1.0.4 • Published 6 years ago

@process-engine/consumer_client v1.0.4

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6 years ago


The consumer_client is a JavaScript-client to communicate with a process-engine-instance

What are the goals of this project?

The goal is to simplify the communication of JavaScript-clients with a process-engine-instance

How do I set this project up?


A javascript or typescript environment


Install the package:

npm install --save @process-engine/consumer_client

How do I use this project?


To use this package, import the ConsumerClient-class, create a new instance and initialize it. After that, you can start using its methods.

Before initializing it, you can set its config as described in the API-doc

Some examples:

const client = require('@process-engine/consumer_client').ConsumerClient;

const clientInstance = new client();

  .then(() => {
    // do things here with clientInstance
import {ConsumerClient} from '@process-engine/consumer_client';

const clientInstance = new ConsumerClient();

async function run() {
  await clientInstance.initialize()
  // do things here with clientInstance


In aurelia, you should create a new consumerClient-feature, so you can inject the client where you need it (this is how it's used in bpmn-studio):

aurelia.json (make aurelia knows about the package)

  "dependencies": [
      "name": "@process-engine/consumer_client",
      "path": "../node_modules/@process-engine/consumer_client/dist/amd",
      "main": "index.js"
      "name": "addict-ioc",
      "path": "../node_modules/addict-ioc/dist/amd",
      "main": "index.js"
      "name": "fetch-ponyfill",
      "path": "../node_modules/fetch-ponyfill",
      "main": "build/fetch-browser"
      "name": "uuid-browser",
      "path": "../node_modules/uuid-browser",
      "main": "index.js"
      "name": "bluebird",
      "main": "./js/browser/bluebird",
      "path": "../node_modules/bluebird"

consumer-client/index.ts (register the client to aurelias dependency injection container)

import {ConsumerClient} from '@process-engine/consumer_client';
import {FrameworkConfiguration} from 'aurelia-framework';

export async function configure(config: FrameworkConfiguration): Promise<void> {

  const consumerClient: ConsumerClient = new ConsumerClient();
  await consumerClient.initialize();

  config.container.registerInstance('ConsumerClient', consumerClient);

main.ts (execute the registration setup before)


some class (inject the client where you need it)

import {ConsumerClient} from '@process-engine/consumer_client';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class ClassName {

  private consumerClient: ConsumerClient;

  constructor(consumerClient: ConsumerClient) {
    this.consumerClient = consumerClient;
    // do something with the client

What else is there to know?

Authors/Contact information

Related projects



At the moment, there is not much you can configure, only the base-route of the process-engine. Later, additional configuration might be added

  baseRoute: 'http://localhost:8000'



Initializes the ConsumerClient, and establishes a messagebus-connection to the process-engine.

See here for an example of a minimal token-repository. If none provided, this is the one that will be used

// definition
initialize(tokenRepository?: ITokenRepository): Promise<void>

// example
await consumerClient.initialize();


tries to login with the given credentials

// definition
login(username: string, password: string): Promise<ILoginResult>

// example
const loginResult = await consumerClient.login('admin', 'admin');

/* loginResult:
  token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiI4ODg5NGJlNC1hOGUxLTRlYTMtODlmZC0zMWY1NGQ2YWExN2UiLCJpYXQiOjE1MDg4NDYxMTN9.23xzZS_uoeE9qRXF8u2ZALV8ntynmCiJ5gTdEXn2bD0',
  identity: {
    id: '61d7f2e3-3387-4115-895e-b04a49967b27',
    name: 'admin',
    roles: ['administrator', 'user', '_iam_internal', 'default']


logs out the current user

// definition
logout(): Promise<boolean>

// example


fetches a list of processDefinitions. These can be used to start a new process. See here for details on IPagination<T>.

