0.0.0-4 • Published 3 years ago

@plurid/bluefig-server v0.0.0-4

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3 years ago

bluefig is intended for the configuration of devices without input/output mechanisms.

The bluefig-server runs on the device and the user connects to it through the bluefig-client, running on a common user terminal.

The user then interacts with the bluefig-client, effectively changing the internal state of the bluefig-server machine, within the limits of the views (elements and actions) specified by the bluefig-server.



The bluefig-server will load at start a list of views and hooks which will determine the bluefig-client user interface and the bluefig-server behavior.

A bluefig view is comprised of elements and actions.

The elements will be sent by the bluefig-server to be rendered by the bluefig-client.

The elements used for input (input-x, button) can have an action field. When the user interacts with the element on the bluefig-client, the established action will run accordingly on the bluefig-server.

An action is an async function which can return another view; either one already defined in the views object, or something dynamically computed based on the functions payload, the object containing all the arguments passed from the store.

Any action will also have as the second argument a notify function which will push a notification to the bluefig-client, and as the third argument an event function which can be used to trigger a bluefig-server event, such as set-token to set the access token.


Considering the simple view

import {
} from '@plurid/bluefig-server';

const views: ViewsServer = {
    '/': {
        title: 'Index View',
        elements: [
                type: 'text',
                value: 'this is a simple view',
                type: 'input-text',
                title: 'Input Text',
                store: 'inputTextStore',
                type: 'button',
                title: 'Click Me',
                action: 'clickAction',
        actions: {
            'clickAction': {
                arguments: [
                execution: async (
                ) => {
                    console.log('Click action called', payload.inputTextStore);

the bluefig-client will then render an interface with a text input field which will listen for changes and store the content in a variable named inputTextStore which can then be passed to the action clickAction, triggerable by clicking on the button.

The bluefig-server will output at click

> Click action called input text


The bluefig-server will by default load the views and hooks from ~/.bluefig.

Custom views and hooks paths can be provided using the environment variables BLUEFIG_VIEWS_PATH and BLUEFIG_HOOKS_PATH.

The environment variable BLUEFIG_SERVICE_NAME can be used to set the name appearing in the bluefig-client scan list.

Use Cases

bluefig can be used to:

  • connect a device to Wi-Fi, by selecting from a bluefig-server provided list and entering the passkey;
  • set an administrator password on the device;
  • reset device to factory settings;
  • abstract the execution of complex logic, e.g. starting/stopping a process line with one button;
  • read/export device analytics;
  • read/write custom configuration files†;
  • execute custom shell commands†;

† In order to ensure the device security, the interaction with configuration files/shell commands should be done indirectly, the bluefig-server exposing only a limited interaction mode to the bluefig-client.

In Use

bluefig is used to configure:

  • deserver: admin setup, user generation, Wi-Fi selection, disk formatting, docker/processes lifecycle (setup-stop-restart).


The elements of a view are comprised of ViewElements.

export type ViewElement =
    | ViewText
    | ViewInputText
    | ViewInputSelect
    | ViewInputSwitch
    | ViewInputSlider
    | ViewButton
    | ViewImage
    | ViewFile
    | ViewDivider
    | ViewList;

Any field of an element, except the type, can receive a static value (string, boolean, etc.), or an async function which will be evaluated at view-request time.

Helper types

export type PromiseOf<T> = () => Promise<T>;
export type TypeOrPromiseOf<T> = T | PromiseOf<T>;

export type StringOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<string>;
export type StringArrayOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<string[]>;
export type NumberOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<number>;
export type BooleanOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<boolean>;
export type StringOrNumberOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<string | number>;
export type StringOrNumberOrStringNumberArrayOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<string | number | (string | number)[]>;
export type ViewElementsOrPromiseOf = TypeOrPromiseOf<ViewElement[]>;


export interface ViewText {
    type: 'text';
    value: StringOrPromiseOf;
    selectable?: BooleanOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/text': {
        title: 'text',
        elements: [
                type: 'text',
                value: 'Text',


export interface ViewInputText {
    type: 'input-text';
    title?: StringOrPromiseOf;
    store: StringOrPromiseOf;
    initial?: StringOrPromiseOf;
    secure?: BooleanOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/input-text': {
        title: 'input text',
        elements: [
                type: 'input-text',
                title: 'Input Text',
                store: 'inputText',


export interface ViewInputSelect {
    type: 'input-select';
    title?: StringOrPromiseOf;
     * Select from the options list.
    options: StringArrayOrPromiseOf;
    store: StringOrPromiseOf;
    initial?: StringOrNumberOrStringNumberArrayOrPromiseOf;
     * Allow for multiple selection.
    multiple?: BooleanOrPromiseOf;
     * Set initial value, index of `options`.
    action?: StringOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/input-select': {
        title: 'input select',
        elements: [
                type: 'input-select',
                title: 'Input Select',
                store: 'inputSelect',
                options: [
                initial: 1,


export interface ViewInputSwitch {
    type: 'input-switch';
    title: StringOrPromiseOf;
    store: StringOrPromiseOf;
    initial?: BooleanOrPromiseOf;
    action?: StringOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/input-switch': {
        title: 'input switch',
        elements: [
                type: 'input-switch',
                title: 'Input Switch',
                store: 'inputSwitch',


export interface ViewInputSlider {
    type: 'input-slider';
    title: StringOrPromiseOf;
    store: StringOrPromiseOf;
    initial?: NumberOrPromiseOf;
    action?: StringOrPromiseOf;
    maximum?: NumberOrPromiseOf;
    minimum?: NumberOrPromiseOf;
    step?: NumberOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/input-slider': {
        title: 'input slider',
        elements: [
                type: 'input-slider',
                title: 'Input Slider',
                store: 'inputSlider',


export interface ViewButton {
    type: 'button';
    title: StringOrPromiseOf;
    action: StringOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/button': {
        title: 'button',
        elements: [
                type: 'button',
                title: 'Button',
                action: 'actionButton',


export type ViewImageAlignment = 'left' | 'right' | 'center';

export interface ViewImage {
    type: 'image';
    source: StringOrPromiseOf;
    contentType?: StringOrPromiseOf;
    height?: NumberOrPromiseOf;
    width?: NumberOrPromiseOf;
    alignment?: ViewImageAlignment | PromiseOf<ViewImageAlignment>;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/image': {
        title: 'image',
        elements: [
                type: 'image',
                source: 'bluefig-logo-128x128.jpg',


export interface ViewFile {
    type: 'file';
    title: StringOrPromiseOf;
    source: StringOrPromiseOf;
    contentType?: StringOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/file': {
        title: 'file',
        elements: [
                type: 'file',
                title: 'Sample File.png',
                source: 'a-file.txt',


export interface ViewDivider {
    type: 'divider';
// tests/example.all.js
    '/divider': {
        title: 'divider',
        elements: [
                type: 'divider',


export interface ViewList {
    type: 'list';
    items: ViewElementsOrPromiseOf;
// tests/example.all.js
    '/list': {
        title: 'list',
        elements: [
                type: 'list',
                items: [
                        type: 'text',
                        value: 'Text In List',
                        type: 'input-text',
                        title: 'Input Text In List',
                        store: 'inputTextInList',


@plurid/bluefig-server • server
