1.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

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React NPM package boilerplate

Boilerplate for building a react component as NPM package.

⚡️ Build NPM modules for your ReactJS project incredibly fast.

✅ ES5, ES6 compatible

✅ ReactJS ^16.6.1

➡️ How to start?

  1. Clone project into your working directory using

ssh: git clone git@github.com:bllago/react-npm-package-boilerplate.git


https: git clone https://github.com/bllago/react-npm-package-boilerplate.git

  1. Switch to the react-npm-package-boilerplate directory

cd react-npm-package-boilerplate

  1. Run

npm install


yarn install

  1. Open react-npm-package-boilerplate /src/index.js in your favorite IDE and start work on your awesome NPM package

➡️ How to change GIT remote origin?

  1. Run git remote remove origin
  2. Run git remote add origin <link_to_your_repo_here>

➡️ How to build component?

  1. Just run npm run build or yarn build. After that, you will see generated index.js file in your root folder (react-npm-package-boilerplate/)

➡️ How to test component locally?

  1. Get your NPM package (project) path. Run pwd in your terminal and copy path

  2. Create test project. Run:

npx create-react-app my-test-project

  1. Swith to the my-test-project directory:

cd my-test-project

  1. Run:

yarn add <paste copied path here>

  1. Import component

import Component from 'react-npm-package-boilerplate'

<Component />

  1. Success

➡️ How to add peerDependencies?

  1. Open package.json file, find "peerDependencies" section and add dependencies there

➡️ How to publish NPM package

Step 1: Use publishConfig option in your package.json

"publishConfig": { "registry": "https://npm.pkg.github.com/" }

Step 2: Authenticate

$ npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/

Step 3: Publish

$ npm publish

➡️ Troubleshooting

How to handle peer dependencies when developing modules

➡️ Contribution

If you're reading this, you're awesome! Thank you for helping us make this project great. Here are a few guidelines that will help you along the way.

Contributor covenant

How to contribute to an open-source project on Github

➡️ Inspired by

Manoj Singh Negi

➡️ License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.