@pactsafe/pactsafe-react-sdk v2.14.0
Ironclad Clickwrap React SDK
Automatically loads the Ironclad Clickwrap JavaScript Library into your app so all you have to do is call _ps
to use the Ironclad Clickwrap JavaScript library.
PSClickWrap Component
- Renders a clickwrap group by providing a site access ID and group key
- Render clickwrap groups dynamically using a filter to specify template ID's and/or tags
- Dynamically add data to contracts by passing in a custom
object - Ability to override properties set within the Ironclad Clickwrap App's group configuration such as:
- Clickwrap style using the
prop - Signer ID selector using the
prop - Displaying all contracts using the
prop - and more! (See more detailed documentation on available PSClickWrap props here)
- Clickwrap style using the
- Ability to hook into events fired by the Snippet using function props (See documentation on PSClickwrap callback props here)
Demo & Examples
Check out a live demo of the PSClickwrap here
To build the example locally (after cloning this repo from Github), you must first add your Ironclad Clickwrap Site Access ID by creating a .env
file in the root directory and add the following contents:
After doing this, you need to create a clickwrap group with the group key example-web-group
. In your example clickwrap group, if you
want the render data to work properly, create three tokens in a template within the example-web-group
group with the API field names to be: user_token_value
, another_token_value
, and last_token_value
Some helpful information on creating templates with render data can be found here.
(Note: You shouldn't have to write any javascript to get the demo to work! When implementing yourself, the React SDK uses the dynamic
and renderData
props to handle rendering of dynamic contracts instead of having to make _ps
After completing these steps, the demo should load as the online example does by running:
npm install
npm start
Then open http://localhost:3000
in a browser.
The easiest way to use pactsafe-react-sdk is to install it from NPM
npm install @pactsafe/pactsafe-react-sdk --save
You can also directly download the source files from unpkg to link to the source files directly or download the source from Github and build it yourself.
The following can be found in the project's root directory, as well as compiled using npm run build
- A CommonJS build in
- An ES modules build in
(enabled by default/without configuration usingnpm install
) - UMD development and production builds in
Using PSClickWrap
In order to use the PSClickWrap, you must specify a signer ID selector that corresponds to the ID of an <input>
field on the page that will identify the signer (usually an email field). This ID should then be passed as the signerIdSelector
prop to the PSClickWrap component:
import { PSClickWrap } from '@pactsafe/pactsafe-react-sdk'
<input type="email" id="userEmail" placeholder="Your Email"/>
<PSClickWrap accessId={"YOUR_PACTSAFE_ACCESS_ID_HERE"} groupKey={"YOUR_GROUP_KEY_HERE"} signerIdSelector={"userEmail"}/>
with your Ironclad Clickwrap Site Access ID found here
with your group's key found within your Ironclad Clickwrap Group's configuration
Pass in any additional options using props on the PSClickWrap
You can hook into events using the triggered event callback props described here: (See documentation on PSClickwrap callback props here).
For Sandboxes and Trial Accounts on the Demo Environment
For accounts at app.demo.pactsafe.com
, set the psScriptUrl
prop as //vault.demo.pactsafe.io/ps.min.js
to point at the Demo environment.
PSClickWrap Props
(Note you may have to scroll to the right to see the default value)
Prop | Description | Type | Required? | Default | |
acceptanceLanguage | Override the acceptance language specified in the Ironclad Clickwrap App's UI. | string | No | Value specified in Ironclad Clickwrap Group's UI | |
accessId | Ironclad Clickwrap Site Access ID | string | Yes, if injectSnippetOnly is not passed | undefined | |
clickWrapStyle | Override the clickwrap style specified in the Ironclad Clickwrap Group Interface | string.oneOf'full' , 'scroll' , 'checkbox' , 'combined' , 'embedded' | No | Value specified in Ironclad Clickwrap Group's UI | |
confirmationEmail | Override whether to send a confirmation email to the signer upon contract acceptance | bool | No | Value specified in Ironclad Clickwrap Group's UI | |
containerId | The div ID that will contain your clickwrap. You should override this if you plan on displaying more than one contract on a page. | string | No | ps-clickwrap | |
customData | Object containing custom keys and values you specify that is added to the metadata on your acceptance. | object | No | undefined | |
disableSending | Turn this on if you want to manually send the agreed event instead of it automatically being sent on contract acceptance. See documentation on manually sending the agreed event here. | bool | No | false | |
displayAll | Display all contracts in the group immediately. If disabled, a contract will only be displayed if the signer hasn't accepted the latest version. | bool | No | true | |
