0.0.1-alpha.0 • Published 1 month ago

@rbccdx/leoui v0.0.1-alpha.0

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1 month ago


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Combined with the style repository, this creates the full ecosystem for the UI library of components for the Design System of RBC LeoTrade.

@rbccdx/framework-library-vueComponent library in Vue.js.
@rbc-dsse/framework-library-cssBase and component styles using SCSS.


├── framework-library-css
└── LeoUI

Folder structure

/_templates/                            # contains the Hygen generator templates (https://www.hygen.io/).
/cypress/                               # contains configuration for Cypress and E2E testing.
/src/                                   # contains the source code.
├── components/                         # contains the source code for the components and modules.
│   └── NameOfComponent
│       ├── index.js                    # for deployment purposes.
│       ├── NameOfComponent.example.vue # contains the example of the component.
│       ├── NameOfComponent.props.ts    # contains component props.
│       ├── NameOfComponent.specs.js    # contains component e2e tests.
│       ├── NameOfComponent.test.ts     # contains component unit tests.
│       ├── NameOfComponent.stories.ts  # contains component documentation.
│       └── NameOfComponent.vue         # contains the main Vue component.
├── composables/                        # contains composables shared among the components.
├── utils/                              # contains utilities exported for the library.
└── views/                              # contains pages for the example site.

Install dependencies

npm install

Compile and hot-reload for development

npm run dev

Compile and minify for production

npm run build

Update code coverage badges

npm run test:coverage
npx istanbul-badges-readme