1.0.6 • Published 11 months ago

@rabi_roshan/react-feature-flipper v1.0.6

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Last release
11 months ago


Effortlessly manage feature flags in React. react-feature-flipper simplifies flag distribution and control across your application, providing an intuitive and efficient solution for feature toggling.


  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with any React project.
  • Dynamic Flag Management: Allows for flexible and dynamic control of feature visibility within your application.
  • Context-Based: Utilizes React's context API for efficient flag state management.
  • Custom Hooks: Provides useFlags hook for easy access to flag state and control within components.


npm install @rabi_roshan/react-feature-flipper


yarn add @rabi_roshan/react-feature-flipper


Basic Usage

import React from "react";
import { FlagsProvider, Flipper } from "@rabi_roshan/react-feature-flipper";

const App = () => {
  return (
    <FlagsProvider flags={{ feature1: true }}>
      <Flipper authorizedFlags={["feature1"]}>
        <div>Feature 1 is active!</div>

export default App;

Advanced Usage

Using useFlags Hook

import React from "react";
import { useFlags, FlagsProvider } from "@rabi_roshan/react-feature-flipper";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { flags, setFlags } = useFlags();

  // Example usage of the flags
  return (
      {flags.feature1 && <p>Feature 1 is active!</p>}
      <button onClick={() => setFlags({ ...flags, feature1: !flags.feature1 })}>
        Toggle Feature 1

const App = () => (
  <FlagsProvider flags={{ feature1: false }}>
    <MyComponent />

export default App;

Using requireAllFlags

By default, Flipper checks if at least one of the authorizedFlags is true. Use requireAllFlags to render content only if all specified flags are true.

<Flipper authorizedFlags={["feature1", "feature2"]} requireAllFlags>
  <div>All required features are active!</div>

Using onNoMatchRender

Customize rendering when the flag conditions aren't met using onNoMatchRender. It provides arrays of matched and unmatched flags.

  onNoMatchRender={(matched, unmatched) => (
    <div>Feature 1 is not active. Unmatched Flags: {unmatched.join(", ")}</div>
  <div>Feature 1 is active!</div>

Using onMatchRender

Define custom rendering for when flag conditions are met with onMatchRender. Note that onMatchRender is mutually exclusive with children.

  onMatchRender={(matched, unmatched) => (
      Feature 1 is active and custom rendered! Matched Flags:{" "}
      {matched.join(", ")}


react-feature-flipper is MIT licensed.