0.6.0 • Published 2 months ago

@principlestudios/jotai-react-signals v0.6.0

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2 months ago

React Signals with Jotai

This provides a simple way to bind Jotai atoms to React intrinsic elements to get reactive pages, like the signals paradigm, in order to reduce React rerenders.

Please note that the current state of this package is a proof-of-concept; while it works quite well, there is no live demo and the API may change significantly.

Included in this package:

  • Hooks for more easily working with computed Jotai state
    • useComputedAtom - same interface as Jotai's computed, but as a React hook with no dependencies
    • useAsAtom - converts a T | Atom<T> to an Atom<T> as a React hook, so your APIs can be flexible.
  • Utilities for binding to elements
    • withSignal - takes the name of a React intrinsic element and a mapping of React props to functions to update the element to create a new component that will update your element in real-time.
    • mapProperty - helper function for mapping a value to an element property
    • mapAttribute - helper function for mapping a value to an element attribute

Usage example, as a Storybook entry:

import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { tweenedAtom } from '@principlestudios/jotai-animation-atom';
import {
	type PartialMapping,
} from '@principlestudios/jotai-react-signals';
import { Easing } from '@tweenjs/tween.js';

const sampleMapping = {
	cx: mapAttribute('cx'),
	cy: mapAttribute('cy'),
	r: mapAttribute('r'),
	strokeWidth: mapAttribute('stroke-width'),
} satisfies PartialMapping;

const AnimatedCircle = withSignal('circle', sampleMapping);

type Props = {
	size: number;

export default {
	title: 'Example/Jotai Signals',
	argTypes: {
		size: {
			control: {
				type: 'number',
	parameters: {},
} as Meta<Props>;

const Template: Story<Props> = (args) => {
	const size$ = useAsAtom(args.size);
	const tweenedSize$ = useMemo(
		() => tweenedAtom(size$, Easing.Quadratic.Out),
	const strokeWidth$ = useComputedAtom((get) => get(tweenedSize$) / 15);
	return (
		<svg width="300px" height="300px">
				r={atom((get) => get(tweenedSize$).toFixed(3))}
				strokeWidth={atom((get) => get(strokeWidth$).toFixed(3))}

export const Primary = Template.bind({});
Primary.args = {
	size: 30,