0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

@pluginsuperset/superset-plugin-chart-test v0.1.0

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Last release
2 years ago


This is the Superset Plugin Chart Test Superset Chart Plugin.


To build the plugin, run the following commands:

npm ci
npm run build

Alternatively, to run the plugin in development mode (=rebuilding whenever changes are made), start the dev server with the following command:

npm run dev

To add the package to Superset, go to the superset-frontend subdirectory in your Superset source folder (assuming both the superset-plugin-chart-test plugin and superset repos are in the same root directory) and run

npm i -S ../../superset-plugin-chart-test

After this edit the superset-frontend/src/visualizations/presets/MainPreset.js and make the following changes:

import { SupersetPluginChartTest } from 'superset-plugin-chart-test';

to import the plugin and later add the following to the array that's passed to the plugins property:

new SupersetPluginChartTest().configure({ key: 'superset-plugin-chart-test' }),

After that the plugin should show up when you run Superset, e.g. the development server:

npm run dev-server