displayImmediately | Display the group's contracts as soon as the Signer ID is available. If disabled, contracts will remain hidden until you call displayRequired() | bool | No | true | |
dynamic | If you would like to use dynamic render_data in your contract, you must set this to true. If this is set to true, you MUST also pass an object into the render_data prop. | bool | No | false | |
filter | Allows you to dynamically load contracts without having to specify a group. Filter must be in the format: id==123,456 OR id==12345 and tags==tag1,tag2 OR tags==tag1,tag2 . See documentation for more information on using dynamic groups. | string | No, Yes if groupKey prop is not passed | undefined | |
forceScroll | Disable acceptance until the signer scrolls to the bottom of each contract. | bool | No | Value specified in Ironclad Clickwrap Group's UI | |
groupKey | Ironclad Clickwrap group key, this is found within the Ironclad Clickwrap Groups configuration. | string | Yes, unless filter prop is passed | undefined | |
injectSnippetOnly | Prop to use if you only want to inject the snippet and do not want the SDK to create and initialize a clickwrap for you. | boolean | No | false | |
psScriptUrl | If using a custom (or development) version of the ps.js file, pass the file URL in here. For sandbox/trial accounts on the Demo environment, set the value as '//vault.demo.pactsafe.io/ps.min.js'. | string | No | '//vault.pactsafe.io/ps.min.js' | |
backupScriptUrl | If using a custom (or development) version of the ps.js file, pass the alternative backup URL in here. Otherwise, this will default to the cloudfront backup provided by the ps.js snippet. This is designed to load if the first script (defined in psScriptURL) fails to load | string | No | ''//d3l1mqnl5xpsuc.cloudfront.net/ps.min.js' | |
renderData | Object containing the dynamic render data for your contract. For more information on using dynamic contracts, check out this documentation. | object | If dynamic is set to true | undefined | |
signerIdSelector | The ID of the <input> element that will be used to identify the signer. | string | Yes | Required Value | |
signerId | Use this to set the signer id directly. Note that if this value is tied to a state variable updated via user input, you may hit rate limits if it is updated frequently in a short period of time. To avoid hitting a rate limit, it is best to set the value tied to this prop only when the user's input is complete as opposed to changing this value on a per character basis. | string | No, unless signerIdSelector is not passed | undefined | |
snapshotLocation | Ironclad Clickwrap Snapshot Location Key, this is found within the Snapshot Location configuration | string | No | undefined | |
oversized | Prop to support sizable payloads (e.g., when generating complex templates or including extensive data) | bool | No | false | |
testMode | Enable this to register any contract acceptances as test data that can be cleared within the Ironclad Clickwrap UI | bool | No | false | |
allowDisagreed | Enable this to allow invalid events to be triggered when a signer unchecks a checkbox. | bool | Required to be true if onInvalid is passed | Value specified in Ironclad Clickwrap Group's UI | |
onAll | See onAll below | function | No | undefined | |
onSent | See onSent below | function | No | undefined | |
onRetrieved | See onRetrieved below | function | No | undefined | |
onSet | See onSet below | function | No | undefined | |
onSetSignerId | See onSetSignerId below | function | No | undefined | |
onValid | See onValid below | function | No | undefined | |
onInvalid | See onInvalid below | function | No | undefined | |
onRendered | See onRendered below | function | No | undefined | |
onDisplayed | See onDisplayed below | function | No | undefined | |
onScrolled | See onScrolled below | function | No | undefined | |
onScrolledContract | See onScrolledContract below | function | No | undefined | |
onChecked | See onChecked below | function | No | undefined | |
onUnchecked | See onUnchecked below | function | No | undefined | |
onError | See onError below | function | No | undefined |
PSClickwrap Triggered Event Callback Props
New in v2.0 of the React SDK we are introducing triggered event props. These props are functions that can be passed in as props and are called in response to events that happen after a user interacts with a PSClickwrap component. These function props correspond to the triggered events that can be also created using the _ps global created by the snippet. For more information on how triggered events work within the PSSnippet and calling them without the props, you can learn about them here. By using function props, the component will interact with the _ps
API for you and clean up after itself when the component is destroyed.
The demo page contains various callback examples and the corresponding callback events can be observed in the console output.
