1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
@pavlokobyliatskyi/firebase-messaging v1.0.0
NestJs Firebase Messaging
A push-notification helper module for Nestjs to send push notifications to mobile devices
npm install @nestjs/firebase-messaging --save
How to use it?
Import FirebaseMessagingModule into your notification module, set necessary fields for module initialization, embed PushNotificationService of notifications into your module via FirebaseMessagingModule.PUSH_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE, create a message using the Builders and send it using the embedded service
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => {
return {
projectId: configService.getProjectId(),
privateKey: configService.getPrivateKey(),
clientEmail: configService.getClientEmail(),
inject: [ConfigService],
export class NotificationModule implements OnModuleInit {
private readonly pushNotificationService: IPushNotificationService,
) {}
public async onModuleInit() {
const notification = new NotificationBuilder()
const message = new MessageBuilder()
.setData({ field: 'value' })
await this.pushNotificationService.sendToDevice(message);
3 years ago