0.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

@radutils/config-builder v0.1.1

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1 year ago

@radutils ConfigBuilder

npm install @radutils/config-builder@beta

@radutils ConfigBuilder provides a type-safe way of compiling configuration options from multiple sources for your application. It separates the configuration definition from the source or sources allowing you to construct configuration objects declaratively and separated from where values come from and how they are retrieved. It also enables you to construct different configuration objects for multiple scenarios based on the same sources. Each build function will use separate instances of the sources thus avoiding collisions when running async code.

Info: Although the version is not explicitly tagged with beta it is still sub 1.0 and should be regarded as unstable for how. I do think I've landed on a decent API, but I'm open to suggestions for improvements.


// Import what we need to get started
import { ConfigBuilder } from "@radutils/config-builder"
import { EnvConfigSource } from "@radutils/config-builder/sources"
import { asList } from "@radutils/config-builder/formatters"

// Create an async function where we can build our configuration
const start = async () => {
  // Initialize source and builder
  const environmentVariableSource = new EnvConfigSource()
  const builder = new ConfigBuilder([environmentVariableSource])

  // Create our configuration using a build function passed to the builder
  const config = await builder.build((req, opt) => {
    return {
      // This value is required so we define it using "req". If the value is not found the builder will throw an error.
      nodeEnv: req("NODE_ENV"),

      //EnvConfigSource will normalize this name for us
      userName: req("userName"),
      domain: req("userdomain"),

      // Create any object structure you like
      environment: {
        // Paths is a long string of multiple values separated by ;
        // Use asList to split the string into a string array
        paths: req("PATH", asList()),

        // Specify an optional key, if it does not exist this config value will be undefined
        computerName: opt("computerName"),

        // Optional keys can specify a default which is used if no source returns a value for the key
        architecture: opt("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE", "AMD64")

  // If any of the required keys are not present the build call will throw an error and the code will not reach this point

  // Now we can read strongly typed config from our config object:
  console.log(config.nodeEnv) // nodeEnv is inferred to be a "string" (the default)
  console.log(config.environment.paths) // This would be a string array since we used asList above

  // We can use the same builder to create another config object if we want
  const frontEndConfig = await builder.build((req) => {
    return {
      runtimeEnv: req("NODE_ENV"),
      currentUserName: req("USERNAME")

  // This config object is different, but compiled from the same sources as the first one.


The basic example describes how to set up a very simple configuration loader. More examples can be found in the examples folder.


The thee core concepts you will be working with when using this library are the ConfigBuilder, the config builder function and config sources. Together they provide a way for you to declaratively build strongly typed configuration objects.

Config Builder

The ConfigBuilder class orchestrates building configuration objects using different sources and build functions. To build configurations you create an instance of the ConfigBuilder class and provide it with a set of sources that control where configuration values can come from.

Config Builder Function

The config builder function is a plain javascript function that describes how you want your configuration object to look. It specifies where configuration values are supposed to be placed and what type they should be and returns the object for the ConfigBuilder to populate using data from the config sources. It does this by using either of the two function arguments it is provided by the ConfigurationBuilder class instance.

const config = await builder.build((required, optional) => {
  return {
    foo: required("foo"),
    bar: {
      baz: optional("bar", "hey")

Config sources

The ConfigBuilder class uses config sources to resolve configuration keys defined in the config builder function. When you create a new instance you also specify which sources the builder should look for values in and the order they should be used. The first one in order that returns a value for a key will "win" and that value will be placed in the config object.

const builder = new ConfigBuilder([source1, source2, source3, source4])

Configuration sources

The library comes with a few configuration sources and some other first party ones are provided as separate packages. Below is a list of known ones.

EnvConfigSourceLoads configurations from environment variables.
JSONConfigSourceLoads configurations from a static json object or using an asynchronous getter function.
CacheConfigSourceThis source caches resolved values and returns them on the next run.
AzureConfigSourceLoads configuration from Azure App Configuration and Azure Key Vault services. Installed separately.

Error handling

All errors that occur within the lifecycle of building configurations will inherit from the ConfigBuilderError base error class. Some of them indicate directly what happened, but others (such as ConfigBuilderResolveValueError) may wrap a generic error.

To handle errors during build you can wrap the build() call in a try/catch block. For most situations the error will be an instance of ConfigBuilderError which can be further narrowed to one of the error classes defined here.


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