@pai-tech/spell v1.1.36
Spell - Universal UI Framework for Distributed Applications
Spell is a universal user interface (UI) framework for distributed application development, such application requires control on several devices with full sync but each device provides a different user interface, Spell enables real-time translation from any command (spell-command) to platform specific command (like HTML, video file, sound, lights and more).
This package is an implementation of Spell engine for web applications (Javascript/HTML), the engine supports native HTML DOM manipulation engine (SpellUI) and real-time 3D engine for browsers based on THREE.JS and WebGL.
Distributed Application
A distributed application (d'app) is an application that runs on several devices concurrently, the "Hello World" example in this case would be a program (app) that when it will run it will display "Hello World" on two different computers screens:
------------- -------------
| Hello World | | Hello World |
------------- -------------
|PC 1| |PC 2|
------ ------
/\ /\
|| ||
Since a single application cant work on multiple context sessions (especially because of the different O/S instances) the way to accomplish such task is to write a program, deploy it to the computers and synchronized the running apps.
Spell Real-Time Interpreter
Spell is a rear-time interpreter that provides an interface to control both output and input devices (like screens, lights, sounds, microphones, vr headset etc').
Generally Spell is a frontend framework but it can work seamlessly with PAI-Bots which are used to develop backend applications that manages security, data management, transactions and more.
Distributed Application (d'app) example:
::::> (frontend html/3d (WebGL based engines))
: :::>(wormhole - bots communication channel)
: :
------- : ---------
[d'app] --> [ pc based * ] --------> |spell| <=-|WH|-=> |backend| :::>(node/python/java)
| ------- ---------
| /\
| |WH| :::> bot-to-bot communication for sync (P2P)
| \/
| ------- ---------
[ smart devices ** ] --> |spell| <=-|WH|-=> |backend|
| ------- ---------
| :
| :::>(iOS/Android native app/OpenGL based engines)
* PC based O/S: Windows, Linux & MacOS
** Smart devices O/S: iOS & Android
Spell Engine
Spell is a modular framework, meaning the basic engine can load external modules ad run them.
[user] --> spell-command --> [spell]
|-----> [spell-module-ui]
|-----> [spell-module-3d]
|-----> [spell-module]
The way to communicate with Spell engine is to send SpellCommand that will be analyzed and activate the appropriate module:
- module (the name of the module to run the command)
- created (date/timestamp of the command)
- op (the operation (method/function) to run within the module)
- params (list of parameters)
= on-frame (when to run the command)
= on-event (event to run the command)
SpellCommand can be send in several formats:
- CLI style
module-name op-name on-frame:"frame-number" param1:"param1-value" param2:"param2-value" ...
{ "module":"module-name", "op":"op-name", "on-frame":"frame-number" params: { "param1":"param1-value", "param2":"param2-value", } }
Creating Spell Object
Spell objects can be created by calling the interpreter with create command, the parameters is the object meta json: { _id:"object-id", _type:"object-type", style:"html style", }
- spell
- object-manager (om)
- event-manager (em)
- spell-command
- spell-module
- spell-ui
- spell-ui-engine
- spell-ui-module
- spell-ui-object
- spell-core-objects
- spell3d
- spell3d-engine
- spell3d-world
- spell3d-object
- spell-primitives
- spell-gltf
Credits & References:
THREE.JS: threejs.org
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