0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

@pegakit/pk-component-notifications v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago


  • Twig Template: source/_patterns/02-molecules/notifications/notification.twig
    • Template Dependencies:
      • Icon atom
      • D8 Attributes object (via the Pattern Lab Data Transform plugin OR via our create_attribute Twig extension)
  • Sass Component: source/styles/pegakit-ui/06-components/_components.notifications.scss
  • JavaScript Module: none currently but that'll change w/ these updates)

PegaKit CSS Framework Dependencies:

  • 01-settings
    • Global settings (ex. $global-border-radius, $spacing-unit)
    • Color swatches (ex. green, light)
  • 02-tools
    • Font weight mixin (ex. @include font-weight(bold);)
    • Spacing mixin (ex. @include spacing(medium);)
    • Color palette mixin (ex. @include palette(green, light);)
  • 03-generic
    • All (default UI Component dependency)
  • 04-elements
    • All (default UI Component dependency)
  • 05-objects
    • Icon object
  • 06-components
    • None
  • 07-themes
    • All (default UI Component dependency)
  • 08-utilities
    • All (default UI Component dependency)

PegaKit Staging link(s)

Things to keep in mind:

  • Mobile first!
  • Close button: reminder: keep minimum tappable target area in mind.
  • Flexible in height (don't set anything relating to height or min/max height)
  • Exact position of close button shouldn't need to get re-adjusted if the padding value inside the notification component changes.
  • Sometimes needs to be full width, other times not.
  • Need to account for the fact that we already have 6 completely separate, not centrally maintained / versioned versions of this already in PegaKit / out in the wild.

Front-end Breakout


  1. Move the existing Notification twig template + Sass partial into a single component-specific folder structure. Basically, all the front-end files relating to notifications should end up living in a single place, which should make versioning significantly easier.
  • Update the PegaKit build process if necessary.
  • Keep file types into separate folders for the time being


├── _patterns
|   └── 02-molecules
|      └── notifications
|         ├── notification.twig
|         └── examples
├── styles/pegakit-ui
|   └── 06-components
|      └── _components.notifications.scss
└── scripts
    └── components
       └── notifications/index.js (doesn't currently exist)


├── _patterns
|   └── 02-molecules
|      └── notifications
|         ├── twig

|         ├── notification.twig
|         └── examples
├── styles/pegakit-ui
|   └── 06-components
|      └── _components.notifications.scss
└── scripts
    └── components
       └── notifications/index.js (doesn't currently exist)

Templates updates

  1. Version the existing component (v0.1.0, as is) via Lerna

  2. Update the existing template parameters so everything is nested under the notification namespace (ex. the notification_button.text and parameter should instead be set via notification.button_text (< 15min)

    {% include "@molecules/notifications/notification.twig" with {
      notification: {
        button_text: '...',
        text: '...'
    } %}
3. The Notification component's Twig template should be updated to use the D8 friendly Attributes object (~15min)

4. Update the template to abstractly handle the different template options / available parameters. (< 15min)**

For example. currently the `caution` UI status gets applied via the `c-notification--caution` class being passed in.

We need to update the template so that we can simply set the status via a `status` parameter and internally the component will validate that the value is OK + decide which class(es) it needs to apply. As a reference, our semi-recently updated button component does something along the lines of:

{# button.twig #} {% set button_styles = 'positive', 'flat', 'subtle', 'featured' %} {% set button_classes = 'c-button', button.style in button_styles ? 'c-button--' ~ button.style : '', ... %}

{# page.twig #} {% include "@atoms/buttons/button.twig" with { button: { style: 'flat' } } %}

4. Rename the currently unused `notification_button.hide` parameter to `can_close` which can be set to T/F. (< 15min)**

5. Example variations in Pattern Lab should be updated to use the same class convention as well. (< 15min)

6. The Icon twig include used in this component:
  a. should be using the updated icon 'size' parameter -- the current class version is deprecated. (< 15min)
  b. should be setting the c-notification--close class via the icon template's attributes class[] array (and it should be removed from the `classes` string parameter) (< 15min)

7. Add a new `center` T/F layout option to the notification template. Should be set to false by default.**

8. Update the existing link/button sub-component (the UI used for dismissing the notification, if enabled).
  a. Add in the appropriate `js-` prefixed JavaScript hook class for the JavaScript module we'll be adding
  b. Change from being a <a> tag to being a <button>
  c. add the `type="button"` and `tabindex="0"` attributes
  d. Replace the `<span>` with the visually hidden text inside to instead just be an aria-label on the button itself.
9. Update the notification component's outer container itself to be accessible.
  a. Add in the following HTML attributes: `tabindex="0" aria-live="assertive" role="alertdialog"`

** All of the above changes / parameter options should be documented in a component-specific markdown file. See Component options below:

## Component options (placeholder example)
Any of these options can be set when the Notification template is included. [Learn more](javascript.md#component-configuration)

| Option | Value | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `close` | CSS selector | `.js-notification__button` | The element to dismiss the notification. |
| `close` | CSS selector | `.js-notification__button` | The element to dismiss the notification. |
| `animation` | Boolean, String | `false` | ['none', 'fade-in', 'slide-in']. |

## Style modifiers
There are several style modifiers available. Just add one of the following classes to apply a different look.

| Class               | Description                                                |
| `.c-notification--error`  | Indicates an important or error message. |
| `.c-notification--success` | Indicates success or a positive message. |
| `.c-notification--warning` | Indicates a message containing a warning. |

# Sass updates
1. Update the margin-bottom logic to handle situations where we may or may not want a margin-bottom value set. If NOT the last child in a container = margin-bottom: 16px?
2. change default background color to white? Need to move the blue background variation to something else
3. move padding from main .c-notification container to .c-notification__text
4. Update the `c-notification__button` styling:

width: 44px; height: 44px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; float: right; position: relative; z-index: 10; // Any z-index so clicking / tapping hits the target vs getting interfered w/ by the .c-notification__text container.

5. Add overflow hidden to the outer c-notification container

### New JavaScript Module

### Out in the wild examples:
- http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/v/5.5.3/components/alert_boxes.html
- https://codepen.io/joe-watkins/pen/PNMGeZ
- https://tympanus.net/Development/NotificationStyles/bar-slidetop.html#
- https://getuikit.com/v2/docs/notify.html
- https://github.com/govau/uikit/tree/master/packages/page-alerts
- http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/callout.html
- http://materializecss.com/dialogs.html
- https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/alerts/#examples