1.0.0-rc.7 • Published 2 years ago

@pota/vue-base-skeleton v1.0.0-rc.7

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Last release
2 years ago

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Setup 🚀

You can create a new project using the @pota/create package.

npx @pota/create vue-base my-vue-base-app

Standards 📒

This project follows the MediaMonks Frontend Coding Standards

Features 🔋

Pota Commands

build - builds the source using webpack.

npm run build # or npx pota build
analyze{Boolean}falseWhen enabled, will open a bundle report after bundling.
cache{Boolean}trueToggles webpack's caching behavior.
image-compression{Boolean}trueToggles image compression.
mode{development\|production}productionOverride webpack's mode.
output{String}./buildThe build output directory.
source-map{false\|devtool}source-map (production), eval-source-map (development)Sets the style of source-map, for enhanced debugging. Disable or use faster options in you are having out of memory or other performance issues.
public-path{String}/The location of static assets on your production server.
type-check{Boolean}trueWhen disabled, will ignore type related errors.
versioning{Boolean}falseWhen enabled, will copy assets in ./static to a versioned directory in the output (e.g. build/version/v2/static/...).
vue-options-api{Boolean}falseToggles the Vue Options API.
vue-prod-devtools{Boolean}falseToggles support for the Vue Devtools in production.

dev - starts the development service using webpack-dev-server.

npm run dev # or npx pota dev
cache{Boolean}trueToggle webpack's caching behavior.
https{Boolean}falseRun the development server with HTTPS.
image-compression{Boolean}trueToggles image compression.
mode{development\|production}productionOverride webpack's mode.
source-map{false\|devtool}source-map (production), eval-source-map (development)Sets the style of source-map, for enhanced debugging. Disable or use faster options in you are having out of memory or other performance issues.
type-check{Boolean}trueToggles checking for type related errors.
vue-options-api{Boolean}falseToggles the Vue Options API.

hidden TODOs


Non-Pota scripts defined in "scripts" of package.json and are runnable using npm run {script}

check-typesChecks for type errors and unused variables/types in the source directory.
fixExecutes all fix:* commands in sequence.
fix:eslintExecutes eslint:lint and fixes fixable errors.
fix:prettierFormats the source files using prettier.
lintExecutes all lint:* commands in sequence.
lint:eslintLints the source files using eslint.

JavaScript / TypeScript

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Misc. Assets

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Linting & Formatting

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Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment


webpack-skeleton comes with bitbucket-pipelines.yml, pre-configured to run check-types, lint and test scripts.

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