0.1.1 • Published 1 month ago

@pextra/collectd v0.1.1

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Last release
1 month ago


A library for collecting metrics from the collectd daemon written in TypeScript.

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This package is still in development and is not yet ready for production use. There will be breaking changes before the package is stable.

Most commands are implemented, but a few are not yet. Not many of the command options are implemented yet, but the most common ones are.

Please open an issue if you would like a specific option implemented.


npm install @pextra/collectd

Currently, Bun is not supported due to the lack of support for the dgram module.



Create a new instance of the CollectdClient class. The constructor takes an optional options object with the following properties:

address: string; // The address of the collectd server. Default: '' (ipv4 multicast) or 'ff18::efc0:4a42' (ipv6 multicast).
port: number; // The port of the collectd server. Default: 25826.
protocol: SocketType; // The protocol to use. Default: 'udp4'.

The CollectdClient class has the following methods:

start(); // Start listening for collectd packets.
close(); // Stop listening for collectd packets.

The CollectdClient class is an EventEmitter emits the following events:

'data': (data: {values: Array<CollectdValuePacket>, notifications: Array<CollectdNotificationPacket>}) => void; // Emitted when a collectd packet is received.
'error': (error: Error) => void; // Emitted when an error occurs.
'close': () => void; // Emitted when the client is closed.

See lib/types/index.ts for all the types used in the library.

Setting up collectd

@pextra/collectd depends on the network plugin being enabled in collectd. To enable the network plugin, add the following to your collectd configuration file:

LoadPlugin network

<Plugin network>
        Server "<address>" "<port>"

The library would then be able to receive collectd packets from the collectd server:

import {CollectdClient} from '@pextra/collectd';

const client = new CollectdClient({
	address: '<address>',
	port: '<port>',

client.on('data', (data) => {



For enterprise licensing, support, and consulting, please visit our website. Alternatively, you can contact us at enterprise@pextra.cloud.

If you have any questions, please feel free open an issue or a discussion. You can also contact us at support@pextra.cloud.


We welcome contributions! If you find any bugs, have feature requests, or would like to contribute enhancements, please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.

We use gts for linting and formatting.


collectd is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago