1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

@pvermeer/testing-symantic-release v1.0.0

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5 years ago

Dexie Encryption Plugin

NPM Version Build Status semantic-release

Install over npm

npm install TODO

Encrypt your data the Dexie way!

Plugin is written to be as easy to use as Dexie.js itself. Using $ on your keys will encrypt this key. Using # on the first key will hash this key with the document on creation. This will create an unique primary key based on the document itself.

Added Schema Syntax

$Encrypt this value
#Only as first key: Hash input document and index the hash

Example (ES2016 / ES7)

import Dexie from 'dexie';
import { dexie-encrypted } from 'TODO';
import { Encryption } from 'TODO';

// Generate a random key
const secret = Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey();

// Declare Database
const db = new Dexie("FriendDatabase", {
    addons: [dexie-encrypted.setOptions({ secretKey: secret })]
db.version(1).stores({ friends: "#id, $name, $shoeSize, age" });

// Wait for open
db.open().then(() => {
// Use Dexie

Example (Typescript)

import Dexie from 'dexie';
import { dexie-encrypted } from 'TODO';
import { Encryption } from 'TODO';

interface Friend {
    id?: number;
    name?: string;
    shoeSize?: number;
    age?: number;

// Generate a random key
const secret = Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey();

// Declare Database
class FriendsDatabase extends Dexie {
    public friends: Dexie.Table<Friend, string>;
    constructor(name: string, secret?: string) {
        dexie-encrypted(this, { secretKey: secret });
            friends: '#id, $name, $shoeSize, age'

const db = new FriendDatabase('FriendsDatabase', secret);

// Wait for open
db.open().then(() => {
// Use Dexie


The packet exposes two exports:

dexie-encrypted - addon

 * @secretKey Your previously saved secret.
 * @immutable Set to false to disable immutable state on document creation and updates.
interface EncryptedOptions {
    secretKey?: string;
    immutable?: boolean;
 * @method setOptions(string) Set options and return the addon.
 * @param options Set secret key and / or immutable create methods.
 * @returns The secret key (provided or generated)
function encrypted(db: Dexie, options?: EncryptedOptions): string;
 * Namespace to set options and return the addon function when used in (ES2016 / ES7)
namespace encrypted {
    function setOptions(options: EncryptedOptions): string;

Encryption - class

 * Class with cryptic methods
class Encryption {
    readonly secret: string;
    readonly secretUint8Array: Uint8Array;
     * Create a random key.
    static createRandomEncryptionKey(): string;
     * Create a base64 hash string of the provided input.
     * @param input Any non-circulair value.
    static hash(input: any): string;
     * Encrypt any value.
     * @param json Any non-circulair value.
     * @param key Secret key to encrypt with.
    constructor(secret?: string);


Dexie.js is a wrapper library for indexedDB - the standard database in the browser. http://dexie.org