0.1.0 • Published 10 months ago

@preact-signals/resource v0.1.0

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Last release
10 months ago


@preact-signals/resource is a powerful reactive utility for managing data fetching and its related state in React/Preact. By wrapping asynchronous functions with a reactive pattern, it allows you to seamlessly integrate data fetching into your Preact application.


You can install @preact-signals/resource using your package manager of choice:

# npm
npm i @preact-signals/resource
# yarn
yarn i @preact-signals/resource
# pnpm
pnpm i @preact-signals/resource

API Overview

@preact-signals/resource provides the following main functions:

  • createResource
  • useResource


createResource is a utility function to wrap a repeated promise in a reactive pattern. It accepts an options object which should at least include a fetcher function. This fetcher function should return a Promise that fetches the necessary data. Optionally, a source can be provided which can trigger the fetcher whenever it changes.

The createResource function returns an array containing a ResourceState object and a set of actions (mutate, refetch, dispose)

import { createResource } from "@preact-signals/resource";

const [resource, { mutate, refetch }] = createResource({
  fetcher: () => fetch("https://swapi.dev/api/people/1").then((r) => r.json()),

// or with source
const [resource, { mutate, refetch, dispose }] = createResource({
  source: () => userId.value,
  fetcher: (userId) =>
    fetch(`https://swapi.dev/api/people/${userId}`).then((r) => r.json()),
  • mutate: allows manually overwriting the resource without calling the fetcher
  • refetch: re-runs the fetcher without changing the source, and if called with a value, that value will be passed to the fetcher via the refetching property on the fetcher's second parameter


useResource is a Preact hook that allows for using resources inside React/Preact components.

import { Match, Switch } from "@preact-signals/components";
import { useResource } from "@preact-signals/resource";

const [resource, { refetch }] = useResource({
  fetcher: () =>
    fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos").then((response) =>

return (
    <button onClick={() => refetch()}>Refresh</button>
      <Match when={() => resource.loading}>Loading...</Match>
      <Match when={() => resource.error}>Error</Match>
      <Match when={() => resource()}>
        {(todos) => (
            {todos().map((todo) => (
              <li key={todo.id}>
                {todo.title}, {todo.completed ? "Completed" : "Not completed"}

Example: Creating a Resource that Depends on Another Resource/Signal

import { useSignal } from "@preact/signals-react";
import { createResource, useResource } from "@preact-signals/resource";

const Component = () => {
  // Assume that we have a signal that represents the current user ID
  const userId = useSignal(1);

  // Then we create another resource that fetches the user's todos
  // This resource is dependent on the userResource
  const [todosResource] = useResource({
    source: () => userId.value, // Here is the dependency
    fetcher: (userId) =>
        (response) => response.json()

  return (
      <button onClick={() => (userId.value = userId.peek() === 1 ? 2 : 1)}>
        Switch User
        <Match when={() => todosResource.loading}>Loading...</Match>
        <Match when={() => todosResource.error}>Error</Match>
        <Match when={() => todosResource()}>
          {(todos) => (
              {todos().map((todo) => (
                <li key={todo.id}>
                  {todo.title}, {todo.completed ? "Completed" : "Not completed"}

In this example, the userPostsResource fetches the posts for the user indicated by the userId signal. When the userId signal changes, the userPostsResource will automatically fetch the new user's posts.


@preact-signals/resource is licensed under the MIT License.