example create src/database-connection.js with the contents:

module.exports = {
  type: 'mysql',
  host: 'localhost',
  username: 'osjsv3',
  password: 'secret',
  database: 'osjsv3',

and then in your scripts:

  connection: require('../database-connection.js')



See the Official Manuals for articles, tutorials and guides.



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