0.1.12 • Published 3 years ago

@pixelplex/static-service v0.1.12

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3 years ago

Static service

Microservice for working with files: upload to AWS, resize images, etc.

Support platforms:

  • AWS S3

Support background actions:

  • resize images ( processing in the background )

The microservice used

  • PostgresSql for saving records about files
  • RabbitMQ as queue for processing images in the background
  • Rsa public key for request authentication

How to use

Prepare upload config

Create JSON file with templates: upload.config.json

upload.config.json example:

The first level key (avatar/document) it's a template name, and your future routing param key for uploading. Specify your keys.


  "avatar": {
    "maxSize": 10,
    "maxCount": 5,
    "extensions": ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"],
    "resize": [
        "method": "contain",
        "args": [100, 100]
        "method": "contain",
        "args": [200, 200]
  "document": {
    "maxSize": 10,
    "maxCount": 3,
    "folder": "document",
    "extensions": ["pdf", "doc", "docs"]

Template settings:

  • maxSize: Maximum size of uploaded file in Mb. Optional
  • maxCount: Maximum number of uploaded files. Optional
  • extensions: Array of allowed files extensions. Optional
  • folder: Folder in aws bucket. Optional
  • resize: Config for files resizes: Optional
    • method: resize method from jimp library
    • args: list of arguments of the chosen method from jimp library

Configure authentication

This service uses public (rsa or ECDSA) key for validating jwt token received from Authorization header or cookie. Save publicKey and pass key path to RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH environment. Default path: /app/key/publicKey.pem

Launch the service

Then you need to run this service and connect it to PostgresSQL. For example, you can use Docker Compose:

version: "3"
    image: "rabbitmq:3-management"
      - ""
      - ""

    image: postgres:11.5-alpine
      - ""
      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/

    image: "pixelplex/static-service:0.1.10"
      - AMQP_HOST=amqp://rabbitmq:5672
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=aws_key
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=aws_secret
      - AWS_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME=aws_bucket_name
      - AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
      - POSTGRES_USERNAME=postgres
      - POSTGRES_DATABASE=static-db
      - POSTGRES_PORT=27192
      - SENTRY_DSN=https://sentry-url-here
      - RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH=/app/key/publicKey.pem
      - ./upload.config.json:/app/upload.config.json # file wit upload templates
      - ${RSA_PUBLIC_KEY}:/app/key/publicKey.pem #public key for jwt strategy
      - rabbitmq
      - postgres
      - ""


Configuration Environment Variables

STATIC_SERVICE_PORTSpecify which port to use30023003
STATIC_SERVICE_QUEUESpecify queue name for tasksstatic_servicestatic_service
CORSCross-Origin Resource Sharingtruetrue
AMQP_HOSTConnection url to RabbitMQamqp://login:password@rabbitmq:5672amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAws access keyaccess
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYAws secret keysecret
AWS_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAMEAws bucket nameAb4rah121
AWS_REGIONAws regioneu-west-1eu-west-1
POSTGRES_PASSWORDPostgres passwordroot
POSTGRES_USERNAMEPostgres usernamerootpostgres
POSTGRES_DATABASEDatabase name to store filesproject_dbfile_db
POSTGRES_PORTPostgres port271905432
SENTRY_DSNThe Dsn used to connect to Sentry and identify the projecthttps://sentry
RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_PATHThe path to public key used for validate jwt token/app/key/publicKey.pem/app/key/publicKey.pem
JWT_ALGORITHMAlgorithm for token decryptionRS256/app/key/publicKey.pem

Adding FileEntity to your typeorm configs.

1. Install npm package

yarn add @pixelplex/static-service

**2. Import FileEntity and to your typeorm settings:

import { FileEntity } from '@pixelplex/static-service';

Or Create it:

import { Column, CreateDateColumn, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, UpdateDateColumn } from 'typeorm';

@Entity({ name: 'file' })
export class FileEntity {

  id: number;

  @CreateDateColumn({ type: 'timestamptz' })
  createdAt: Date;

  @UpdateDateColumn({ type: 'timestamptz' })
  updatedAt: Date;

  originalName: string;

  path: string;

  type: string;

  size: number;

  key: string;

  hash: string;

3. Import StaticModule in your module:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { StaticModule } from '@pixelplex/static-service';

  controllers: [],
  imports: [StaticModule],
export class AppModule {}

**4. Import StaticService and call it:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { StaticService } from '@pixelplex/static-service';

export class AppService {

  constructor(private staticService: StaticService) {}

  // Remove file and all related resized files
  async onModuleInit() {


**5. Connect front end to static service via STATIC_SERVICE_PORT

**6. Call api /static/v1/files/{template-name} with body: { file: file_buffer }