2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@pdonda/jsstyle v2.0.0

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3 years ago

Nova JavaScript Style Guide

This style guide is based on standardJS

:large_blue_diamond: Spacing

:large_blue_diamond: Indentation

:large_blue_diamond: Declaration

:large_blue_diamond: Operators

:large_blue_diamond: Comma

:large_blue_diamond: Function

:large_blue_diamond: Control flow

:large_blue_diamond: Class and Object

:large_blue_diamond: RegExp

:large_blue_diamond: General


1. Keyword Spacing

if(condition) { ... }    // ✗ avoid
if (condition) { ... }   // ✓ ok

2. Multiple blank lines not allowed

// ✗ avoid
let value = 'hello world'

// ✓ ok
let value = 'hello world'

3. Semicolons must have a space after and no space before

for (let i = 0 ;i < items.length ;i++) {...}    // ✗ avoid
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {...}    // ✓ ok

4. Unary operators must have a space after

typeof!admin        // ✗ avoid
typeof !admin       // ✓ ok

5. Space before a function declaration parentheses

function name(arg) { ... }    // ✗ avoid
function name (arg) { ... }   // ✓ ok
run(function() { ... })       // ✗ avoid
run(function () { ... })      // ✓ ok

6. Space inside single line blocks

function foo () {return true}    // ✗ avoid
function foo () { return true }  // ✓ ok

7. Space between colon and value in key value pairs

let obj = { 'key' : 'value' }    // ✗ avoid
let obj = { 'key' :'value' }     // ✗ avoid
let obj = { 'key':'value' }      // ✗ avoid
let obj = { 'key': 'value' }     // ✓ ok

8. Do not use multiple spaces

const id =    1234    // ✗ avoid
const id = 1234       // ✓ ok

9. Use spaces inside comments

//comment           // ✗ avoid
// comment          // ✓ ok

/*comment*/         // ✗ avoid
/* comment */       // ✓ ok

10. Must have a space before blocks

if (admin){...}     // ✗ avoid
if (admin) {...}    // ✓ ok

11. The asterisk in yield* expression must have a space before and after

yield* increment()    // ✗ avoid
yield * increment()   // ✓ ok

12. No whitespace before properties

user .name      // ✗ avoid
user.name       // ✓ ok

13. No padding within blocks

// ✗ avoid
if (user) {
   const name = getName()

// ✓ ok
if (user) {
   const name = getName()    

14. No whitespace between spread operators and their expressions

fn(... args)    // ✗ avoid
fn(...args)     // ✓ ok

15. No space inside parentheses

getName( name )     // ✗ avoid
getName(name)       // ✓ ok

16. No spacing in template strings

const message = `Hello, ${ name }`    // ✗ avoid
const message = `Hello, ${name}`      // ✓ ok

17. Infix operator must be spaced

// ✗ avoid
let x=2
let message = 'hello, '+name+'!'
// ✓ ok
let x = 2
let message = 'hello, ' + name + '!'


1. Avoid mixing spaces and tabs for indentation use tabs throughout

// ✗ avoid
function add() {
   let x = 10;    // tab
   let y = 10;    // tab
  return x + y;   // 2 spaces
// ✓ ok
function add() {
   let x = 10;    // tab
   let y = 10;    // tab
   return x + y;  // tab


1. Camelcase when naming variables and functions

// ✗ avoid
function my_function () { }
let my_var = 'hello'
// ✓ ok
let myVar = 'hello'
function myFunction () { }

2. Remove unused variables

// ✗ avoid
function add(a, b) {
   let c = 10;    // unused variable
   return a + b;
// ✓ ok
function add(a, b) {
   return a + b;

3. Every variable declaration should have its own statement

// ✗ avoid
let a = 10, b = 10, c = 10;
let a = 10,
    b = 10,
    c = 10;
// ✓ ok
let a = 10;
let b = 10;

4. Use array literals instead of array constructors

let nums = new Array(1, 2, 3)   // ✗ avoid
let nums = [1, 2, 3]            // ✓ ok

