1.0.0-alpha.1 • Published 3 years ago

@ota-meshi/postcss-html v1.0.0-alpha.1

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Last release
3 years ago

PostCSS HTML Syntax

This project started as a fork of postcss-html.

NPM version

PostCSS syntax for parsing HTML (and HTML-like)

Getting Started

First thing's first, install the module:

npm install @ota-meshi/postcss-html --save-dev

If you want support SCSS/SASS/LESS/SugarSS syntax, you need to install the corresponding module.

Use Cases

const postcss = require('postcss');
const syntax = require('@ota-meshi/postcss-html')({
 // syntax for parse scss (non-required options)
 scss: require('postcss-scss'),
 // syntax for parse less (non-required options)
 less: require('postcss-less'),
 // syntax for parse css blocks (non-required options)
 css: require('postcss-safe-parser'),
postcss(plugins).process(source, { syntax: syntax }).then(function (result) {
 // An alias for the result.css property. Use it with syntaxes that generate non-CSS output.

If you want support SCSS/SASS/LESS/SugarSS syntax, you need to install these module:

Advanced Use Cases

See: postcss-syntax

Turning PostCSS off from within your HTML

PostCSS can be temporarily turned off by using special comments in your HTML. For example:

<!-- postcss-disable -->
<a style="color: red;"></a>
<!-- postcss-enable -->

Style Transformations

The main use case of this plugin is to apply PostCSS transformations to <style> tags and <div style="*"> property in HTML (and HTML-like).