// definition
getProcessDefList(limit?: number, offset?: number): Promise<IPagination<IProcessDefEntity>>

// example
const list = await consumerClient.getProcessDefList();

/* list:
{ count: 2,
  offset: 0,
  limit: 'ALL',
  data: [{
    id: '5c64bfbc-45c1-4dd8-a69d-325e8610d6bd',
    name: 'Prozess erstellen',
    key: 'CreateProcessDef',
    defId: 'Definitions_1',
    xml: 'SOME_LONG_STRING',
    path: '/Users/heiko/Desktop/Projekte/BPMN/process_engine_meta/process_repository/bpmn/createProcessDef.bpmn',
    category: 'internal',
    module: 'process_engine',
    readonly: null,
    version: '1.0.0',
    counter: 0,
    nodeDefCollection: [Object],
    flowDefCollection: [Object],
    laneCollection: [Object]
  }, {
    id: 'f1a8b520-f983-4ba6-8485-f8d7c331df9a',
    name: 'Reservierungsprozess',
    key: 'reservation',
    defId: 'Definitions_1',
    xml: 'SOME_LONG_STRING',
    extensions: [Object],
    internalName: 'reservationProcess',
    path: null,
    category: 'internal',
    module: null,
    readonly: null,
    version: '1.0.0',
    counter: 0,
    nodeDefCollection: [Object],
    flowDefCollection: [Object],
    laneCollection: [Object]


Starts a new Instance of the process with the given Id

startProcessById(processDefId: string): Promise<ProcessInstanceId>

const processInstanceId = await consumerClient.startProcessById('5c64bfbc-45c1-4dd8-a69d-325e8610d6bd');

// processInstanceId: '6b1c43ae-bcc6-4ec5-adf1-3350916feaf7


Starts a new Instance of the process with the given key

startProcessById(processDefKey: string): Promise<ProcessInstanceId>

const processInstanceId = await consumerClient.startProcessByKey('CreateProcessDef');

// processInstanceId: '6b1c43ae-bcc6-4ec5-adf1-3350916feaf7


fetches the list of available userTasks. See here for details on IPagination<T>.

// definition
getUserTaskList(limit?: number, offset?: number): Promise<IPagination<IUserTaskEntity>>

// example
const userTaskList = await consumerClient.getUserTaskList()

/* userTaskList:
{ count: 3,
  offset: 0,
  limit: 'ALL',
  data: [{
    id: 'b061e1ee-217c-4e04-b260-16090ad410f4',
    name: 'Wähle Fzg.-Klasse',
    key: 'ut_WaehleKlasse',
    type: 'bpmn:UserTask',
    state: 'end',
    participant: '653ecef5-2458-4342-a03f-caba222ca360',
    application: null,
    processToken: [Object],
    instanceCounter: 0,
    nodeDef: [Object],
    process: [Object]
  }, { id: 'f4def4dc-b454-4a36-b4b0-42865141a061',
    name: 'Wähle Fzg.-Klasse',
    key: 'ut_WaehleKlasse',
    type: 'bpmn:UserTask',
    state: 'end',
    participant: null,
    application: null,
    processToken: [Object],
    instanceCounter: 0,
    nodeDef: [Object],
    process: [Object]
  }, { id: '11de295d-a592-467a-ab5d-e49bdcb0ceaf',
    name: 'Wähle Fzg.-Klasse',
    key: 'ut_WaehleKlasse',
    type: 'bpmn:UserTask',
    state: 'wait',
    participant: null,
    application: null,
    processToken: [Object],
    instanceCounter: 0,
    nodeDef: [Object],
    process: [Object]


fetches the list of currently waiting userTasks that belong to the processDefinition with a given Id. See here for details on IPagination<T>.

// definition
getUserTaskListByProcessDefId(processDefId: string, limit?: number, offset?: number): Promise<IPagination<IUserTaskEntity>>

// example
const userTaskList = await consumerClient.getUserTaskListByProcessDefId('f1a8b520-f983-4ba6-8485-f8d7c331df9a')

/* userTaskList:
  count: 0,
  offset: 0,
  limit: 'ALL',
  data: []


fetches the list of available userTasks that belong to the processInstance with a given Id. See here for details on IPagination<T>.