5. Avoid modifying variables declared using const

const score = 100
score = 125       // ✗ avoid

6. No floating decimals

const discount = .5      // ✗ avoid
const discount = 0.5     // ✓ ok

7. No multiline strings

// ✗ avoid
let x = 'some very \
         long text';
// ✓ ok
let x = 'some very long text';
let x = 'some very ' +
        'long text';

8. No redeclaring variables

// ✗ avoid
let name = 'John'
let name = 'Jane'
// ✓ ok
let name = 'John'
name = 'Jane'         

9. Avoid assigning variable to itself

// ✗ avoid
foo = foo;
[name, age] = [name, age];
// ✓ ok
name = personname;
[a, b] = [b, a];        

10. Sparse arrays are not allowed

// ✗ avoid
let fruits = ['apple',, 'orange']
let numbers = [1, 2,,,, 6]
// ✓ ok
let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]       

11. Regular string must not contain template literal placeholders

// ✗ avoid
let message1 = 'Hello ${name}'
let message2 = "Hello ${name}"
// ✓ ok
const message = `Hello ${name}`

12. Initialize to undefined is not allowed

let name = undefined    // ✗ avoid

let name
name = 'value'          // ✓ ok


1. Triple equals operator instead of double equals operator

// ✗ avoid
if (name == 'John') {}
if (name != 'John') {}
// ✓ ok
if (name === 'John') {}
if (name !== 'John') {}

2. Ternary operator

// ✗ avoid
let location = env.development ?
               'localhost' :
// ✓ ok
let location = env.development ? 'localhost' : 'www.api.com'
let location = env.development
               ? 'localhost'
               : 'www.api.com'

3. No ternary operators when simpler alternative exist

let score = val ? val : 0     // ✗ avoid
let score = val || 0          // ✓ ok

4. No delete operator on variables

// ✗ avoid
let name
delete name

5. Avoid unnecessary boolean casts

// ✗ avoid
const result = true
if (!!result) {
   // code here
// ✓ ok
const result = true
if (result) {
   // code here

6. typeof must be compared to a valid string

typeof name === 'undefimed'     // ✗ avoid
typeof name === 'undefined'     // ✓ ok


1. Spacing

// ✗ avoid
let list = [1,2,3,4]
function greet (name,options) { ... }
// ✓ ok
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
function greet (name, options) { ... }

2. Style

// ✗ avoid
let person = {
   name: 'John'
   ,age: 28
// ✓ ok
let person = {
   name: 'John',
   age:  28

3. Trailing commas not allowed

if (doSomething(), !!test) {}   // ✗ avoid

4. Avoid using comma operator

// ✗ avoid
let person = {
   name: 'John',
   age:  26,
// ✓ ok
let person = {
   name: 'John',
   age:  26


1. No duplicate arguments

// ✗ avoid
function sum (a, b, a) {
   // code here
// ✓ ok
function sum (a, b, c) {
   // code here

2. No unnecessary parentheses around function expressions

const myFunc = (function () { })   // ✗ avoid
const myFunc = function () { }     // ✓ ok

3. No space between function identifiers and their invocation

console.log ('hello')   // ✗ avoid
console.log('hello')    // ✓ ok

4. No function declaration in nested blocks

// ✗ avoid
if (authenticated) {
  function setAuthUser () {}
// ✓ ok
if (authenticated) {
   // code here
function setAuthUser () {
   // code here

5. Assignment in return statements must be surrounded by parentheses

// ✗ avoid
function sum (a, b) {
   return result = a + b
// ✓ ok
function sum (a, b) {
   return (result = a + b)

6. Dot should be on same line as method

// ✗ avoid
// ✓ ok

7. Avoid unnecessary function bindings

// ✗ avoid
const name = function () {
// ✓ ok
const name = function () {

8. Avoid reassigning function declaration

// ✗ avoid
function foo() {}
foo = bar;
// ✓ ok
let foo = function () {}
foo = bar;

9. No label that share a name with an in scope variable

// ✗ avoid
let score = 100
function game () {
   score: while (true) {
      score -= 10
      if (score > 0) continue score
// ✓ ok
function foo() {
  var q = t;
function bar() {
  for(;;) {
    break q;

