0.1.8 • Published 2 years ago
@peersky/freestyle-wallet v0.1.8
Free style wallet
Generate blockchain wallets from your own mnemonic.
This repository is simple and very transparent solution using only ethersjs and yargs
NB: Make sure your mnemonic has high entropy value!
Mnemonic -> toUtf8Bytes -> keccak256 -> repeat keccak256 for INDEX times -> Generate Encrypted JSON
npm i -g @peersky/freestyle-wallet
m mnemonic for a new wallet [string]
p password to encrypt key [string]
i account index to create [number]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
✨ Done in 1.76s.
run as
node node_wallet.js -p $PWD -m $M -i $I > key.json
or if installed globally:
freestyle -p $PWD -m $M -i $I > key.json