0.7.0 • Published 13 days ago

@project-lakechain/layers v0.7.0

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13 days ago

:package: Layer Library

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!Warning The Layer Library package has an unstable API and should not be used in a production environment. It should be assumed that the API will undergo heavy changes in upcoming versions.


The Layer Library provides a set of Lambda Layers constructs that are used as part of Project Lakechain .

It currently supports the following layers :



Below is an example of how to use the MediaInfo layer.

import { MediaInfoLayer } from '@project-lakechain/layers/mediainfo';

class MyStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
    super(scope, id);

    // X64 architecture.
    const layer = MediaInfoLayer.x64(this, 'Layer');

    // ARM64 architecture.
    const layer = MediaInfoLayer.arm64(this, 'Layer');

AWS Powertools

Below is an example of hoe to use the AWS Powertools layer within a construct.

import { PowerToolsLayer } from '@project-lakechain/layers/powertools';

class MyStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
    super(scope, id);

    // Powertools for TypeScript
    const layer = PowerToolsLayer.typescript().layer(this, 'Layer');

    // Powertools for Lambda (x64).
    const layer = PowerToolsLayer.python().x64(this, 'Layer');

    // Powertools for Lambda (arm64).
    const layer = PowerToolsLayer.python().arm64(this, 'Layer');


Below is an example of hoe to use the Sharp layer within a construct.

import { SharpLayer } from '@project-lakechain/layers/sharp';

class MyStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
    super(scope, id);

    // X64 architecture.
    const layer = SharpLayer.arm64(this, 'Layer');