10. No unnecessary nested blocks

// ✗ avoid
function myFunc () {
// ✓ ok
function myFunc () {

11. Always handle function err parameter

// ✗ avoid
run(function (err) {
// ✓ ok
run(function (err) {
   if (err) throw err

12. No reassigning exceptions in catch clauses

// ✗ avoid
try {
   // code here
} catch (e) {
   e = 'new value'
// ✓ ok
try {
   // code here
} catch (e) {
   const newVal = 'new value'

13. When using try catch and throw only use Error object to throw an error

throw 'error'               // ✗ avoid
throw new Error('error')    // ✓ ok

14. No unreachable code after return, throw, continue and break statements

// ✗ avoid
function foo() {
   return true;
function bar() {
   throw new Error("Oops!");
while(value) {
function baz() {
   if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
   } else {
      throw new Error();
// ✓ ok
function foo() {
   return bar();
   function bar() {
      return 1;
function bar() {
   return x;
   let x;
switch (foo) {
   case 1:
      let x;

15. No flow control statements in finally blocks

// ✗ avoid
let foo = function() {
   try {
      return 1;
   } catch(err) {
      return 2;
   } finally {
      return 3;
// ✓ ok
let foo = function() {
   try {
      return 1;
   } catch(err) {
      return 2;
   } finally {
let foo = function() {
   try {
      return 1;
   } catch(err) {
      return 2;
   } finally {
      let a = function() {
         return "hola!";
let foo = function() {
   try {
      return 1;
   } catch(err) {
      return 2;
   } finally {
      switch(a) {
         case 1: {

16. Immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs) must be wrapped

const getName = function () { }()     // ✗ avoid
const getName = (function () { }())   // ✓ ok
const getName = (function () { })()   // ✓ ok

Control flow

1. Keep else statement on same line as curly braces

// ✗ avoid
if (condition) {
   // code here
else {
   // code here
// ✓ ok
if (condition) {
   // code here
} else {
   // code here

2. Use curly braces for multiline if statements

// ✗ avoid
if (options.quiet !== true)
// ✓ ok
if (options.quiet !== true) console.log('done')
if (options.quiet !== true) {

3. Avoid using const expressions in conditions (except loops)

// ✗ avoid
if (false) {
   // code here
// ✓ ok
if (x === 0) {
   // code here
while (true) {
   // code here

4. Avoid comparing variable to itself

if (score === score) {}    // ✗ avoid

5. No unmodified conditions of loops

for (let i = 0; i < items.length; j++) {...}    // ✗ avoid
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {...}    // ✓ ok

6. Avoid Yoda conditions

if (42 === age) { }    // ✗ avoid
if (age === 42) { }    // ✓ ok

7. Wrap conditional assignments

// ✗ avoid
while (m = text.match(expr)) {
   // code here
// ✓ ok
while ((m = text.match(expr))) {
   // code here

8. No label statements

// ✗ avoid
   while(true) {
      continue label;
// ✓ ok
let f = {
   label: "foo"
while (true) {

9. No duplicate case labels in switch statements

// ✗ avoid
switch (a) {
   case one:
   case 2:
   case one:
// ✓ ok
switch (a) {
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:

10. Use break to prevent fall-through in switch cases

// ✗ avoid
switch (filter) {
   case 1:
   case 2:
// ✓ ok
switch (filter) {
   case 1:
   case 2:

Class and Object

1. Constructor names must begin with capital letters

function animal () {}
let dog = new animal()        // ✗ avoid

function Animal () {}
let dog = new Animal()        // ✓ ok

2. Constructor with no arguments must be invoked with parentheses

function Animal () {}
let dog = new Animal       // ✗ avoid
let dog = new Animal()     // ✓ ok

3. Constructor of derived class must call super

class Dog {
   constructor () {
      super()                    // ✗ avoid
      this.legs = 4
class Dog extends Animal {
   constructor () {              // ✗ avoid
      this.legs = 4
class Dog extends Animal {
   constructor () {
      super()                    // ✓ ok
      this.legs = 4

4. Super must be called before using this keyword

// ✗ avoid
class A extends B {
    constructor() {
        this.a = 0;
// ✓ ok
class A extends B {
    constructor() {
        this.a = 0;

5. Avoid modifying variables of class declaration

// ✗ avoid
class A { }
A = 0;
// ✓ ok
let A = class A { }
A = 0;   // A is a variable.

