4.40.3 • Published 6 months ago

@parameter1/base-cms-db v4.40.3

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Last release
6 months ago


The BaseCMS database driver. Requires direct MongoDB access.


yarn add @parameter1/base-cms-db


const { BaseDB, MongoDB } = require('@parameter1/base-cms-db');

// The Base MongoDB url.
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:1234/platform';
const client = new MongoDB.Client(url, {
  useNewUrlParser: true,

// Create the instance for the tenant.
// Must pass the MongoDB.Client instance to the constructor.
const base = new BaseDB({
  tenant: 'cygnus_ofcr',

const run = async () => {
  // Find content by ID.
  // If not found, will return `null`
  const content1 = await base.findById('platform.Content', 12345678);

  // Find content by ID, but throw error if not found.
  const content2 = await base.strictFindById('platform.Content', 12345678);

  // Count content records
  const count = await base.count('platform.Content');


Instance Methods

All methods return a Promise and, as such, can be used within async functions. 🤘

base.findById(modelName, id[, options])

Finds a single document for the provided model name and ID.

const go = async () => {
  const content = await base.findById('platform.Content', 12345678);

  // Only return specific fields
  const content2 = await base.findById('platform.Content', 12345678, {
    projection: { name: 1, published: 1 },

base.strictFindById(modelName, id[, options])

Finds a single document for the provided model name and ID. Will throw an error if the document is not found.

const go = async () => {
  // Will throw if not found. Handle in `.catch`, etc.
  const content = await base.strictFindById('platform.Content', 12345678);
go().catch(err => console.log(err));

base.findOne(modelName[, query][, options])

Finds a single document for the provided model name and (optional) query criteria.

const go = async () => {
  const content = await base.findOne('platform.Content', {
    _id: 12345678,
    status: 1,

  // Only return specific fields
  const content2 = await base.findOne('platform.Content', {
    _id: 12345678,
    status: 1,
  }, {
    projection: { name: 1, published: 1 },

base.strictFindOne(modelName[, query][, options])

Finds a single document for the provided model name and (optional) query criteria. Will throw an error if the document is not found.

const go = async () => {
  // Will throw if not found.
  const content = await base.strictFindOne('platform.Content', {
    _id: 12345678,
    status: 1,

base.find(modelName[, query][, options])

Finds a multiple documents for the provided model name and (optional) query criteria. Will return a MongoDB cursor object.

const go = async () => {
  // Will return a MongoDB cursor for iteration.
  const cursor = await base.find('platform.Content', {
    published: { $lte: new Date() },
    status: 1,

  // Apply sorting.
  // Either as an option arg...
  // See http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.1/api/Collection.html#find
  const cursor2 = await base.find('platform.Content', {
    published: { $lte: new Date() },
    status: 1,
  }, {
    sort: [['name', 1]],
  // Or directly on the cursor.
  // See http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.1/api/Cursor.html
  cursor2.sort([['name', -1]]);

base.count(modelName[, query][, options])

Counts the number of documents for the provided model name and (optional) query criteria.

const go = async () => {
  // Return number of active content documents.
  const num = await base.count('platform.Content', { status: 1 });

base.distinct(modelName, field[, query][, options])

Returns distinct values for the provided model name, key (field name) and (optional) query criteria.

const go = async () => {
  // Return a distinct list of published dates of active content documents.
  const dates = await base.distinct('platform.Content', 'published', { status: 1 });

base.db(namespace[, options])

Returns a MongoDB Db instance for the provided namespace.

const go = async () => {
  // Get the platform DB instance.
  const db = base.db('platform');

base.collection(namespace, resource[, options])

Returns a MongoDB Collection instance for the provided namespace and resource

const go = async () => {
  // Get the content collection instance.
  const collection = base.collection('platform', 'Content');


Set/change the active tenant. Note: this method does not return a Promise.


Static Methods

Utility/helper methods.


Coerces a string ID to either a MongoDB ObjectID or an integer. If the id value is not a string, or does not match the requirements for the above, the id value will be returned as-is.

const BaseDB = require('@parameter1/base-cms-db');
const { ObjectID } = require('mongodb');

// Becomes the number `1234`
const id1 = BaseDB.coerceID('1234');

// Becomes ObjectID('5b0d4edb74265bb4c8edc863')
const id2 = BaseDB.coerceID('5b0d4edb74265bb4c8edc863');

// Stays as an ObjectID
const id3 = BaseDB.coerceID(ObjectID('5bbb7920adff35d154b1c099'));

// Is left as-is
const id4 = BaseDB.coerceID('some-value');

extractMutationValue(doc, type, field)

Extracts a mutation value from a document for the provided type and field.

const BaseDB = require('@parameter1/base-cms-db');

// Get the `Website.name` mutation value. Will return `Foo` since the mutation is set.
const doc1 = {
  mutations: {
    Website: {
      name: 'Foo',
const websiteName = BaseDB.extractMutationValue(doc, 'Website', 'name');

// Get the `Magazine.name` mutation value. Will return `null` since mutation is not found.
const magazibneName = BaseDB.extractMutationValue(doc, 'Magazine', 'name');