0.1.3 • Published 4 years ago

@overlook/plugin-build v0.1.3

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4 years ago

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Overlook framework build plugin

Part of the Overlook framework.


Plugin to build an optimized production version of your Overlook app.

This plugin uses Livepack to build the app.

Building the app

  1. Run the "register" hook before requiring any other files (see Livepack docs for more details).
  2. Extend the root Route of the app with this plugin.
  3. Define a [START] method which will be called when the app runs.
  4. Initialize the app with app.init().
  5. Build app with app[BUILD]( path ).

const Route = require('@overlook/route'),
  buildPlugin = require('@overlook/plugin-build'),
  { START } = require('@overlook/plugin-start'),
  { BUILD } = buildPlugin;

const BuildRoute = Route.extend( buildPlugin );

const app = new BuildRoute();
app[START] = () => console.log('App running');
await app.init();

await app[BUILD]('/path/to/build/directory');

The entire app will be bundled as a single index.js file with source map index.js.map.

The built app has zero dependencies - all the dependencies on packages from node_modules are bundled into the build. This single index.js file is the entire app for purposes of deployment.

Running the built app

If you built the app to a directory called build:

node build/index.js

Simple as that!

Additional files

If you need to include static files in the build, use @overlook/plugin-fs's methods to add files to the app and [BUILD_FILE]() method to add them to the build.

NB This plugin extends @overlook/plugin-fs, so its methods are re-exported by this plugin too.

const { INIT_ROUTE } = require('@overlook/route'),
  { WRITE_FILE, READ_FILE, File } = require('@overlook/plugin-build');

class MyRoute extends BuildRoute {
  async [INIT_ROUTE]() {
    await super[INIT_ROUTE]();

    // Add a file from real file system to build
    const file1 = new File('/path/to/file.html');
    this.file1 = file1;

    // Add a virtual file to build
    const file2 = await this[WRITE_FILE]( 'html', '<h1>Hello!</h1>' );
    this.file2 = file2;

  async someOtherMethod() {
    // Read contents of the files
    const fileContent1 = await this[READ_FILE]( this.file1 );
    const fileContent2 = await this[READ_FILE]( this.file2 );

const app = new MyRoute();

The files passed to [BUILD_FILE] will be included in the build. The File objects in the built app will have their paths pointed to their location in the build.

Pre-build actions

Before the build begins, [PRE_BUILD]() method will be called on every route in the router tree.

[PRE_BUILD]() can be used to do any further prep before the app is built.

Plugins may wish to remove methods which are only useful in the init/build phases and not needed at runtime, to reduce the size of the build.

This plugin provides a helper function deleteRouteProperties() for exactly this purpose.

const { PRE_BUILD, deleteRouteProperties } = require('@overlook/plugin-build');

class MyRoute extends Route {
  async [INIT_ROUTE]() {
    await super[INIT_ROUTE]();

  doOtherInit() {
    // Loads of init code that we don't need at runtime...

  async [PRE_BUILD]() {
    // NB Unlike most methods, requires check for existence of a super method
    if ( super[PRE_BUILD] ) await super[PRE_BUILD]();

    deleteRouteProperties( this, [ 'doOtherInit' ] );


This module follows semver. Breaking changes will only be made in major version updates.

All active NodeJS release lines are supported (v10+ at time of writing). After a release line of NodeJS reaches end of life according to Node's LTS schedule, support for that version of Node may be dropped at any time, and this will not be considered a breaking change. Dropping support for a Node version will be made in a minor version update (e.g. 1.2.0 to 1.3.0). If you are using a Node version which is approaching end of life, pin your dependency of this module to patch updates only using tilde (~) e.g. ~1.2.3 to avoid breakages.


Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm run cover to check coverage.


See changelog.md


If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github. https://github.com/overlookjs/plugin-build/issues


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:

  • ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • add tests for new features
  • document new functionality/API additions in README
  • do not add an entry to Changelog (Changelog is created when cutting releases)