As a quick example of the usage of these, if you wanted to enable a button on a valid clickwrap event, here is example code to do so using the onValid and onInvalid event props:
import { PSClickWrap } from '@pactsafe/pactsafe-react-sdk'
class Example extends React.Component {
this.state = { hasAgreed: false };
onValid = () => {
this.setState({ hasAgreed: true });
onInvalid = () => {
this.setState({ hasAgreed: false });
render () {
<input type="email" id="userEmail" placeholder="Your Email"/>
<PSClickWrap accessId={"YOUR_PACTSAFE_ACCESS_ID_HERE"} groupKey={"YOUR_GROUP_KEY_HERE"} signerIdSelector={"userEmail"} onValid={this.onValid} onInvalid={this.onInvalid}/>
<button disabled={!this.state.hasAgreed} type="submit">Submit</button>
If you do not want to use event callback props, the _ps
is loaded into the window object for you to access and set event listeners manually. Using the _ps
global you should be able to do everything listed in our full documentation on the PS.js library
The list below describes the props names and corresponding Ironclad Clickwrap events:
_ps event: all
A special event that is triggered when any other event is triggered. The name of the original event is always the first argument passed to the callback function. The rest of the arguments will match whatever arguments were passed to the original event's callback function.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
event | String | The name of the event that was triggered. |
arguments | Array | All of the arguments that were passed to the original event. |
_ps event: sent
Triggered when a send
command has been completed successfully.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
event_type | String | The type of action that was sent. Supported values include: 'agreed', 'disagreed', 'displayed', 'visited' and 'updated'. |
parameters | Object | An object containing the contract and group details that were sent. Contains three parameters: 'contracts', 'versions' and 'group'. |
context | Site, BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup | The Site or Group object that initiated the send command. |
payload | String | The URL-encoded payload that would have been sent to the Action API. This argument is only present when the prop disable_sending is set to true. |
_ps event: retrieved
Triggered when a retrieved
command has been completed successfully.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
responseJSON | Object | The JSON response body returned by the XMLHttpRequest. |
xhr | XMLHttpRequest | The raw XMLHttpRequest that was sent to the Action API. |
context | Site, BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup | The Site or Group object that initiated the retrieve command. |
_ps event: set
Triggered when a parameter is set. Note: This event will only be triggered for specific parameters. Supported parameters include: signer_id, signer_id_selector, form_selector. Since this is an event listener for site level properties, you should only set this on one clickwrap on the page if multiple are mounted in order to guarantee the function is idempotent, otherwise it will be called once per clickwrap.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
parameter | String | The name of the parameter that was set. |
value | String, Number, Object, Function, etc. | The raw XMLHttpRequest that was sent to the Action API. |
context | Site, BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup | The Site or Group object on which the parameter was set. |
_ps event: set:signer_id
Triggered when the signer_id parameter is set.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
value | String | The signer_id that was set |
context | Site, BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup | The Site or Group object on which the parameter was set. |
_ps event: valid
Triggered when all of the contracts in a Group have been accepted by a signer.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
parameters | Object | An object containing the contracts and versions that belong to the Group. Contains three parameters: 'contracts', 'versions' and 'group' |
context | BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that was validated |
_ps event: invalid
Triggered when all of the contracts in a Group are no longer accepted by a signer. This event will be triggered if a signer un-checks a contract on a valid Group.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
parameters | Object | An object containing the contracts and versions that belong to the Group. Contains three parameters: 'contracts', 'versions' and 'group' |
context | BrowsewrapGroup or ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that was invalidated |
_ps event: rendered
Triggered when a Group object has been rendered.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
context | ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that was rendered |
_ps event: displayed
Triggered when a Group object displays a contract.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
element | HTMLElement | The contract's HTMLElement that was displayed. |
context | ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that displayed the contract |
_ps event: scrolled
Triggered when "Force Scroll" has been enabled in your Group Settings (or passed as a prop) and all of the contracts in a Group have been scrolled to the bottom of within a "Scroll" or "Embedded" Group style/layout.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
contractsElement | Object | The element containing the entire container selector of the group. |
context | ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that had all contracts scrolled to the bottom |
_ps event: scrolled:contract
Triggered when "Force Scroll" has been enabled in your Group Settings (or passed as a prop) and one of the contracts in a Group has been scrolled to the bottom of a "Scroll" or "Embedded" Group style/layout.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
element | Object | An object containing the HTML of the contract that has been scrolled to the bottom. |
context | ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that was scrolled to the bottom. |
_ps event: checked
Triggered when any of the ClickwrapGroup checkboxes is checked.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
element | Object | An object containing the HTML of the checkbox that was checked. |
context | ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that was checked. |
_ps event: unchecked
Triggered when any of the ClickwrapGroup checkboxes is unchecked.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
element | Object | An object containing the HTML of the checkbox that was unchecked. |
context | ClickwrapGroup | The Group object that was unchecked |
_ps event: error
Triggered when a send or retrieve command encounters an error before being sent.
Callback Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
message | String | A message describing why the error occurred. |
event_type | String | The type of action that was being sent. |
context | Site, BrowsewrapGroup, or ClickwrapGroup | The Site or Group object that initiated the command. |
Development (src
, lib
and the build process)
Copyright © 2019 Ironclad.
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