0.5.6 • Published 3 years ago
@rdf-esm/formats-common v0.5.6
This module bundles parsers and serializers for the most common RDF formats. Instances of SinkMap are used to handle different media types.
Fork alert :exclamation:
This package is an ES Modules fork of @rdfjs/formats-common.
It uses a lazy version of SinkMap
to dynamically load the sinks.
This way bundlers like webpack will create chunks for them and only load them when they are first needed.
The formats object has a parsers
and serializers
Each of it is an instance of SinkMap
with the most common RDF media types as key.
const formats = require('@rdfjs/formats-common')
const Readable = require('stream').Readable
const input = new Readable({
read: () => {
PREFIX s: <http://schema.org/>
[] a s:Person ;
s:jobTitle "Professor" ;
s:name "Jane Doe" ;
s:telephone "(425) 123-4567" ;
s:url <http://www.janedoe.com> .
const output = formats.parsers.import('text/turtle', input)
output.on('data', quad => {
console.log(`quad: ${quad.subject.value} - ${quad.predicate.value} - ${quad.object.value}`)
output.on('prefix', (prefix, ns) => {
console.log(`prefix: ${prefix} ${ns.value}`)