6. Maintain consistency of newlines between object properties

// ✗ avoid
const user = {
   name: 'Jane Doe', age: 30,
   username: 'jdoe86'
// ✓ ok
const user = { name: 'Jane Doe', age: 30, username: 'jdoe86' }
const user = {
   name: 'Jane Doe',
   age: 30,
   username: 'jdoe86'

7. Object must contain a getter when a setter is defined

// ✗ avoid
let person = {
   set name (value) {
      this._name = value
// ✓ ok
let person = {
   set name (value) {
      this._name = value
   get name () {
      return this._name

8. No duplicate name in class members

// ✗ avoid
class Foo {
   bar() { }
   bar() { }
// ✓ ok
class Foo {
   bar() { }
   qux() { }

9. No duplicate keys in object literals

// ✗ avoid
let foo = {
   bar: "baz",
   bar: "qux"
// ✓ ok
let foo = {
   bar: "baz",
   qux: "qux"

10. No new without assigning object to a variable

new Character()                     // ✗ avoid
const character = new Character()   // ✓ ok

11. No using the Function constructor

// ✗ avoid
let x = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");
let x = Function("a", "b", "return a + b");
// ✓ ok
let x = function (a, b) {
   return a + b;

12. No using the Object constructor

// ✗ avoid
let myObject = new Object();
new Object();
// ✓ ok
let myObject = new CustomObject();
let myObject = {};

let Object = function Object() {};
new Object();

13. No using the Symbol constructor

// ✗ avoid
let foo = new Symbol('foo');
// ✓ ok
let foo = Symbol('foo');

function bar(Symbol) {
   const baz = new Symbol("baz");

14. No calling global object properties as functions

// ✗ avoid
let math = Math();
let newMath = new Math();

let json = JSON();
let newJSON = new JSON();
// ✓ ok
function area(r) {
   return Math.PI * r * r;
let object = JSON.parse("{}");

15. No unnecessary constructor

// ✗ avoid
class A {
   constructor () {
class B extends A {
   constructor (...args) {
// ✓ ok
class A { }
class A {
   constructor () {


1. No empty character classes in regular expressions

const myRegex = /^abc[]/      // ✗ avoid
const myRegex = /^abc[a-z]/   // ✓ ok

2. No invalid regular expression string in RegExp constructors

RegExp('[a-z')    // ✗ avoid
RegExp('[a-z]')   // ✓ ok

3. Avoid multiple spaces in regular expressions literals

const regexp = /test   value/       // ✗ avoid

const regexp = /test {3}value/      // ✓ ok
const regexp = /test value/         // ✓ ok



console.log("hello there")    // ✗ avoid
console.log(`hello there`)    // ✗ avoid

console.log('hello there')    // ✓ ok
$("<div class='box'>")        // ✓ ok
console.log(`hello ${name}`)  // ✓ ok

2. Use single import statement per module

import { myFunc1 } from 'module'
import { myFunc2 } from 'module'          // ✗ avoid

import { myFunc1, myFunc2 } from 'module' // ✓ ok

3. Renaming import export and restructured assignments to the same name is not allowed

import { config as config } from './config'     // ✗ avoid
import { config } from './config'               // ✓ ok

4. No unnecessary use of escape

let message = 'Hell\o'  // ✗ avoid

5. Use isNaN function when checking for NaN

if (price === NaN) { }      // ✗ avoid
if (isNaN(price)) { }       // ✓ ok

6. Avoid semicolons

window.alert('hi')   // ✗ avoid
window.alert('hi');  // ✓ ok

3 years ago


3 years ago