// definition
getUserTaskListByProcessInstanceId(processDefId: string, limit?: number, offset?: number): Promise<IPagination<IUserTaskEntity>>

// example
const userTaskList = await consumerClient.getUserTaskListByProcessInstanceId('645f9869-9b59-4a15-99ee-7a54bbe43aca')

/* userTaskList:
{ count: 2,
  offset: 0,
  limit: 'ALL',
  data: [{
    id: '7bc9457e-7f3a-42b7-9370-2cfc3b91262e',
    name: 'Wähle Fzg.-Klasse',
    key: 'ut_WaehleKlasse',
    type: 'bpmn:UserTask',
    state: 'end',
    participant: null,
    application: null,
    processToken: [Object],
    instanceCounter: 0,
    nodeDef: [Object],
    process: [Object]
  }, {
    id: '4fc24300-5c65-48b7-9b2e-9e2f055490e8',
    name: 'Reservierung abschliessen',
    key: 'ut_Buche',
    type: 'bpmn:UserTask',
    state: 'end',
    participant: null,
    application: null,
    processToken: [Object],
    instanceCounter: 0,
    nodeDef: [Object],
    process: [Object]


fetches the userTaskConfig of the userTask with a given Id. This userTaskConfig is basically all the interpreted and ready-to-go info you need, to display a userTask on the screen

// definition
getUserTaskConfig(userTaskId: UserTaskId): Promise<IUserTaskConfig>

// example
const userTaskConfig = await consumerClient.getUserTaskConfig('11de295d-a592-467a-ab5d-e49bdcb0ceaf'))
/* userTaskConfig:
  userTaskEntity: [Object],
  id: '11de295d-a592-467a-ab5d-e49bdcb0ceaf',
  title: 'Wähle Fzg.-Klasse',
  widgetType: 'form',
  widgetConfig: {
    fields: [


Tells the process-engine, that a userTask has been finished, an that the corresponding processInstance can continue

// definition
proceedUserTask(finishedTask: IUserTaskConfig, proceedAction?: UserTaskProceedAction): Promise<void>

// example
// start a new reservation-process
const processInstanceId = await clientInstance.startProcessByKey('reservation');

// get the list of userTasks for that process
let continueReservationTaskList = await clientInstance.getUserTaskListByProcessInstanceId(processInstanceId);

// get the userTaskConfig for the newest userTask
const newestReservationTask = continueReservationTaskList.data[continueReservationTaskList.data.length - 1];
const continueReservationTaskConfig = await clientInstance.getUserTaskConfig(newestReservationTask.id);

// update a value in that userTask, and tell the process-engine to continue
continueReservationTaskConfig.widgetConfig.fields[0].value = 'smallClass';
await clientInstance.proceedUserTask(continueReservationTaskConfig, 'proceed');


Tells the process-engine to abort a userTask. This will only work, if the corresponding event is modeled on the userTask you're about to cancel

// definition
cancelUserTask(userTaskToCancel: IUserTaskConfig): Promise<void>;

// example
// start a new createProcess-process
const processInstanceId = await clientInstance.startProcessByKey('CreateProcessDef');

// get the userTaskConfig for the newest userTask
const newestCreateProcessTask = continueReservationTaskList.data[continueReservationTaskList.data.length - 1];
const createProcessTaskConfig = await clientInstance.getUserTaskConfig(newestCreateProcessTask.id);

// change your mind, and tell the process-engine to cancel the userTask
await clientInstance.cancelUserTask(createProcessTaskConfig);


the ConsumerClient extends EventEmitter2, so you can register callbacks to be called when events happen. See EventEmitter2's documentation on how to register and unregister events.


Fires, when the process-engine decided, that you could display a userTask

consumerClient.on('renderUserTask', (userTaskConfig) => {
  // do something with the userTaskConfig


Fires, when the process-engine notified you, that a process ended. The process-engine doesn't tell us what process ended but using the internal participantId, the consumerClient can find that out if it interacted with that process before

consumerClient.on('processEnd', (processInstanceId) => {
  // Process with processInstanceId ended.
  // processInstanceId might be undefined, if the consumerClient
  // couldn't deduce it from the participantId


Every message the consumerClient receives from the process-engine via messagebus and that is not interpreted to be a renderUserTask or processEnd message, is forwarded to you. The name of the event will be the name of the channel the message was received on, but you can use wildcards to get all the messages

consumerClient.on('*', (messagebusMessage) => {
  // get all the messages for me, even when they are not 'renderUserTask' or 'processEnd'

About pagination

Any method that returns a IPagination<T> object will accept limit and offset parameters. You can use them to specify how many items you want in the resulting list. When limit is not given all items will be returned.