0.1.12 • Published 4 months ago

@rbxts/wired v0.1.12

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4 months ago

Wired is a lightweight remote wrapper for Roblox

Wired abstracts roblox remotes for you to use them in Roblox-ts offering fully typed remotes you can use in your project!

Changelog 0.1.0

  • Added FakeFire(player) for simulating a player firing a ClientEvent for testing purposes
  • Added FakeCall(player) for simulating a player calling a ServerAsync for testing purposes, returns what the server returned
  • Added FakeFire() for simulating the server firing a ServerEvent for testing purposes
  • Changed function name from DefineRemotes() to DeclareRemotes()
  • Added OnPrepared signal

Declaring your remotes

First declare your remotes with const remotes = DeclareRemotes(name, declaration). You might want to export the returned value to be used somewhere else. It's important that the export is available for both Server and Client

import { DeclareRemotes } from "@rbxts/wired";

export const Remotes = DeclareRemotes("Remotes", {
	//Your declarations here

const ServerRemotes = Remotes.Server;
const ClientRemotes = Remotes.Client;

We can define as much remotes as we want in different files. This can be useful for modularity, but, depending on your project, creating everything in the same file might be easier to manage

Constructing the Roblox instances

After we declared our remotes, it's important that we construct the corresponding roblox RemoteEvent and RemoteFunction instances. For this we are gonna call Remotes.Server.Construct() on the Server. (If we use DeclareRemotes() on more files, you need to call it on each one)

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

//Created instances can be found in ReplicatedStorage._wired

We can use these declarations before the instances have been constructed and anything we do will be queued up until the instances exist. If an action has been queued up for more than 7 seconds, wired will warn about it.

This is mainly so we can get our remotes at the top of our scripts without wired yielding or erroring if the instances haven't been created. It's recommended to call Construct() as soon as possible.

Replicating Remotes to the Client

When our remotes have been created on the Server, we need the client to wait for these instances before using them. For this we need to call Remotes.Client.Prepare() this function returns a Promise that resolves when all the instances are ready to be used

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

Remotes.Client.Prepare().andThen(() => {
	print("Instances are ready!");
//Created instances can be found in ReplicatedStorage._wired

Similar to Server, anything we do will be queued up until the instances exist, wired will warn you if it's been waiting for more than 7 seconds. It's recommended to call Remotes.Client.Prepare as soon as possible. You can use the returned promise for creating a loading screen

    In the Server context Remotes.Client will be nil, and similarly In the Client Remotes.Server wil be nil. Roblox-ts wont be able to check this

Using your remotes

We can use Remotes.Get(remote: string) to find a remote Let's see all the remotes we can create

import { DeclareRemotes, ServerAsync, ServerEvent, ClientEvent, RemoteEvent } from "@rbxts/wired";

export const Remotes = DeclareRemotes("Remotes", {
	DoubleNumber: ServerAsync<(num: number) => number>(),
	OnDamageTaken: ServerEvent<(damage: number) => void>(),
	OnPlayerLoaded: ClientEvent<() => void>(),

	//First generic is for server, second one for client
	OnMessageSent: RemoteEvent<(from: Player, msg: string) => void, (msg: string) => void>(),
    The generic you give for the remotes is useful for type inference, but wired will not typecheck the remotes on runtime. Any check needs to be done by you to avoid exploiters


RemoteFunction that clients can call to the server expecting it to return something

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

const DoubleNumber = Remotes.Get("DoubleNumber");
DoubleNumber.SetCallback((player, num) => {
	return num * 2;

AsyncFunction.CallServer(5).andThen((double) => print(double)); //10


RemoteEvent that a server can fire to clients

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

const OnDamageTaken = Remotes.Get("OnDamageTaken");
OnDamageTaken.FirePlayer(player, 50);
OnDamageTaken.FireExcept(player, 50);
OnDamageTaken.FireFor((p) => {
	//return true to fire, false to omit
	return p == player;
}, 50);

const connection = OnDamageTaken.Connect((damage) => {
	print("Ouch!", damage);


RemoteEvent that clients can fire to the server

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

const OnPlayerLoaded = Remotes.Get("OnPlayerLoaded");
const connection = OnPlayerLoaded.Connect((player) => {
	print("Player is ready to play!");

const OnPlayerLoaded = Remotes.Get("OnPlayerLoaded"); //we can do this even if it's not prepared yet

game.IsLoaded() || game.Loaded.Wait();



Bidirectional RemoteEvent that both the Server and Client can Fire or Connect. Methods like FireAll, FireExcept, FireFor are available here for the server too

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

const OnMessageSent = Remotes.Get("OnMessageSent");
OnMessageSent.Connect((player, msg) => {
	OnMessageSent.FireExcept(player, msg);


OnMessageSent.Connect((player, msg) => {
	print(player.Name, "says:", msg);


Namespaces are useful for grouping your remotes, you can create namespaces directly inside of your remote declarations, and you can create namespaces inside namespaces.

You can separate namespaces in different files as an alternative to calling DeclareRemotes() on different files

import { DeclareRemotes, Namespace, ServerAsync } from "@rbxts/wired";

export const Remotes = DeclareRemotes("Remotes", {
	ShopRemotes: Namespace({
		BuyRequest: ServerAsync(),
	GameplayRemotes: Namespace({
		//Remotes here
	NamespaceRemotes: Namespace({
		SubNamespace1: Namespace({
			//Remotes here
		SubNamespace2: Namespace({
			//Remotes here

You can access these namespaces with the Remotes.Namespace() method

import { Remotes } from ""; //Remote Declarations path

const ShopRemotes = Remotes.Server.Namespace("ShopRemotes");
const BuyRequest = ShopRemotes.Get("BuyRequest");

const ShopRemotes = Remotes.Client.Namespace("ShopRemotes");
const BuyRequest = ShopRemotes.Get("BuyRequest");

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